This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1805 Bear the humiliation and bear the burden of Malphite

Rookie was caught in the middle lane, and Cuzz couldn't do much more after clearing the first round of wild monsters and pushing a wave of minions down the lane.

After all, the combination of EZ+Kalma is good for laning, but it doesn't have the ability to cooperate with the jungler to keep people first.

Looking back, Rookie was GANKed by the blind monk again in more than four minutes.

This time Jace flashed decisively.

"It's not greedy to flash directly! Rookie also knows that after being knocked out of the state, flashing again will not be able to match the line."

"Little Peanut's rhythm is very good in the early stage! After the blind monk beat Lan, he didn't even try to compete with Lilia for the crab. He went around and grabbed a wave of opportunities to successfully force Jess to flash."

Seeing the rapid effect of GEN·G's middle-field linkage in this round, Zeyuan felt relaxed with the naked eye.

1 minute in jail, 3 minutes out.

What you play is heartbeat.

Peanut, as an experienced veteran, has a strong ability to adjust. Last year in KT, he paid more attention to the protection of the top lane. When he came to GEN·G this year, he immediately transformed into a rhythm dominated by the middle and wild in the early stage. .

Although he is an old teammate with Chaowei, Peanut's linkage with Chaowei last year is far less close than this year's GEN·G.

However, GEN·G's middle and wild rhythm is leading, and Dolan is in jail on the top road.

The camera cuts, and the remaining blood of the stone man has shrunk under the tower and returned to the city.

Lin Cheng's Urgot didn't come home, and his blood volume was still healthy.

The Golem does not have a comet, and the power consumption is not strong. Dolan's Q consumption was blocked by Urgot's E skill shield twice, and the distance spray was passive. The Golem's blood volume dropped rapidly instead.

After that, Dolan didn't want to waste it anymore, and started to mix carefully.

But Urgot had a long hand, and Lin Cheng took advantage of the range to make the stone man uncomfortable even if he was in front of the tower, and was finally beaten home 5 minutes ago.

A large wave of soldiers entered the tower, Lin Cheng ate a layer of tapestry and went home and took out a war hammer and a long sword.

And the stone man with only 15 last hits came back with red crystals and small green bottles on his body.

The real jail time begins after the road alignment.

The situation was different from what was expected in the opening commentary. The junglers of both sides did not take care of the road too much in this round.

Rookie didn't flash and Cuzz had to try his best to protect Jace from the center, while Peanut couldn't see the road at all. Neither the pawn line nor the state of the stone man supported the blind monk to have any ideas about Urgot.

At 6 and a half minutes, Little Peanut activated Xiaolong by relying on the middle and lower line power.

KT did not force the past to compete.

Jess didn't dodge and was temporarily pushed to the line. He didn't dare to lean towards the dark river. The fox has a strong ability to attack first with his big move.

In this way, Little Peanut successfully captured Xiaolong.

Cuzz is also very spiritual, and immediately leaned on the road.

The top line was really unfriendly to the Golems. At the beginning of 7 minutes, Lilia came up and prepared to cooperate with Lin Cheng to attack the half-blood Golems under the tower.

Coming out of the stone man's bushes, Lilia Q started to speed up and pull the aggro of the defensive tower, and Urgot gave E.

Dolando dodges Urgot E and pulls away to the right first.

Lin Cheng backhanded W and sprayed off the two red Fang Xiaobing, just in time for Lilia to reach the sixth level.

Ye Lanyao cooperated with the fear beyond death to complete the long-distance beheading.

Wanwan: "KT is so disciplined! Xiaolong is not easy to compete with Cuzz and immediately came to the road to find opportunities. This wave of opportunities is very good."

"The main reason is that Dolan was suppressed too badly. The yellow eye can only be placed on the triangle grass, but this eye was just blocked by Brother Cheng with the control guard in advance. As a result, he couldn't run away when he saw Lilia the stone man."

Zeyuan answered: "But this wave actually seems to be okay! Dolan would rather use flash to escape than turn in his ultimate move, and the vanguard group will still have to fight later."

"Although the stone man is dead, and Tapi will drop two more floors, but changing two big moves to the next wave may be an opportunity for GEN G."

"Dolan! Endurance will pay off."

As soon as Zeyuan Jinkou opened, the script seemed to have been written.

Bottom lane female policewoman + Lacus leveled up and it became easier to push the line. Beryl's Karma chose to leave EZ first and lean towards the upper half.

Mr. Dai can only shrink under the tower and wait for the opponent's duo to push the line.

Since it is not the forward pressure of the cannon lane, even if it is 2v1, it will not get much plating, and GEN·G immediately leans up after dealing with the pawn line in the bottom lane.

"Cuzz Pioneer is halfway through, but the female police officer Lux will arrive first, and EZ is still on the next route."

"Does Pioneer still play? KT is fighting 4 against 5."

"Besides, Lilia and Urgot are not big, and Jess is born not big. KT doesn't even have a big move here. How can this group take over?"

In the first moment, the KT team has already judged that this wave of team battles cannot be accepted.

Beryl commanded to release the Vanguard.

But Cuzz thinks that the vanguard's HP can be destroyed before the opponent closes.

Even if you can't pick up the vanguard when you play the vanguard, you can't let the opponent take the vanguard.

"Try it! Run when you hit the vanguard, don't be left behind."

Therefore, Lilia and Jess pulled the vanguard to the intersection of the blue zone to focus fire, and Karma covered the flank.

Lin Cheng's Urgot blocked the red triangle grass, cutting off the way the stone man came.

"Little Peanut Q has arrived, but he is not in a hurry, he is waiting for his teammates!"

"Pioneer can give it to you, GEN·G just wants to form a team, KT may explode when everyone gathers around!"

"But Dolan! You have to rely first, stone man, come here!"

The female policewoman Lacus has entered the upper river and has completed the rendezvous with the blind fox monk.

Finally, Pioneer roared.

The positions of the three KT Nakanosuke brothers were squeezed together, the fox rushed forward with a big move, and hit Karma with a charming shot.

On the control link, Karma died instantly.

The fox spirit raid continued to pursue.

But Rookie's Jayce retreats quickly when he opens the accelerator door, and it is not easy to keep Jayce under the condition of the fox's E skill CD.

Cuzz saw the blind monk touching his eyes and approached him, and directly handed in a dodge, not giving the opponent R a chance to dodge his hand.

Both brothers were driven from the wild area to the direction of the first tower of their home.

On the other side, the stone man that Zeyuan placed high hopes on was defended by Lin Cheng Urgart alone.

The pawn line was suppressed and the position was blocked by Urgot. The stone man was blocked by Urgot and repelled when he wanted to go to the river at the first time.

After his teammates opened up, Dolan leaned towards the river for the second time, but was hit by Urgotka's corner vision E skill,
Lin Cheng spirals W to clean up and start sweeping.

Dolan originally wanted to take advantage of Urgot's damage to reconcile with his teammates, but after walking a few steps, he realized that he was about to be solo killed, so he hurriedly ran away.

Lin Cheng chased away the stone man, and immediately turned around from the line to his own tower.

At this time, Jess and Lilia were driven from the wild area to the first tower on the road. Both of them lost a lot of blood. The policewoman let the bullets fly and almost killed Rookie.

If there are only Jess and Lilia under this wave of towers, even if there is no pawn line GEN G, they can force four and two, and the fox is still holding a big move to wait for E to take the lead.

But Lin Cheng's Urgot happened to be back under the tower.

Peanut ordered to give up the attack.

Dare to cross Lin Cheng's tower, do you lose your life?

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