This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1819 Disappointed Pizza

Chapter 1819 Disappointed Pizza

The little wife's words were so shocking that it took Lin Cheng a long time to react.

Xiao Tong still buried her head in the book calmly, Lin Cheng shamelessly leaned up to her and kissed her.

"Good little Tong, don't be angry with me. If you are unhappy, I will be even more unhappy."

Xiao Tong wiped her cheeks in disgust, "Huh~~~ Are you disgusting?"

Lin Cheng smiled harmlessly, "Stop reading! Let's go on a date."

"No! Don't bother me."

"Then what's for lunch?"

"You will go to Xiaoying's house later to pick up Enxi and Xiaoying. Let's go out to eat pizza. Sister Tong managed to book a place at Gordon Ramsay's pizza shop."

Lin Cheng was a little hesitant. After the last time, he vowed to stay away from every psychiatrist.

Especially Jiang Subin.

What if Sister Su Bin wants to give him electrotherapy?
"Why don't you pick up Enxi later? I'll help you read."

Xiao Tong rolled her eyes, "Would you like to listen to what you said? After staying at your good sister's house for one night, you are already so delirious?"

Lin Cheng stared, "Hey! Xiao Tong, why are you still talking about this?"

Xiao Tong raised her chin and stared back arrogantly.

Lin Cheng stood up resolutely, grabbed the little wife's slender legs wrapped in black silk, and hugged her horizontally.

"What are you doing? Put down sister Tong!"

"Brother Cheng is going to teach you a good lesson today, right? It's my turn to hate you!"

"No! I still want to read, Lin Cheng, you are so annoying."

"It's too late to beg for mercy, Xiao Tong, wait for your death!"

"Sex! Don't tear my socks!"

After the little wife was settled, the two of them took Enxi and Xiaoying to go to eat pizza at noon.

When they went downstairs, the two little girls walked in the middle hand in hand, led by Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong.

Enxi kicked her short legs and raised her head excitedly.

"Uncle, is that giggle pizza delicious?"

"It's not called Giggle should be delicious, right? Uncle hasn't eaten it either."

Xiaoying also raised her head eagerly, "Then can Xiaoying eat more later?"

"Xiaoying can eat as much as she wants, but don't spoil her stomach."

"Eunxi also needs to eat more."

"Yes, yes, you can eat whatever you want."

"Can Xiaoying bring mom a piece of pizza?"

"of course."

"Eunxi also wants to bring a piece of pizza for mom, and sister Yan."

"Then Xiaoying will bring two yuan for Han Zai."

"Look at the road, your saliva is about to flow down."


Listening to the childish conversation between Lin Cheng and the two little girls, Xiao Tong felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Looking down at the ground, out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at her long white and bare legs under the hem of her skirt, and she couldn't help but gouged Lin Cheng out.

Bad embryo!Sister Tong lost another pair of stockings.

Gordon Ram's street pizzeria is located in Seongsu-dong, Seongdong-gu, and it took half an hour by taxi to reach the destination.

The two little girls didn't run around outside, but obediently followed them to find a place to sit.

Enxi and Xiaoying were sitting in a row on the sofa, looking around curiously, their big black eyes were particularly bright.

This year, Gordon Ramsay's pizzeria became very popular as soon as it landed in South Korea, and became an online celebrity check-in spot, which made it very difficult to book a place here.

Even if it is just a self-service pizza shop.

After all, it is a brand created by the world famous chef Gordon Ramsay. "Hell's Kitchen" is one of the most popular reality shows in the history of American variety shows. Chef Gordon Ramsay can be said to be the most famous chef in the world.

The waiter briefly introduced, "We will provide six types of pizza in five flavors and daily specials. The drinks provided in the store include milkshakes and lemonade..."

Immediately, Xiaoying raised her hand, "Xiaoying wants a milkshake!"

Enxi hurriedly said, "Enxi also wants a milkshake."

The waiter reminded, "But you will be full with a little milkshake, and you won't be able to eat too much pizza."

The two little girls frowned and began to get entangled.

"Just give them plain water."

Hearing Lin Cheng's words, the two little girls pursed their lips together.



With the same voice, the disappointed tone of the two girls is so cute.

Even if it is changed to "how can we rest", there is no sense of disobedience.

Both Xiao Tong and Lin Cheng laughed.

The waiter brother almost couldn't hold back, "Nei! You can order at any time if you need it. I wish you and your wife and children a happy meal."

Lin Cheng was not in a good shape either, "OK! My wife, the children and I will enjoy it."

When the waiter left, Xiao Tong complained: "Damn it! Does Sister Tong look like a mother of two children?"

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "Then let's hurry up and give Enxi a little sister."

The little girl quickly raised her hand, "Enxi likes little sister."

Xiaoying also looked at Xiao Tong, "Xiaoying also likes my younger sister, sister Tong, do you want to have a little sister?"

Xiao Tong was so ashamed that she shook her fist fiercely.

"Shut up! Don't mention this again."

Suddenly, the two little girls fell silent.

Xiaotong's reputation as the Great Demon King of the neighborhood is not just for bragging rights, she got so ruthless that any hairy kid in the neighborhood would tremble three times.

"This is Peperoni, kids, try it first."

The waiter first served a fan-shaped pizza to the two little girls.

"Nai! It smells delicious."

"Thank you!"

The two little girls were very polite and expressed their gratitude in a dignified manner.

Lin Cheng picked up the pizza on his plate and looked at it.

It's a typical Italian pizza with a thin crust, but he was a little disappointed after one bite.

Gordon Ramsay's name is loud, but that's it?
That's it?

Sure enough, the top chef from the UK is also from the UK.

As expected of the country of dark cuisine, the taste of the pizza developed by the chef who is respected by the whole UK is also very ordinary in Lin Cheng's opinion.

The Juntun Guokui in Chengdu is better.

"It's delicious!"

Enxi's little girl is still so easy to pass, she squinted her eyes happily while eating the pizza, and her mouth was full of paste.

On the contrary, Xiaoying frowned and savored carefully, "Xiaoying seems to prefer takeaway pizza."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoying turned to look at Enxi, "Let's drink milkshakes! It seems that eating too much pizza is not good."

Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong couldn't help but laugh.

This girl is so real.

Xiao Tong handed Lin Cheng the pizza she had taken a bite of, "Why don't you try mine? Let's see which tastes better."


Lin Cheng took a bite of his little wife's pizza, and frowned slightly, "Why do they taste the same? This is too strange."

Obviously, the ingredients of the two pizzas are different, one is topped with cucumber and beef, and the other is topped with chicken and curry, but they taste almost the same.

It's just like normal pizza.

"Nothing special! Actually ordering takeaway pizza at home is pretty much the same."

It’s not that it’s impossible to make do with it, but taking the whole family out to eat pizza from a takeaway shop always feels imperfect, so Lin Cheng simply proposed to change to another restaurant to eat barbecue.

After eating for less than 10 minutes, Lin Cheng was ready to pay the bill.

"Is this ready to eat?"

The enthusiastic waiter who started serving them was surprised, "How's the pizza?"

Lin Cheng thought about it, and prepared to express it in a tactful way.

Xiaoying clasped her little hands and stared at her big eyes, "That... Xiaoying doesn't seem to like eating pizza very much in the first place."

The high EQ speech made the waiter laugh, but he was a little embarrassed, and he knew it was not to his taste.

On the contrary, Enxi raised her small hand and said seriously: "Enxi likes the taste of pizza, Enxi thinks it is delicious!"

The waiter smiled less awkwardly.

He didn't know, as long as it wasn't raw flour, Enxi, the king of support, would probably say it was delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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