This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1809 Believe in Ruler

"We saw the reminder from the scene. Brother Chengzi just achieved 200 wins in his LCK career."

Zeyuan sighed: "98.5% winning rate! It's really an exaggerated record! This is why Brother Chengzi is called the strongest player in history. Those who don't know think he is a human machine."

Wanwan: "The live singing has already started! This is a song dedicated to Brother Chengzi by KT fans. Perhaps for them, praising Brother Chengzi with everything is the only way to express their love."

"Sometimes I think, Brother Chengzi might be a player who should only appear in novels."

"He is impeccable both in terms of statistics and performance on the field. There are many players in League of Legends who are chased and loved by the audience, but Brother Chengzi is the god among them!"

Ze Yuan agreed: "Aww indeed! Looking at the entire history of League of Legends, if the existence of Faker is a legend of a devil, Brother Orange is a soul-stirring and magnificent epic, an epic belonging to the canyon god."

Wanwan: "You're stealing my words!"

"Ha ha!"

Zeyuan couldn't help laughing, "To be honest, although this victory is very meaningful to Brother Chengzi, in fact, even if I put aside my GEN·G fan status and look at it from a pure passerby's point of view, I don't want KT to win. Although I predicted KT3:0 before the game."

"There is no personal grievance in it, I just want to see KT get crushed."

After a pause, he explained: "KT fans, don't rush to criticize me. KT has been invincible for too long. Except for KT fans, everyone should want to see KT lose once with Brother Cheng. After all, aesthetics will be exhausting."

Wanwan's tone was slightly raised, with doubts: "Pure passerby? No personal grievances? 6!"

Zeyuan: "Haha! Just kidding."

Wan Wan: "How many truths are spoken in jokes?"

The barrage exploded.

"LOL!These two programs are full of effects"

"The Great Demon King at night will also have yin and yang eccentricities!Cute pinch! "

"This tone really lives in Bengbu"

"I just want to see KT being crushed, the sentence of the colonel is also the essence"

"I'm almost gnashing my teeth, and said I have no personal grievances (funny)"

"The Colonel is too miserable!Go to jail by yourself, and speak your mind in a joking tone (crying loudly)》

"One thing to say, except KT fans really want to see KT lose once"

"Pure Passerby!As long as it’s not T1, I’m happy if any team wins KT”

"The Emperor Upstairs Don't Pretend!"The ingredients are too obvious"

Back in the lounge, Chi Shengxi specially presented a small cake to celebrate Lin Cheng's 200 victories, and everyone divided the small cake together.

"Come on! Eat the cake and win the next round cleanly."

Lin Cheng felt a little regretful, he died a lot in this round.

However, compared to the anniversary spells of other players in the past two years, Lin Cheng's 200 wins is relatively satisfactory except for being caught and killed three times in the early stage.

On the day Xu Xiu achieved 200 victories, he was solo-killed twice by Lava.

Faker lost the game while achieving the [-] kill achievement.

Life suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in the game reaching [-] assists.

BDD's debut anniversary was labeled as a man-machine.

It can be said that the commemorative days of LCK players in the past two years are often plagued by bad luck. Lin Cheng was only caught a few times in the early stage, which is not bad.

Everyone in the KT lounge was eating a small celebration cake in a relaxed atmosphere, while the atmosphere in the GEN·G lounge was much more serious.

Everyone huddled around Score and seized the time to review the match between games.

"We had too many problems in the last game. Let's not talk about the laning phase. Why do we always have different ideas in team fights?"

Facing his old club, Score was very disappointed with his players' performance on the field today.

His speech is fast.

"Cui Xuanzhun, this group of teammates are all nearby, why did you run away from Jiaotong University? Are you so afraid?"

"And why didn't Wang Hao zoom in? The formation was scattered and turned around to give a big move. Isn't it a bit too much for you to run faster than your own back row?"

"Although it's true that this wave was consumed too much to take over the group, do you think it's reasonable for Malphite and Li Qing to leave the C position and run away first?"

"The last time I saw an Ueno team running so fast was when I met EDG in S8."

"Be sober, everyone! KT isn't that scary, you guys were a little stunned last time."

Leaving aside the psychological counseling given by the old captain to the GEN·G players in the waiting room, the two sides reappeared on stage after a short break.

Wan Wan: "The last BP is about to start! Let's see how GEN·G will adjust after losing two games in a row? Dolan shouldn't take the stone man again, right?"

Ze Yuan: "Is it the last game? Are you going too far?"

Wan Wan: "No! I was wrong, sorry! It should be the third BP."

Zeyuan: "Fortunately, GEN·G has few fans. If you switch to a popular LPL team, your career as a commentator will probably suffer a major blow because of this slip of the tongue."

Wan Wan thought about it, "It's okay! Brother Guan, as the leader of GEN·G fans, just forgive me, and now I don't ask me to comment on LPL games."

Zeyuan didn't hold back, and laughed out loud on the stage.

"? ? ?It's open, right? "

"Woooo!I really don't often comment on LPL games every night, it's all a good thing that the emperor did! "

"Don't be embarrassing!Tobo also has a point"

"Anyway, the fans of the LPL team who were beaten up by Brother Chengzi two years ago don't want to see Wanwan"

"Fortunately, Suning, which has been crushed for 20 years, has no fans, otherwise it will be even worse later"

"Su Ning has become Weibo, and now fans are busy cleaning up the teammates of Mr. Suning (insidious)"

At the beginning of BP, GEN·G gave Daomei + Qinggangying + policewoman in the top three BANs on the blue side.

KT double-clicks Ryze + Card + Zeli on the red side with a backhand.

The blue side chose to grab Karma this time.

Zeyuan: "Karma! GEN·G's thinking has changed! We need to keep the bottom line, and see how KT will deal with Karma without the policewoman Lacus?"

Wan Wan: "As far as laning ability is concerned, this version doesn't have any conventional support solos that can compete with Karma. The development of Ruler's bot lane should be much more comfortable than the previous game."

The red side decisively locked the blind monk + Lulu.

The blind monk is the jungler with the highest priority in this version, and Lulu is the second soft assistant after Karma, who can barely compete in the bottom lane.

The second and third floors of GEN G confirmed Aphelios + Xin Zhao.

"Aphelios! Ruler's Aphelios has finally been obtained."

Zeyuan's voice suddenly became louder, "This hero is the biggest contributor to GEN·G's last BO5 victory. Let's see if this hero can bring miracles?"

Wan Wan: "Karma can indeed create a comfortable laning environment for Aphelios, but the protection Karma can provide in team battles is actually limited. It depends more on Ruler to find an output position."

Zeyuan: "Anyway, it's GEN·G's life and death moment, trust Ruler! Just like they have done countless times."

Wanwan chuckled: "Then should I call 'Kill Chidi'?"

Zeyuan: "..."

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