This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1813 For whom does the death knell toll?

Lin Cheng played very well and knew how to torture the barbarian king.

Not just a mental attack.

The experience lag is not too much, he can put Dolan forward to push the pawn line, and once the pawn line reaches the tower, he will start looking for opportunities to harass.

Dolan has not lost his mind yet, and after missing the cannon, he just wants to push the line into the tower as soon as possible.

As Lin Cheng harassed him several times and used the rune damage to put pressure on him, the barbarian king turned Q several times to consume anger and restore blood, which caused the A soldiers to push the line not fast enough. In addition, the bull's head deliberately restrained the line, and the fourth wave of small soldiers from the red side led the line Stuck outside the red square tower.

Lin Cheng has already been promoted to level three, seeing that the barbarian king still wants to push the line in front of the tower, he cut E and leaned in.

A bell-like sound effect rang.

No matter what, the barbarian king just wanted to push the line and find a chance to return to the city.

Seeing that he had stacked three layers of trampling effect and the barbarian king still didn't retreat, Lin Cheng pressed forward with his Q skill and smashed the ground.

When trampling, Niutou ignored the collision of the unit volume, Lin Cheng took a step around the opponent, and backhanded A out.

Just after being knocked into the air, Dolan was knocked unconscious by a five-layer trampled bull's head punch before he could do anything.

Continuing to circle behind the barbarian king, Lin Cheng W pushes his opponent into the defense tower.


Bullhead rings the bell.

Ta Da received the signal and began to attack.

Fortunately, Dolan has the E skill in his hand, and he resisted the tower and pulled out of the range of the defensive tower in time.

Although he got out of the tower smoothly, the barbarian king's blood volume was already very low.

At this time, Lin Cheng had no skills and carried a wave of soldiers, so he didn't bother Dolan.

Niutou chose to pull the minions to hate in the direction of the triangle grass.

The barbarian king retreated back to the city from above against the wall.

Zeyuan: "Yes! Brother Chengzi has already learned how to command the defense tower, right? Ring the bell for a sign! The defense tower immediately starts attacking the barbarian king after receiving the command."

Wanwan: "It's really torturous for Niutou to fight such a short-handed hero, especially when the pawn line is stuck in front of the tower, if you don't pay attention, you may be pushed into the tower, and the barbarian king doesn't have any short-handed short-handed soldiers. "

"Other heroes may be afraid of being overrun by junglers after being hoarded like this, but Niutau is really not afraid."

This wave has disabled the barbarian king, Lin Cheng's goal has been achieved.

Taking advantage of the time when the barbarian king returned home, Lin Cheng hurriedly organized his troops.

The hero Niutou is really slow to clear the line, but Lin Cheng deliberately used his body to trap four long-range soldiers outside the tower after his own soldiers were killed, and used the defensive tower to help him clear the front row.

The fifth wave of small soldiers came up, and Lin Cheng returned to the city where he was.

This soldier line will continue to suffer when the barbarian king TP returns.

After returning home, he made up the killing ring + shoes, and Lin Cheng immediately handed in the T-return line even though he didn't even make up the status.

Although the barbarian king returned T immediately and tried to push the line, the line of soldiers had not been pushed in when the bull-headed TP came back.

This is another problem brought about by the new version of TP changes.

In the early stage, it is not possible to T small soldiers. Since the position of the pawn line is in front of the red square tower, the journey back to the top single T tower is different for both sides.

Without further ado, Lin Cheng gave WQA an electrocution injury and retreated.

If the pawn line is outside, the single-line electric torture bull head must not mess with the WQ second company. At least one skill must be reserved to prevent the opponent from chasing, but if the pawn line is stuck outside the tower, there are not so many scruples.

Although Dolan tried his best to finish off the minions, Lin Cheng threatened the barbarian king's position with the E-stack trample layer, and insisted on resisting with his body for two seconds.

It happened that the line of artillery vehicles came and got stuck outside the tower again.

Dolan continued to suffer.

And the consequences of this wave are particularly serious.

