This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1806 Kill Combo!The prison door is welded shut!

"Chaowei opened up the group!"

"Karma falls first, and this wave can still be chased! Where's Dolan? You come here and fight! What is Dolan doing?"

Because the director's perspective is positive, it is very urgent not to see the stone man Zeyuan for a long time.

Lilia was also forced to dodge and flee side by side with Jess. If the stone man hit the big KT in the front, it would blow up.

"Ha! The stone man ran away with his ult, and Brother Cheng succeeded in singles against Dolan!"

Wan Wan has sharp eyes, and stared at the mini-map when fighting head-on, noticing that the head of the stone man was drifting.

Zeyuan: "What a great's a pity! GEN·G can't cross the tower with three people in a group. It's a bit too much without a line of troops... But it's okay! Both sides can accept."

"When the opponent's bot lane team moved first, it didn't give the first vanguard of the female police system. It's really okay for KT."

"It's not a loss for GEN G to take a head here and prevent the opponent from picking up the Eye of the Vanguard."

Wan Wan: "But in fact, GEN·G can earn more. 5 vs. 4 and KT's upper, middle and field all have no big moves. In a normal fight, KT can run one. It's not bad. Only one death is too acceptable."

Zeyuan was helpless: "There is no way! If the stone man is in the front, it is definitely a nuclear bomb-level strategic weapon. As a result, Dolan was single-handedly defended by Brother Orange. The big move saved in the last wave of life is still used to run away."

"I was expecting the Golem to endure humiliation in the lane and destroy the opponent with a wave of deadly headbutts in the team battle. In the end, Dolan, you did this?"

The battle of the nine people above was thunderous and rainy, but Mr. Dai EZ took the opportunity to push the line back and rubbed against a layer of tapestry.

Due to the fact that he had eaten three layers of tape in the lane, Lin Cheng's black cut for returning home had already been done.

Attack power and HP are the two attributes that benefit Urgot the most, and the advantage of this node black cut is too obvious.

Because there is no specially suitable mythical equipment in this version, Urgot’s first two choices of equipment are mostly black cut and Ju Jiu. Will only consider mythical equipment.

With Heiqie in hand, the pressure on Lin Cheng on the road was infinite.

But he didn't squat on the road to beat the stone man anymore, and moved to the middle road after pushing the line.

This Rookie is more uncomfortable. Lin Cheng wants to help Jess in the middle. It is very important for their lineup to prepare for the damage of Jess in team battles.

Urgot was too bulky. Lin Cheng knew that he might become a target even if he broke through the team battle single-lane. It would be better to radiate the advantage to his teammates if he continued to fight on the road.

At 9 and a half minutes, Lin Cheng hit the first wave, but Chaowei didn't give him a chance.

I went back and pushed a wave of lines, and Urgot came again in more than 10 minutes.

This time, Lin Cheng didn't take the river, and approached his opponent F6 from the wild.

The pawn line just advances to the red square one tower.

Chaoweita's next position gave him a chance, and Urgot directly flashed back to the fox from the E in the F6 pit.

ER must hit, and Urgot breathes fire like crazy.

Jess immediately cut the hammer to make up for the damage.

Although Chaowei immediately dodges and pulls away after the rigidity ends, Urgot's explosion in costume is too high, and he has already cooperated with Jess to overwhelm the fox below the killing line.

Executions beyond fear of death.

"Old Song Tapi for you to eat!"

After killing someone, Lin Cheng didn't touch the tower, and immediately retreated back to the city, and stood guard for Rookie by the way.

Jess took the line of soldiers and ate two layers of Tapi alone in front.

Wanwan: "Brother Chengzi again! The consequences of GEN·G being pierced on the road are revealed! Chaowei can defend against the first wave but not the second wave. Who would have thought that Urgot would come over from his own F6 partition to go first ah?"

"And Brother Chengzi is a good team! Let Jess eat this tapi alone."

Zeyuan: "Chaowei said it's not fair! Last year in KT, I went to the road to help you eat tapas. Why did you come to help the mid laner eat tapes this year when I was gone? What do you mean?"

Although the rhythm was uncomfortable in the early stage, Rookie's development has been fully recovered after eating two layers of tapestry and a wave of lines without pressure.

