This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1822 Lust can also be cured

Chapter 1822 Lust can also be cured

Because Faker sent Boda to DK to win the round, Lin Cheng had to sit in the audience for a while longer, and the director kept showing Lin Cheng shots during the set.

Those who didn't know thought he was a T1 legend.

The camera came up again, and Lin Cheng happened to be joking with Xiao Tong, causing the audience to think that he was gloating because T1 lost a game.

Immediately, I was even more upset to see him.

Especially iron science and miscellaneous.

You are so happy when Faker gives you a gift, right?
Mark first, and then kill T1 directly after winning.

In the fourth game, DK finally stopped relying on Faker's performance, and Canyon made a Carry game, dragging the game between the two sides into the deciding game.

After one of the team battles in which DK won a big victory, the director immediately cut the camera to the audience seats.

T1 fans all hugged their heads with regret.

Corresponding to it is Lin Cheng.

This guy took off his mask and was drinking water. When he found that DK won the group, he put down the water bottle and waved his fist and shouted Nice.

The little girl Enxi stood on her tiptoes and stuffed a piece of fudge into his mouth.

Lin Cheng rubbed Enxi's little head with a smile.

The cute little girl is also laughing.

This seemingly warm scene made Tan Zaza break his defenses.

you are laughing!you!mom!Woolen cloth!
That is to say, alcohol is prohibited at the competition site, otherwise, there may be fans who drink up and find real Lin Cheng to PK.

In the final game, the two sides played rather anxiously. At one point, the game lasted for 30 minutes and there was no obvious difference.

Finally, DK found an opportunity to kill the careless little Lu Bu in the Dragon Soul team battle. Unfortunately, due to too many key skills, T1 still relied on strong personal manipulation to win 4 vs 5 in subsequent team battles Total victory.

In the end, T1 won the second LCK final ticket with a score of 3:2.

The T1 fans at the scene finally released their pressure and were as happy as Chinese New Year.

If it is true that the second chases the third, Faker's little cannon's crucial jump will be laughed at by Kohei for a long time.

But fortunately he is Faker, and Keza can withstand it.

And T1 finally won the BO5.

So, just pretend nothing happened.

T1 won the game, and it was Tan Zaza's turn to launch the hatred of the spring, Lin Cheng decisively left the field early with his wife and two little girls, and did not plan to watch T1's interview session.

But because Lin Cheng watched the game live this time, Cheng Za and Ke Za on the Internet were still facing off intensely.

The last time the news agency battle was staged in the LCK finals dates back to the season when Lin Cheng made his debut. Keza threatened to take Lin Cheng's flag in Ulsan this time to congratulate Faker on his return to the throne.

Cheng Za said that the truck was ready and ready to leave for T1 headquarters at any time.

The game played five innings, and it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when we came out.

Although they ate a lot of snacks in the venue, they didn't have dinner after all. Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong brought two little girls to eat a bowl of seafood noodles nearby before returning.

The two little girls were still very energetic when they got in the taxi, but they hugged each other and fell asleep after a while.

Lin Cheng, who was sitting in the front row, turned his head to look at the two cute little girls huddled together, and then exchanged glances with Xiao Tong who was behind.

Both of them had smiles in their eyes.

After getting out of the car, Lin Cheng and Xiao Tong picked up a little girl.

"I'll send Xiaoying back first... Is it okay for you to take Enxi back?"

Xiao Tong rolled his eyes at him, "Enxi is so light, are you still afraid that I won't be able to hold her?"

"Isn't it the high heels you're wearing? I'm worried."

Xiao Tong waved her hand, "Don't worry, I won't fall your baby Enxi."

Lin Cheng was annoyed, "What are you talking about, you are all my treasures."

Xiao Tong smiled and gouged him out, it was rare that he didn't speak hard, and he didn't wave his fist to attack him.

Walking slowly on the stone-paved road, Lin Cheng probed, "Well... do you and Sister Shuyan want to watch a movie tonight?"


