This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1821 Only Keza can do this operation

Chapter 1821 Only Keza can do this operation

Being caught in an interview as a melon eater, Lin Cheng was a bit unscrupulous in front of the camera.

"The loss to T1 in the second round of the regular season made my teammates very unconvinced. I only hope that DK can play T1's stuff today and remove some obstacles for us. Of course, it would be better to win."

"If DK loses and KT wins the championship, then I declare that KT's spring championship has one-third of the credit for DK."

"I beat Zeus violently in the top lane, and beat Aunt Yoshi in the bottom lane. This time... maybe there is a possibility to switch to the middle lane to defeat Faker head-on?"

"If T1 is sensible, it's better not to enter the final... Otherwise, they are likely to be beaten by me again."

"Recently, many of my fans have expressed their emotions on T1's social media. Here I also want to persuade the fans to calm down. After all, T1 has worked so hard and you still complain. What do you want to do? Are you trying to ruin Korean e-sports? "

Lin Cheng talked all over the sky, Xiao Tong almost died of laughter beside him, but the two little girls cringed and hugged sister Tong's thigh, and looked at Lin Cheng in a daze.

After all, it was a novel experience for the two little girls to be on TV.

Even Xiaoying, who is not afraid of anything, is inevitably shy.

Today's game was full of messes, but Lin Cheng's eccentric speech directly ignited the anger of all the messes in the live broadcast room, and everyone wanted to rush to the scene to gank Lin Cheng.

Even though there was no KT game, more and more oranges began to pour into the official live broadcast room to tear up with the stalls.

As the game was approaching, Lin Cheng brought Xiao Tong and two little girls into the arena to find a place to sit down.

A big bag of snacks has been prepared in advance to prevent Enxi and Xiaoying from being bored watching the game.

Sitting in the middle of the enemy line, Lin Cheng kept a low profile. .

"Wow~~~ It's so lively!"

"Eunxi saw this on TV, when uncle played."

"You two are not allowed to run around, sit obediently in your seat."


"Don't eat too much chocolate, save the snacks with strong taste to eat at home..."

The director knew the news that Lin Cheng was watching the game in advance. Lin Cheng was telling the two little girls about the etiquette of watching the game, but he was directly arrested by the director's camera in the auditorium.

The audience roared with laughter.

"Uncle! Where are you!"

Girl Xiaoying pointed at the big screen excitedly.

Finding himself on TV, Lin Cheng smiled and waved hello.

The DK fans on the other side applauded enthusiastically, while the surrounding T1 fans just turned their heads and watched.

In fact, they had already restrained themselves from dismantling the seat on the spot and covering Lin Cheng's head and face with embarrassment.

The director pointed the camera at Xiao Tong next to him.

Xiao Tong lowered her eyes slightly, but she didn't dodge them shyly. Even though she was wearing a mask, her delicate brows and eyes made the old online critics clamor to be brothers with Lin Cheng.

"Sister Hitomi! Sister Hitomi is here too."

The two little girls excitedly waved to Sister Tong on the big screen, and suddenly found that the two of them were on the screen.

Immediately, the two little girls leaned on Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong shyly, and Enxi buried her head in Lin Cheng's arms.

Secretly revealing one eye, Enxi found that she had been caught by her petty actions, and Enxi quickly buried her head again like a frightened little ostrich.

The surrounding audience also burst into laughter, even the T1 fans did not report any ill will to the cute little girl.

Of course, he was not so polite to Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng soon felt that the atmosphere was not right.

The sights cast by the surrounding T1 fans from time to time always feel unfriendly.

"Don't talk to us, so as not to hurt us."

The little wife's words made Lin Cheng very heartbroken.

Enxi handed over the chocolate very thoughtfully, "Uncle! Eat chocolate."

"Our Enxi is still cute, thank you Enxi."

Lin Cheng rubbed Enxi's little head, took off the mask and stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

After chewing it twice, his expression turned bad.

Depend on!Mustard.

It's your own fault.

It was easy to win the first game T1, and the inter-field director once again showed Lin Cheng the camera.

Compared to the calm and composed way of greeting with a smile before, Lin Cheng will just stare at the camera expressionlessly wearing a mask.

The surrounding T1 fans were even more expressionless, with dead fish eyes staring at them from all directions.
The audience in front of the screen almost died laughing.

What do you say you are drawing?
If you sit in the middle of the booth and watch the T1 game, even Chengza can't catch you.

This picture was screenshotted by a good netizen, and it was quickly spread on the forum. The picture of Lin Cheng going deep into the enemy's camp has the effect of a show.

The first player to be imprisoned in the auditorium was thus born.

In the second game, T1 still won easily.

The T1 fans at the scene were very excited, and someone nearby used a tablet to type a scrolling subtitle at Lin Cheng: The king of news agencies - T1.

Lin Cheng still had a sullen face.

Xiao Tong smiled and stretched out her hands to grab Lin Cheng's ears, "Smile! Why are you so stinky?"

"Didn't you tell me not to talk to you?"

"No way! Smile, Sister Tong orders you to laugh."

Lin Cheng finally couldn't help laughing.

Eyes narrowed slightly, overflowing with joy.

Originally, the online viewers were laughing at Lin Cheng's imprisonment, but the director suddenly cut to this scene, and the bullet screen was filled with lemons.

It's so sweet inside.

So sour on the outside.

The Chinese stream barrage is even more messed up, all in the Wanwan big devil ran away.

In the third game, T1 still had an advantage in the early stage, but Faker's mid-laner small cannon sent Boda's, and jumped to the high ground in front of nine players for nothing, abruptly making DK fall behind by [-] and making an economic comeback.

The program effect is full.

In fact, Jess of Zeus smashed the cloth pocket this time, and the matchup led by one and a half big pieces, but was overturned. After the game, Zeus looked a little depressed.

To be honest, only Faker can withstand the entire T1 jump.

No matter which of his teammates made such a heaven-defying operation, it was a round of top-level Internet violence.

Looking at the LCK, only Keza and Chengza can be washed.

The LPL side is similar, only top traffic players like Brother Shuizi or Mr. Sun can withstand it, and if they change their teammates, they will go directly to the killing line.

What's more, if you switch to the national server RANK, there is a high probability that the interaction has already started in this situation.

[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): Mai Lin Gunner - Survive
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): Mai Lin Gunner - Survive
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): Mai Lin Gunner - Survive
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): Mai Lin Gunner - Survive
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): Mai Lin Gunner - Survive
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Tags are temporarily unavailable, please try again later

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[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): You are jumping
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): N
[Team] T1 Zeus (Future Guardian): M
The screen is already there.

(End of this chapter)

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