This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1807 03, the game begins

Chapter 1807 0-3, the game begins

"In this way, congratulations to KT for winning first!"

Zeyuan’s voice was a little helpless, “Actually, GEN·G was not much behind in the early stage, and even took the lead in the rhythm of the middle field, but the classic operation broke after half a day! A wave in the middle was dodged by Lilia Q and four were directly beaten It blows up, and then it's snowballed to death."

Wan Wan: "Actually, looking back, KT's lineup obviously has a routine. Lilia combined with EZ+Jess and Urgot's fixed-point blasting effect is completely played out, which is a bit like an upgraded version of Zoe's fixed-point blasting tactics. .”

"Zoe relies entirely on the lottery, and Lilia's ult is more stable. Unless GEN G's front row is well developed, whoever gets a combo first will have to reduce their staff, and there will be no follow-up team battles."

Zeyuan: "The key is that Dolan was bombed online, and the stone lay like a crispy skin in seconds. He couldn't use his ultimate move several times, so he couldn't give a little pressure to force it, and was repeatedly pulled and played by KT."

"When you are played by a long-handed Poke lineup and can't give you enough pressure to start a team, you can't play at all."

The barrage is lively.

"666, KT's routine is really showy"

"Lilia E takes the big move, and there are fewer people without seeing Mao on the opposite side"

"The most annoying thing is that the two commentators take turns shouting to go to jail and get out of prison, I laughed so hard"

"With the explosion of the GEN·G base, Zeyuan returned to the cell again (funny)"

"Get Out of Prison in Just 10 Minutes, 233333"

"Wow! Originally, we had a chance to win this round, but it's easier for GEN·G to play later."

"Damn it! KT's combo routine, Cheng's Urgot ult makes us downsize before the team battle starts every time, it's so annoying."

"Hey C!!! Cheng is so annoying!"

Hearing the complaints from the girl next to her, Ju Li suppressed her laughter.

She had been listening to girls complaining for a while.

Originally, 10 minutes ago, the girl told her very easily that GEN·G had great hopes. Knowing that Juli rarely watched the game, she analyzed how good her lineup was in the late game.

As a result, the situation was suddenly wrong, the girls talked less, and their mood became depressed.

When the base exploded, she finally couldn't help expressing her disappointment.

That is to say, she is afraid of being exposed, so Ju Li reminds herself not to gloat.

At this time, Lin Cheng, who was about to step off the stage with his teammates, waved his hand in the direction of his sister-in-law.

Ju Li raised her chin slightly, but did not respond.

"I forgive him! For the sake of his handsomeness."

What the girl next to him said made Ju Li laugh silently.

Soon, the second game began.

In this round, GEN·G switched to the blue side and the first round of BP strategy did not change much.

The first three moves of GEN·G are the same as the previous round, and the policewoman + Lacus + blind monk were selected.

KT is also Jess + EZ + Karma.

However, in the second round of the BAN, the blue party targeted Lilia + Leopard Girl, making it impossible for KT to replicate the fixed-point blasting system of the previous round, and also did not have the ultimate Poke of the wild Leopard Girl.

There are not many jungle options, and KT's fourth floor is the first to play Xin Zhao.

But as soon as this Xin Zhao came out, it was confirmed that after Jess walked up, Dolan continued to take out the top order of the stone man.

Even if he refuses to accept it, he still wants to speak for Malphite.

GEN·G used BP to forcibly make KT Jess unable to swing, and achieved the goal of using the Stone Man Counter. Zeyuan expressed his cautious optimism.

It is optimistic because the stone man beat Jess, logically speaking, it is indeed a counter, as long as Peanut takes care of him after level [-], it is really difficult for Jays to be caught.

Be cautious because Jess' ID is Lin Cheng.

Facts have proved that Lin Cheng's Jess is indeed good at beating stoners.

The first-level teammate helped to make a line eye. Lin Cheng went online and used the grass to crazily intersperse the A soldiers to grab the line.

Dolan couldn't find a chance to use Q, even the stone man's Q skill came out when he raised his hand, and put it down when Jess entered the grass and lost his vision.