In 11 minutes, Rookie Jess pushed the line and turned down, and cooperated with Cuzz to complete the tower jump of the GEN·G duo.

But at this time, something happened to Lin Cheng.

In order to send the army line into Taurgat and did not retreat in time, the blind monk and the fox surrounded him from the river.

Chaowei's two big moves are close to the body, and the face is charming first.

Lin Cheng used the E skill to read the bar to offset the control, trying to fight back against the fox.

But as soon as Urgot carried the fox back, he was hit by the stone man.

Little Peanut was also aggressive when he met Lin Cheng, so he went up to QAREQ to take away Urgot's bounty.

Zeyuan, who had just seen GEN·G being overtaken in the next lane, immediately raised his voice.

"Uncle Seven! Brother Chengzi gave me a chance!"

Wan Wan: "After all, it's a fox! Although the grass in the river has seen the opponent, it's too late for Urgot to run from this position."

Fortunately, the top line of soldiers pushed forward. Although Lin Cheng sent bounties in this wave, the plating of the defensive towers would not drop much. On the contrary, KT completed four jumps and two in the bottom lane and took down the second dragon.

The game is Hextech Dragon Soul, Dragon Soul Terrain brings Hex Flying Gate.

Xiaolong's score was 1:1, and the head count was 5:3. The difference was not big, but Lin Cheng had already pressed nearly [-] knives and three layers of tapes in the top lane, and the GANK in the middle lane just helped Jess eat tapes. The economical blue side leads by nearly [-].

At 13 and a half minutes, Lin Cheng Urgart dismantled the red side's remaining blood and went on the road to the first tower.

Then Lin Cheng switched to the middle lane to help Rookie.

But this time GEN·G was on guard, and the blind monk came out as soon as the two brothers started fighting.

If it's 2v2, it's okay to say, Jess Urgot will fight casually in seconds.

But the duo on the red side has already reached the wild area.

Fox Charm hits Urgot.

The blind monk Q came up and touched the eye to send Urgot into the tower.

Lacus made a big move to block and move, and the policewoman let the bullet fly.

Lin Cheng was killed for the second time.

Zeyuan: "Brother Cheng Zi gave it away! The second-generation pioneer will be refreshed immediately, and the late pioneer can hit the tower. This wave has a big rhythm!"

Wanwan: "The policewoman Lux's ult support is so deadly! KT seems to think that the opponent is going back to the city, and originally expected a 2V2 at most, but unexpectedly turned into a 4V2."

Ze Yuan froze: "Get out of prison, get out of prison!"

Seeing that his partner was also playing tricks, Wanwan smiled, a little bit unconvinced.

Lin Cheng has no TP, and from GEN·G's point of view, the opponents should not compete for the vanguard, so there are not many people covering the blind monk to play the vanguard except for Lux who is in the river row's vision.

Brother Cuzz keenly grasped the opportunity, knowing that the blind monk didn't have a big move, he rushed straight up to punish and snatched the vanguard.

The people on the other side blocked him from the river, and Cuzz was driven to the upper river before he could pick up the Pioneer's Eye.

Lilia, the silly roe deer, ran really fast. Cuzz was chased and didn't even dodge. He circled around from the red triangle grass and ran into the opponent's wild area.

At this time, a bizarre scene happened.

Lilia took the Hexgate from the back of the Dragon Pit to her blue BUFF.

But when he turned into a ball of light and shuttled across the map, Cuzz actually picked up the Eye of the Pioneer when passing by the Dragon Pit.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zeyuan: "Hey! Pioneer can still pick it up like this? Cuzz has research! Then this kind of GEN·G hurts, little peanut is working for nothing."

Wanwan: "Prison, jail!"

The two poles reversed, and Zeyuan, who was just about to be released from prison, didn't hold back.

Facts have proved that it is really a big rhythm for this pioneer to be picked up by Cuzz.

At 17 minutes, more than ten seconds before the third dragon was refreshed, everyone in KT huddled together in the middle to cover Lilia and release the vanguard.

GEN·G must give up the river channel that he stood in advance, and gather the defensive vanguard to advance forward.

Just when the opponent's tower was concentrated in positions, Cuzz Gelilia rushed to the tower with a very decisive Q flash.

There are four people in the dream full of branches.

The night ballad sang.

Lilia immediately started the stopwatch under the tower to avoid being counter-beated by the opponent.

