This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1812 Top torture!mental pollution

On the top lane, Lin Cheng was engaging in a Dolan mentality, while on the bottom lane, the first-level line grabbing on both sides was fierce.

We all know that the opponent has warded in the middle grass, and Lehends' Karma went online in advance to scan and warded the ward. When he got Lulu's Q, Karma also hit a backhand RQ.

Generally speaking, Karma won a small half of the first RQ when he didn't have time to laning.

But Aphelios was too weak at the first level. Mr. Dai Jinx cut his guns to grab the line frantically, and forcibly used the advantage of small soldiers to force the opponent's duo to retreat.

The pawn line did not grab, Karma gave way to the grass in the middle, and Lulu also scanned to clear the blue square jewelry in the middle grass.

The most intuitive advantage brought by the right to go down the line is the auxiliary power to stand on the grass. The inferior side of the pawn line can only give up the grass, and the soft assistant can find opportunities to consume the pressure after standing on the grass.

Usually, unless there is a difference in matchup or the strength of the combination is too different, this kind of line power is generally turn-based, and it is obviously Jinx's turn at the first level.

The KT duo grabbed the second and directly crossed the line and pressed forward, forcing Aphelios and Karma to retreat to the tower.

Then the red square control line pushes the line.

If it is a hard support, it is very likely that there will be a chance to jump the tower by hoarding the third wave of troops into the tower and calling the jungler.

Switching to soft support is very difficult to cross the tower, but the soft support has a strong harassment ability in front of the tower. After hoarding the line and entering the tower, it can interfere with the opponent's AD to make up the knife by using the length of the hand to consume.

At this time, not equipped with AD is the easiest way to miss the tower knife.

The superimposition of various factors makes the first wave of line rights in the professional arena appear particularly important.

Finding that the opponent was slowly pushing and hoarding the line, the GEN·G duo communicated with the jungler immediately.

"Their river should have no eyes, I can try it."

The opponent hoarding the line and pushing slowly also means that he has the opportunity to go around the back. Xiao Peanut's Xin Zhao chose to go down at three speeds, and drove the scan to touch the grass in the river.

No KT eye position was found.

After confirming that he was not exposed, Little Peanut judged that Cuzz should still be in the wild, and decisively walked out of the river to launch a gank.

Xin Zhao came out of the river.

After being promoted to the second level, Karma flashed to the chain to hold Lulu.

Xin Zhao W wind cut electric stab shot.

Beryl flashes back and breaks the chain while dodging Xin Zhao W.

But Xin Zhao's position on the flank has been pressed up, and he takes two steps to launch E's fearless charge.

Xin Zhao shot Fei Lulu three times to force Jinx to heal.

At this time, the blind monk suddenly emerged from the river.

Little Peanut forcefully ganked against such a wave of soldiers, and the first wave of outbreaks did not kill Lulu, and it was already doomed to have an accident.

Xin Zhao was slowed down by Jinx W, and kicked up by the blind monk Q.

Little Peanut tried to run away.

But the position where he handed E to chase Lulu was too deep, the blind monk E flashed to slow down, and Jinx took the head with one shot.

Jinx ran.

At this moment, with the red BUFF sent by Xin Zhao, Mr. Dai clung to Karma, who was not flashing.

Cuzz's blind monk followed.

Minions also make a lot of output.

Karma died under the fishbone.

Ze Yuan: "Something has happened! Jinx double-killed in 3 minutes! Little Peanut's speed-changing wave grabs and cracks, it's really too forceful! How dare this line of soldiers catch it?"

Wan Wan thought about it: "Actually, I don't think Peanut can be blamed. In his opinion, this wave is indeed an opportunity."

"According to the normal speed, if the blind monk is also at the bottom of the speed three, the junglers of the two sides will meet in the river. Peanut even waited in the grass for a few seconds but did not see the blind monk. In this wave, he judged that the opponent is still clearing the jungle. It is indeed a Go around and grab the opportunity."