Golem's Q is a rare directional single-target skill in the game. This skill will not be empty in theory, but if the target vision is lost during the skill release reading, the skill will be forcibly interrupted.

And because the forward-pressing Q skill was not thrown out, Dolan turned around and was stolen by Jessica's Q in the vision cannon form.

Lin Cheng stepped back immediately after clicking, which made Dolan numb.

Losing the shield, the blue minions were almost dead when the stone man hit Jess with Q for the first time in the game.

At the moment when the stone man released his Q, Lin Cheng decisively cut the hammer and accelerated his Q.

Leap of the sky avoided the damage of the comet, and Jess, who had the advantage of the minion, beat the stone man and ran away with his head in his arms.

Lin Cheng made a lot of money in the first-level blood exchange.

It seems that the Golem mechanism is simple and brainless, but this can only guarantee the lower limit of the Golem, and the game on the road will always depend on the details of both parties.

In the subsequent processing, Lin Cheng perfectly demonstrated how Jess should deal with the Golem in the early stage.

It's just a pull.

Most irritatingly, Dolan found out he was wearing a fake rune.

Why can't my comet hit it?

Lin Cheng's Jess can eat the stone man Q, but he can either move in the extreme reverse position to avoid the comet, or use the hammer form Q to avoid the comet's damage.

Without the damage of the comet, the consumption of the Golem will not be so painful, and after the Golem pays Q, it will definitely usher in the mad pressure of Jess.

But the most difficult thing for Jess to hit the stone man is not to deal with the line, but to deal with GANK.

In fact, after the first wave of confrontation, Dolan knew that something was wrong, and he endured humiliation and maintained his state by eating experience. After the sixth grade, TP made up his state and immediately shook people.

Because the pressure line was too deep, even though Lin Cheng dodged the stone man's flashing big move with a flash, he was forcibly retained by the blind monk.

After hammering away the blind monk and the stone man came up to slow down, the two insisted on chasing Jess to complete the kill.

"Take it! This is the charm of stone people!"

Zeyuan was a little excited, "I know your Jace is very strong, but when I choose a stone man and go to level six to shake the jungle, how should you deal with it?"

Wan Wan: "Don't panic! This hero is like this. If you don't start 0-1, you will be embarrassed to play Jess."

Three minutes later, Lin Cheng was caught and killed again.

Without any room for manipulation, the blind monk couldn't survive if he came up and gave him a kick.

Zeyuan: "It's 0-2! How do you say it?"

Wanwan: "Actually, it's okay. Brother Cheng made up a lot of hits, and the head wasn't taken by a stone man. The matchup should still be an economic advantage."

Lin Cheng's 10-0-2 stats in 0 minutes looked a bit miserable, but everyone was dumbfounded when the director cut the economic panel.

Jess suppressed the stone man's 700 yuan economy.

Wan Wan: "The counterpoint leads by seven uncles, what should I say?"

Zeyuan: "Actually, it's okay. It's barely acceptable for the stone man to be suppressed. It's fine for Jess' head teammates to take it."

The polarities of the commentary booth were reversed, and the audience was numb from laughter.

Although Dolan cooperated with his teammates to catch and kill two Bojess, the stone man was crushed too much under high pressure, and Jess ate three layers of tapas alone.

In the early stage of this round, Lin Cheng was targeted, and his teammates also gained an advantage.

Peanut lost Xiaolong in the first wave, and used two big moves in the second wave, which also caused the vanguard to give it for nothing.

It seems to be aimed at the top lane, but the economic KT on the field is quite ahead.

Rookie's fox went downstream a lot, and the jungler continued to put pressure on the bottom lane, relying on a vanguard EZ to almost eat up the tapi of the female policewoman.

"The more help you get on the road, the more backward the economy will be!"

Wanwan said bluntly: "Peanut doesn't want to win! There is no way out for gangsters, and the stone gang is still suppressed in two waves. Anyway, Dolan only has one big move in this developmental team battle. Why don't you help the policewoman more?"

After the words fell, Lin Cheng was caught and killed again.

This time it was Jess who came to catch the dead Jess together.

"0-3, the game begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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