This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1810 I heard that the barbarian king has a wife?

Seeing the opponent's duo set up, KT also took Jinx on the third floor.

Originally, Lulu was released to be paired with big cores. In this version, there are only three regular big core ADs: Zeli, Aphelios, and Jinx.

It is conceivable that if KT does not take Jinx in this hand, it will be targeted in the second round.

When the time comes for Jinx to be banned, the bot lane like EZ+Lulu will be too abstract.

In the second round of BANs, KT targeted the demon girl + fox.

GEN·G in the blue side is forbidden wine barrel + stone man.

Lock Jess on the fourth floor of the red square.

Zeyuan: "Hey! What do you mean by GEN·G's self-BAN wine barrel and stone man? Classic self BAN your own hero? Although Dolan's stone man is indeed a bit outrageous, but your two BANs are equivalent to giving Chengzi Ge Najes again. signal."

Wan Wan: "KT has already played two Jays in a row. It's impossible that GEN·G didn't prepare for it. Maybe there are other options?"

Soon, the last two castings of GEN·G were confirmed.

Wei Gusi + Barbarian King.

"Barbarian king! I'm really prepared."

Ze Yuan came to his senses, "The fact that they dropped wine barrels and stone men in BAN is actually paving the way for the Barbarian King. This spring, the Barbarian King once had a good appearance rate in the LCK and LPL, especially when the top laners are flooded with guns. Everyone likes to use it. The barbarian king is here to fight."

"There is also a saying that the Barbarian beats Jess. Whether it is LPL or LCK, it is an advantage for the Barbarian to play against Jess this year."

Wan Wan: "Jess is not afraid of the Barbarian King in terms of laning alone, but Jays, a hero who is caught in a wave, will have to be chased and hacked by the Barbarian King."

"Especially some barbarian kings also use sprint + ignite 1v1 is too stupid, Jess will press it in the first few levels, but if the pressure is too fierce, the barbarian king will sprint and attack you before the jungler comes to gank gone."

Discovering the barbarian king on the opposite side, KT also discussed it here.

Lin Cheng really hated this tough hero, he was solo killed by the barbarian king a few times in the training match.

He was even killed by the Barbarian King's two-piece suit once in three and a half pieces, which made his teammates laugh for a long time.

This is really helpless, the barbarian king strikes first, sprints away, E and flash are used to stick to Jess's face, and Jess can't pull it off, and something may happen if he takes the line out a little.

1v1 against the barbarian king is not enough to have damage.

Lin Cheng has tried it. Jess can only fight against the Barbarian King if he sets up his defensive equipment as soon as possible. He must cooperate with the time to beat the Barbarian King's full skills and use his ultimate move. Otherwise, in the mid-term, the damage of the Barbarian King's critical strike will be several big ahead of Jess. It doesn't matter.

But if you do defensive equipment before the game, it doesn't make much sense to take Jess.

"What do you say? Keep shaking Jace?"

"Then you need to continue to replenish AP on the road, Lin Cheng, are you out of Kenan?"

Lin Cheng thought for a while, "Give me the whole thing for fun. I want Alistar, who is very good at fighting barbarian kings. It can not only resist pressure, but also cooperate with junglers to catch people."

The teammates were all surprised.

"Mo? Are you serious?"

"Just play around with the training match, but really take it out?"

Kang Dongxun reminded: "We lack AP damage."

Lin Cheng: "I can produce AP bull heads, don't worry! AP bulls can also carry it."

Kang Dongxun: "..."

Lin Cheng: "You guys believe in me! My bullshit is the best!"

The eyes of the teammates became strange.

Although he doubts what effect AP Niutou can play, Kang Dongxun thinks carefully about the opponent's lineup. Even if the chopper team is selected, it will be no problem.

The main reason is that the damage of the mythical version overflows, and there is a situation where Jess and Jinx can't hit the flesh at all.

(At this time, the durability version has not been updated, and the overall frankness is much worse than it is now)

Originally, none of the four heroes currently on the KT field have the ability to start a team. Niutou can be regarded as a great supplement to the ability of the first mover.

As long as there are no problems online, Niutau seems to be a good choice.

It is to sacrifice Lin Cheng's Carry ability.

So, after confirming Lin Cheng's wishes, KT finally locked the bull's head.

"Bull head?"

Zeyuan's tone couldn't hide his surprise: "Wow! The top lane bull head is this? But the single lane bull head is not strong now, right?"

Wan Wan: "It can only be the top laner! Niutou running to play support and pairing with Jinx is pure imprisonment. There is indeed a saying that going to the road to fight the barbarian king, the barbarian king, who needs to be close with short hands, is easily defeated by the bull head."

Zeyuan: "A long time ago, there was indeed a single-lane bullhead game, because at that time W could be attached with a flat A to match the spell blade's laning ability, which was particularly abnormal. But since it was changed by Riot, there has never been a top lane bullhead in the game."

"I can only say that Brother Chengzi still dares to take it! This game is very good. If many viewers watch the live broadcast, they will know that Faker also likes the hero of Niutou. His Niutau is called Hanbok ghost. Do top players like this hero? ?”

"Fuck!The top order is awesome! "

"Good news: I can see brother Chengzi's awesomeness (drool)"

"unbelievable! "

"The bull's head really beats the barbarian king, Emperor C tortured the barbarian king with the bull's head until he lost his mind"

"Brother Chengzi: Please call me the No. [-] Tauren in the LCK from now on"

"Bull Head: I heard that the barbarian king has a wife (funny)"

"Barbarian King: Endless Rage (Wrath)"

"grass!Are these two connected?Suddenly I Can't See Directly"

Seeing that Niutou was selected, the KT fans at the scene were pleasantly surprised again.

Urgot and Niutou, Lin Cheng has picked up two new heroes today, these are heroes that he has never used in his career.

But fans who have a deep understanding of the game have already begun to worry.

The hero of Niutou has poor line clearing ability and slow line turning speed. At most, he is a stable development in the line. Isn't it a waste of suppressing ability to take it out?

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again.

Opposite is Dolan!
Didn't Cheng hit him casually?
"Wow~~~Alista's top laner! Cheng doesn't even think of Dolan as a human being!"

Hearing the complaints from the girl next to her, Ju Li pulls on her mask involuntarily to prevent her from catching her giggling.

"Is this top order good?"

"I don't know! Anyway, it's disgusting."

The girl sighed, "Cheng is really a different player, he dares to take anything, and he can achieve the effect of everything, anyway, he is completely different from ordinary people."

Ju Li pursed her lips and glanced in the direction of the contestants' seats.

This guy really is different.

Ordinary people, who would shamelessly put their heads on the sister-in-law...
The lineups of both sides were selected, and the players began to deploy runes.

Blue Square GEN·G:

Top Road: Doran (King of the Barbarians, Tryndamere)

Jungle: Peanut (Director of Germany, Xin Zhao)
Mid lane: Chovy
Bottom lane: Ruler (Sun of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Lehends (Apocalypse, Karma))

Red square KT:

Top lane: Cheng (Tau Chief, Alistar)

Jungler: Cuzz (Blind Monk, Li Qing)

Mid lane: Rookie (Future Guardian, Jayce)

Bottom lane: Deft (Rage Lolita, Jinx)
Support: Beryl (Fairy Witch, Lulu)

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