This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1818 Frank Lin Xiaocheng

Chapter 1818 Frank Lin Xiaocheng

Lin Cheng's explanation was cloudy, but En Jing reluctantly accepted his explanation after laughing.

Of course, it may be because everyone is drunk.

Otherwise, according to Xiao Min's temperament, he would have to chatter around for a long time before letting Lin Cheng go.

The opportunity for revenge came quickly.

Another round of games.

Lin Cheng rolled six at the start, Ju Li and Xiaomin rolled two and four respectively, and finally it was Enjing's turn.

"Please! It's better than two o'clock."

Just finished speaking, looking at the red dice on the phone, Enjing sighed helplessly.

Lin Cheng was terrified, "Enjing Nuna, did you think about the consequences when you spanked my ass just now?"

Enjing tried to quibble, "What? My sister obviously didn't hit you, they did."

Lin Cheng didn't believe it, and blurted out through his drunkenness: "No matter! Anyway, I'm going to spank your ass."

"Ah! Are you going too far?"

Lin Cheng couldn't be seen clearly in the dark, so En Jing took a picture of his face with her mobile phone, and waved her fist in a fierce posture, "Be careful, my sister beat you up! You are a black belt master in Taekwondo."

Instead, the other two sisters were booing.

Xiao Min: "I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, can't I afford it?"

Ju Li: "Exactly! If you are afraid, you can use the coward's privilege once."

The full version of this game has various props. Everyone has a coward privilege card. After consumption, one punishment can be avoided, but the next punishment is doubled and the power to take the initiative to punish is lost.

After a brief hesitation, En Jing gritted her teeth, "Then Lin Cheng, don't force yourself...don't point your phone at me."

"Yeah? Enjing is sorry."

Ju Li joked, and the alcoholic sister's chuckle also rang out.

Lin Cheng was very ruthless, "This is punishment! You are not qualified to discuss."

Wrinkling her nose, Enjing knelt up and turned to face the rear of the car.

"Hey! Go ahead and fight."

"I can't see, why don't you turn on the light?"

"Don't turn on the lights!"

En Jing felt that her face must be very red at this time, and the laughter of Ju Li and Xiao Min was particularly piercing.

It was a rare opportunity to tease Brother Jing, and Lin Cheng finally stretched out his hand after being stunned.

The guy put his hand directly on Enjing's buttocks.

Hiss~~~~ so big!

Enjing has a relatively large frame, and her hips and hips are much larger than Jiyan. Today she changed into a knee-length gauze skirt after the performance, and her soft and elastic buttocks felt explosive.

Putting the palms together, Lin Cheng's mind was buzzing.

He always thought that having sex after drinking was an excuse, but drinking too much would definitely magnify some original thoughts in his mind.

So, I actually wanted to touch Brother Jing's ass a long time ago?

Huh~~~ Am I this kind of person?

isn't it?
How can it be?

I, Lin Xiaocheng, focus on frankness.

Thinking far in his mind, Lin Cheng subconsciously said:
"Sister, get down on the ground, I was on the ground just now."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, Xiao Min suddenly recovered, "I'm going to turn on the light! This scene cannot be missed."

Enjing was anxious: "Don't turn on the light!"

"Haha! Eun Jing is really shy."

Brother Jing felt his face was on fire, and raised his volume angrily, "Ah! Enough is enough for you two drunks! If you make any more booing, I'll drive you out into the rain."

The two sisters finally stopped coaxing, but the faintly cheerful voice couldn't even conceal the sound of the rain outside.

En Jing bit her lip, she didn't realize that there was something wrong with Lin Cheng's hand on her buttocks all the time.

After hesitating for two seconds, Brother Jing silently bent over and lay down facing the rear of the car.

She felt that as she got down on the ground, that fellow Lin Cheng's palm grasped her buttocks as if he deliberately opened them.

It feels a little weird.

She gritted her teeth.