The four of GEN·G fell into a deep sleep behind the tower, and only the policewoman at the end put a trap at Lilia's feet.

But at this time, pressing the golden body is useless.


Lin Cheng's Urgot shot beyond the fear of death.

Mr. Dai EZ has pulled out a big move.

Jace stepped up and fired.

As soon as Ari was awakened by the poisonous dragon drill, he took the Poke damage of EZ and Jess at the same time.

Pulled beyond the fear of death.

The red side has found something wrong and wants to retreat.

But it was useless for Lin Cheng to give his opponent too many chances to react.

Urgot had a flash of fear for the two of them.

Lilia got up and was imprisoned by the clips, but the female policeman was only running for her life and didn't have time to shoot her head.

Lilia made a Q fly flower tart on the spot.

After being frightened, the stone man didn't even release his ultimate move, and was directly killed.

Pioneer knocked down a tower in the middle of the red side, Karma RE accelerated, and all members of the blue side accelerated.

In a wave of team battles, KT played 0 for 4, and the vanguard directly hit the high ground in the middle of the red side, and took down the third dragon.

"It's exploding! Grapefruit thief! Is it really you who rushed to the tower so decisively?"

"You were not like this in T1 last year! You took off the mask!"

The high-pitched tone of the Chinese-language commentary booth has already explained the situation.

KT won four heads, two towers and a small dragon in one wave, and then changed lanes and easily removed the red side's bottom tower. In just 2 minutes, KT suddenly expanded the economic gap to more than 6000.

This pace is too fast!Many viewers didn't react.

KT with a big advantage began to increase its strength.

The field of view is oppressed, and the line is invaded.

GEN·G fans feel tormented just looking at the screen.

In 20 minutes, under the pressure of the dragon's vision, GEN G asked the stone man and Lacus to cover the blind monk and enter the wild area to grab the vision.

But as soon as the three brothers approached their own red zone, Lilia's vortex seed rolled over.

The Yelan rumor sounded again.

The blind monk and the stone man fell into a deep sleep.

In the darkness, a large pile of unknown props flew over.

Jace's booster.

EZ's WQ.

Kalmar's RQ.

Urgot's drill.

Little Peanut didn't dodge, didn't dodge anything, and was directly executed by fear beyond death.

Dolan didn't run away, but hit him with a big backhand move.

Karma crossed flashes, and the stone man only hit an EZ that crossed E.

Dolan gave it free at the speed of light.

And Lacus was also held by the chain after Karma crossed her face.

Playing 0 for 3, KT took advantage of the trend and easily won the dragon.

"It turns out that KT's lineup is here? Lilia's big move is to play fixed-point sniping, right? This is too stupid!"

Ze Yuan was a little helpless, "After Lilia's ult fell asleep, Jess and EZ's skills will definitely hit. As long as it is not a hard front row, Urgot can kill one first if the ult is stable. The economic disadvantage is to have fewer people first. GEN The G team battle can't be accepted at all."

"Brother Orange's Urgot played a different version of the ancient dragon buff, and he was responsible for picking up his teammates' Poke kills. The effect is a bit good."

Before the words fell, Dolan, who was seen after the replay ended, was caught dead again.

Zeyuan: "I can't play anymore! Dolan is almost super ghost, if this is RANK, he can already order it."

Wanwan: "Don't order! Sit down! The prison door is welded shut!"

Zeyuan: "..."

It is too easy for the superior Poke lineup to be high, and the opponent still lacks a key to start the team and the front row. KT took the big dragon BUFF and easily broke all the way.

There is no rush, relying on steady operation KT continued to break the opponent's second high ground.

"No, let's make a wave! If this continues, we will be broken three times."

"At least one wave, if you can't fight to death standing up, if this continues, you will be flattened on your knees!"

As if hearing Zeyuan's call, Dolan finally couldn't help but start a group.

But he didn't bump into Jace next to him, only bumped into an Urgot.

"Desperate, aren't you? Dolan, what are you doing? How can you hit Urgot?"

In the end, relying on the stone man's initiative to fight, KT won the team battle again.

Take advantage of the wave to flatten the opponent's base.

It is said that Zeyuan, who had the advantage of GEN·G, laughed out loud at the commentary stage just now?
I go to Kangkang

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