"Let me watch it together, I promise not to do bad things."

"Beautiful thinking! Don't think I don't know what you think."

"I'm really a good person, trust me."

"Cut! Let's go, it's past ten o'clock, sister Su Bin should be in a hurry."


The two separated, Lin Cheng hugged Xiaoying and quickened his pace.

When you arrive at your destination, ring the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened.

Seeing Jiang Subin, Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

She seems to be exercising, with a flat and toned white belly under a tight cropped vest, light gray tight yoga pants clinging to her well-proportioned legs.

Jiang Subin has a very good figure, and becoming a yoga blogger on Youtube is definitely popular.

"Sister Su Bin, are you exercising at home?"

"Hmm! Xiaoying fell asleep? Give it to me."

Jiang Subin stretched out his hand to take Xiaoying, but Lin Cheng handed her the little gunner figure in his hand.

"Let me do it, you're sweating."

"That's fine! Just put her on the bed."

Lin Cheng arranged for Xiaoying to come out, and Jiang Subin poured him a glass of water.

"Just thirsty, thank you."

Lin Cheng picked up the cup and gulped it down.

Jiang Subin sat down on the sofa, "Why are you back so late today? Have you had dinner yet?"

As Jiang Subin sat down, from Lin Cheng's perspective, it was a white and deep gully. It's really amazing to be able to have such a scale under the constraints of sports underwear.

While talking, her bare feet moved slightly, and the rose red nail polish studded with sequins was particularly dazzling under the light.

"Eat it! It's been too long to watch the game... cough cough!"

Lin Cheng took out the tissue and frantically wiped the water he sprayed on the table.

"Sister Su Bin, you are really serious, why are you exercising dressed like this?"

Jiang Subin asked back, "I don't dress like this to exercise, do I wear black silk to practice yoga? Do you watch too many side-cutting videos?"

Lin Cheng: "...Okay! It's my problem."

"What? Did you react when you saw your sister dressed like this?"


Are all psychiatrists this aggressive?

Lin Cheng didn't speak.

Jiang Subin raised her eyebrows, "How is it? Do you want to have a special psychological consultation?"

Lin Cheng was helpless, "You said last time that I don't necessarily have a fetish, I'm probably just lustful."

Jiang Subin looked at him with a smile, "Actually, lust can also be cured."


Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, "How to cure lust?"

If lust can really be cured, wouldn’t you be ecstatic about rebooting?

As a result, Jiang Subin's words uttered frightened Lin Cheng.


"No, no, no! I'm fine like this."

Seeing Lin Cheng waving his hands in a panic, Jiang Su burst out laughing.

"Just kidding!"

Lin Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Subin ignored him and stood up on the yoga mat.

"Do you want to practice yoga? I'll teach you."


Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"You e-sports players sit all day long, practicing yoga is good for your body."

"Uh! Actually, someone taught us in our club, but I didn't learn it."

Lin Cheng didn't talk nonsense.

Korean clubs have done a good job in this regard. In order to keep the players healthy, in addition to physical therapists, KT also hired special yoga fitness instructors to teach the players. Lin Cheng did not practice yoga because he has fitness habits.

"Is that so... Do you want to try to learn from my sister? The feedback you get from practicing yoga is really great."

While talking, Jiang Subin knelt down.

With her knees on the mat and her arms outstretched, her chin and chest are pressed against the mat, a position that makes her hips look ridiculously puffy.

Lin Cheng saw that the foolish people in the club had done this yoga pose with their coaches, but the painting style made by sister Su Bin really made people unable to sit still.

He suspected that Xiaoying's mother deliberately wanted to see his jokes, and sister Jiang Subin usually liked to make jokes.

"Sister Su Bin, you exercise slowly, I'll go first."

After speaking, Lin Cheng got up and ran.

Hearty laughter came from behind.

Even if you don't look at the picture, Jiang Subin is exactly the same as Xiaoying when she put her hands on her hips and froze.

(End of this chapter)

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