"Ah! If you want to hit, hit it! Don't dawdle."

With a soft sound, Lin Cheng didn't overdo it, he just gave a symbolic slap and then withdrew his hand.

He still had some regrets, the light was too dim to see Enjing's pouting and beating appearance clearly.

It feels really explosive!
Brother Jing must have exercised buttocks, right?
As a result, just as Lin Cheng withdrew his hand, some sister also secretly slapped En Jing.

The voice was very loud, but it was much harder than Lin Cheng's attack.

Brother Jing sat back quickly, staring at Lin Cheng's blurred silhouette in the darkness, and said angrily, "Do you want to die?"

"Not me! They did it."

The two sisters remained silent, trying to reduce their sense of presence.

Enjing took her anger out on Lin Cheng, "Lin Cheng, just wait for me."

"Just wait, I'm afraid of you?"

His voice was particularly nasty, if it wasn't for being unable to use it in the car, Enjing planned to win the punishment right to give Lin Cheng a two-stage flying kick later.

The game starts again.

Eun Jung looks forward to the opportunity of revenge.

However, misfortunes never come singly.

"Haha! I won again, En Jingnu, so why are you so unlucky today?"


In the darkness, Lin Cheng raised his palm in a frightened manner.

Ju Li and Xiao Min escaped, happily sitting in the car and writhing.

"Old Li Throwing Pears~~~Old Li, Lao Li Throwing Pears~~~"

The two sisters were very happy and started dancing.

Lin Cheng was also drunk, twisting his body to keep up with the rhythm.

But he can't jump at all, and he twisted twice, thanks to the fact that his sisters couldn't see his antics in the dark.

"Enjing Nuna, get ready!"

Enjing was angry: "Stop spanking again, you have already taken revenge, and my sister only spanked you just now."

"No! I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. The punishment is up to me."

So, Brother Jing got another humiliating slap on the buttocks.

Lin Cheng used a little more force this time.

En Jing was also smart, and she sat back quickly after being hit, avoiding the tragedy of being made up by the other two sisters.

"Come again!"

Brother Jing was obviously a bit over the top, she felt that besides the reddest face, her eyes must also be red.

The game starts again.

God bless Lin Cheng, he won again.

This time it was Hyomin who was unlucky.

"Haha! Xiao Min is angry, you are also the one who hit me just now, get ready."

Xiao Min murmured, "But my sister doesn't want to be spanked, how about another punishment... How about a big sister kissing you?"


Lin Cheng immediately regained his spirits, "This kind of request is actually not impossible."

"Wow~~~You guys are too much!"

Enjing quit, her voice was full of dissatisfaction, "Why do I have to be spanked?"

"Who made you so honest."

Xiao Min leaned over with a smile, and put her hands on Lin Cheng's neck.

Lin Cheng originally thought that she would kiss him on the cheek, but he didn't expect Xiao Min's red lips to be printed directly on his lips.

She even stretched out her sweet tongue and gently licked Lin Cheng's lips.

A faint fragrance mixed with the smell of wine hits the face.

It feels weird.

But not bad.

Probably due to muscle memory, Lin Cheng opened his mouth subconsciously.

As a result, the alcoholic sister quickly retreated.

"Haha! It's just a kiss, don't stick your tongue into my sister's mouth."

Julie: "Really? Did he stick out his tongue?"

En Jing: "Huh~~~~ Lin Cheng is talking."

Lin Cheng is really thick-skinned, and he was a little unhappy, "You didn't say how to kiss yourself, so you can't blame me."

Xiao Min said with a smile: "If you want to wet kiss with your sister, you have to win again."

"Really? That's a deal."

"Ha ha!"

I don't know if they all drank too much, but the three sisters didn't blame Lin Cheng.

Even the most serious En Jing just smiled.

And Juli breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Xiaomin also took advantage of Lin Cheng, Zhiyan can't just blame her sister in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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