Dolan knew that Lin Cheng's bull head was cheap, so he didn't go up to the A soldier indiscriminately, twisting around behind his own soldier, trying to trick out the bull head skill.

Once the bull head skill is cheated, the barbarian king can go up and push this wave line.

But Lin Cheng ignored him, and left the pawn line and ran to his own triangle grass to make an eye.

After all, it hasn't been a day or two since Peanut Butter has had a problem with him. What if he just handed over his skills to Xin Zhao and ran over to the tower?
Niutou left, and the barbarian king decisively went up to push the line.

But at this time, the cannon line was not so easy to push. Just when Dolan was about to make up the first cannon in the game, Lin Cheng's bull head came back.

He came back from the river against the wall.

The barbarian king gave him the opportunity to fill the position of the cannon.

Seeing the bull's head, Dolan's first reaction was to quickly kill the cannon cart,

There is no crit hit with a knife, and the cannon car has residual blood.

Just when the barbarian king was about to raise his sword again, the bull head W savagely charged.

Dolan didn't panic if he was pushed into the defensive tower, after all, his blood volume was relatively healthy.

The barbarian king handed over and pulled it out.

Dolan E's direction is the red side's remaining blood cannon cart. He hasn't given up yet, and is going to make up the cannon cart by the way.

However, Lin Cheng's decisiveness was beyond imagination.

Seeing the barbarian king hand in hand, Lin Cheng directly Q and flashed his hand.

The barbarian king was interrupted by the bull's head Q flash just as he started to spin.

The first attack of the defense tower has fallen, and the second light bomb is charged.

Something is wrong!
With the sprint + teleportation of the barbarian summoner skill belt, Dolan realized the danger and started sprinting to leave.

But Lin Cheng activated E trampling in advance just now, and when W pushed the barbarian king away, a layer of effect was stacked, and the bull's head Q flashed over and followed two steps to quickly stack up to five layers of trampling.

Before the barbarian king could sprint, he was knocked unconscious by Niutou's punch and fell to the edge of the defense tower's attack range.

Lin Cheng didn't follow the damage, Ctrl+3.


Niutou took out his clapper and started again.

Dolan pressed Q to restore blood, but it didn't work.

Defense tower attack falls.

With a scream, the barbarian king died suddenly.


The cow is still ringing the bell.

"Dolan was pushed into the tower again when he wanted to repair the cannon, but fortunately there was E... Hey! He was interrupted by the bull head Q flash! He is going to die!"

Before he finished speaking, Zeyuan couldn't hold back when he saw Lin Cheng's bull head start ringing the bell suddenly, "This is too messed up! Brother Cheng even made a move to ring the bell!"

"For whom does the bell toll?"

Wanwan chuckled: "Brother Chengzi is so happy today! Let alone how cool this operation is, in fact, he seldom engages in program effects like this in competitions. He must be in a good mood today, right?"

"I hope Brother Chengzi will always be this happy!"

The barrage exploded.

"Wan Wan she really, I cried to death!" "

"I hope Brother Chengzi will always be this happy!Don't you think about Dolan? (funny)"

"Being single-handedly killed by the bull head, Dolan's mentality completely collapsed. "

"Double rows of defensive towers, combo moves and taunts, the taste is too strong! "

Deathstroke is both Dolan and Colonel, 233333

Playing back this wave of kills, Lin Cheng's operation is actually really cool.

Dolan first gave Niutou a chance to come back and circle around. Lin Cheng W pushed his opponent into the tower, and immediately interrupted the barbarian king E with a Q flash. Including the confident ringing of the bell later, everything seemed to be within Lin Cheng's plan.

The sense of the lens is full, and this operation will be blown for a long time on any professional assistant.

Even some assistants can't find this kind of highlight lens throughout their careers.

Although some of them have a commentary career like a soaring dragon after retiring...

The KT fans at the scene were laughing like crazy.

Is it possible to kill solo when playing Tau Tau?

Although the defense tower has put in a lot of effort, but you said it was a single kill, right?

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