"However, Cuzz came a step too late, and it just so happened that the back squat was in place."

"To be honest, the timing of Cuzz's appearance in the bottom lane is really a bit strange, because it is impossible to be so slow in the speed three, and it is impossible to be so fast in the full brush, and the slow push line has not yet entered. Under normal circumstances, the blind monk It shouldn't be here."

"That's it, it just made Little Peanut misjudge the situation."

Zeyuan: "Is there such a saying? A fool can beat a master?"

In fact, in this wave, Cuzz was not prepared to back squat. It was Beryl's prompt that made him change the wild route.

Although Beryl's operation is sometimes irritating to the eyes, but the mind is very clear.

Just now Karma took the initiative to use an RQ to suppress Lulu's HP, and Beryl immediately called Cuzz to cover.

In his opinion, Karma's angle just now has the opportunity to consume Jinx and can also help Aphelios suppress a wave of rear formations. RQ is only used to consume auxiliary HP alone, which is not cost-effective.

This is likely to be a signal that Xin Zhao wants to catch.

Because Brother Yuanshen has been actively doing consumption and exchange blood, Lulu's blood volume is lower.

Wrong in and out, Cuzz was slower than Xin Zhao because he changed the route halfway, and happened to arrest Peanut.

"Oh! It's really uncomfortable to give Jinx a double kill at the beginning like this. The core of KT's lineup is this Jinx... eh? How do you replay it on the top lane? Did you kill it alone?"

After the director finished replaying the bottom lane, he suddenly cut a wave of top lane replays.

The commentators were wondering if he had also killed solo on the road.

In the picture, the barbarian king is preparing to replenish the artillery cart.

Lin Cheng's bull head stood next to his soldier one step ahead of time, and with a kowtow knocked the barbarian king who was about to lift his knife into the air.

A punch made a real injury of malicious slander, and Niutou turned and ran away.

Since many blue side long-range minions on the field were attacking the artillery cart, the barbarian king had just landed, and the artillery cart was gone.

Dolan was clearly out of temper, and directly fought to chase after Lin Cheng.

But Niutou was now level two, and Lin Cheng backhanded a W to push the barbarian king away, triggering the electrocution.

The barbarian king lost another significant amount of blood.

At this moment, Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to run with a large wave of soldiers on his back.


He took out his clapper on the spot, and the cow shook his head and began to ring the bell again.

This picture makes my blood pressure soar.

The mental pollution lasted for two seconds, before Lin Cheng turned around and withdrew the hatred of the soldiers,

The director gave Dolan's player shots again.

Staring at a pair of dead fish eyes, Dolan cocked his mouth and delayed for half a second, then angrily stretched out his fist and hammered the table.

"Hey C!!!"

The camera shakes.

Zeyuan really didn't hold back, "Haha! My mentality has collapsed! The first cannon car in the audience didn't make up, Dolan is so uncomfortable, and he lost a lot of blood."

After a pause, he changed the topic, "But isn't the director a bit too much? Is this going to be replayed?"

As a result, the replay had just ended, and the scene cut to the road where Lin Cheng had just made up a pawn and started ringing the bell again.


Wanwan laughed out loud, "Don't knock, don't knock! Brother Chengzi, don't knock! If you knock someone's head again, it's like a curse."

Zeyuan: "I'm actually fine."

Wan Wan: "I'm talking about Dolan."

Zeyuan: "Oh!"

The barrage exploded.

"I died laughing so hard!"On and off the field are program effects"

"Wanwan shouted 'Don't knock it' in a really cute tone! 23333》

"Don't knock, don't knock!If you knock people down again, you will be stupid"

"The most coquettish thing is that the colonel automatically bites the hook (dog head)"

"Brother Orange, what are you doing here?Too cheap!Don't let the cannon car have to attack mentally"

"Dolan went to sleep in the middle of the night with his head full of Dangdang"

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