This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1823 Respectable opponent

Chapter 1823 Respectable opponent

In the early morning, Lin Cheng was woken up at seven o'clock by the sound of his mobile phone falling on the floor.

Suddenly he turned over and sat up.


The inner thigh muscles were a little sore, Lin Cheng couldn't help stretching out his hands to rub them.

"Sister Shiyan is still amazing!"

Last night, Lin Cheng tried to do bad things and was kicked out by his wife who was addicted to watching dramas. Then he sent a cheap message to trick sister Shiyan into his room.

Zheng Shiyan was taking advantage of Enxi's sleep and was still processing emails, seeing this guy's message was very serious, so she left work and came directly.

When she found out that Lin Cheng was just greedy for her body, Zheng Shiyan was so angry that she didn't give him a good face.

But this cold-looking big sister still didn't pour cold water on Lin Cheng.

With tacit consent, Lin Cheng picked up Shi Yan's wife and walked all over the corner of the room.

It's been a long time since I've been close to Shiyan's wife. Lin Cheng had no resistance to her, but just looking at the contrast between Shiyan's cold face and perfect figure made this guy dizzy.

This time, Lin Cheng's eyes turned red.

Zheng Shiyan couldn't stand still in the end, she frowned and supported the sofa with a rare and weak appearance.

In the end, it was Lin Cheng who carried the limp Shiyan's wife back.

But after all, the 36D big sister is not light, and Lin Cheng still chooses the most strenuous walk A. After tossing around for most of the night, the result of waking up in the morning is a sore back.

"Woo~~~ Brother Cheng will die at Sister Shiyan's feet sooner or later."

The tone was complaining, but the corners of Lin Cheng's mouth almost turned up.

Sister Shiyan is beautiful, even if she really dies at her feet, it is not a bad thing.

Picking up the phone and getting out of bed, Lin Cheng went to the next door to take a look.

The big and small wives are still sleeping. Obviously, they watched most of the night after watching the drama last night.

On the contrary, Zheng Shiyan is already preparing breakfast.

Lin Cheng leaned over to the kitchen door, pulled at the door and greeted feebly.

"Sister Shiyan, good morning."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, lowered her head and continued to work.

Lin Cheng lay by the door and became dizzy for a while. Seeing that Sister Shiyan ignored him, he walked up and stretched out his hand from behind to hug Zheng Shiyan into his arms.

"Why do you get up so early? We made it almost four o'clock last night, aren't you tired?"

Hearing this guy's tired words in her ears, Zheng Shiyan's hands froze.

"Let go, I'm going to cook."

"No, I want to hug you."

"Don't make trouble."

"Let me give you a hug, Mother Enxi."

Zheng Shiyan narrowed her eyes, turned her head slightly, and glanced over with a blank expression.

Lin Cheng calmed down instantly, and his mind, which was not sober at first, was also sober.

He obediently let go.

Zheng Shiyan turned her head and continued to work.

"Really, I just want to hug you, why do you want to kill me?"

"Baby Enxi is better, you are always like this when you are a mother."

"I'm not afraid of you, I just like you."

Listening to the murmuring complaints behind her, Zheng Shiyan's movements were meticulous.

But there was a secret smile on the corner of her mouth.

This woman didn't like her, so Lin Cheng felt bored after muttering for a while, turned around and ran to wake up Enxi's little baby.

Today, the whole family is free. After breakfast, Lin Cheng took Baby Enxi for a walk, while the three women in the family began to prepare lunch for the trip.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the whole family set off to climb Guanak Mountain.

In fact, Zheng Shiyan seldom took Enxi out for activities in the past. Since Lin Cheng broke into their lives, they began to take Enxi to camp or play every now and then.

The little girl has more exposure to the outside world, and has become more and more cheerful and lively.

In this way, it's actually not bad.

Looking at the back of Lin Cheng leading Enxi to run wildly in front, Zheng Shiyan's eyes had a touch of tenderness.

"Ah! Ah Cheng, don't run too fast with Enxi, don't fall!"

Han Shuyan's reproachful voice came from the front, while Xiao Tong smiled and waved at Zheng Shiyan, "Sister Shiyan, hurry up, we are the last ones."


Zheng Shiyan strode her legs subconsciously.

South Korea rarely builds steps on the mountain. The climbing paths of Mt. Guanak are all trampled out, and the road surface is not smooth. Zheng Shiyan frowned after taking two strides.

"What's wrong? Did you sprain your ankle?"

"No, let's go."

Zheng Shiyan took a deep breath, resisting the discomfort between her legs and glared at Lin Cheng in the distance.

This guy!Is it a monster?
She didn't even know why Lin Cheng liked to do that kind of thing with her in his arms, and after such a long time, today he looked alive and well.

Of course Lin Cheng was tired.

Since the night before when he got drunk and was attacked by his sister-in-law, he settled his concubine, and then had a battle with Sister Shiyan. Even Lin Cheng's physique felt backache after waking up.

However, his recovery ability is really amazing, and he quickly forgot about fatigue.

But Zheng Shiyan didn't know that when Lin Cheng saw her preparing breakfast early in the morning, he also sighed:

Isn't this woman tired?A few hours ago, I was exhausted by Brother Cheng, but I woke up early in the morning to make breakfast on time.

But in fact, Zheng Shiyan is much more than Lin Chengxu.

It's just that she was very good at controlling her expression, and she suppressed the discomfort so that Lin Cheng couldn't see anything.

Then Lin Cheng can't be cowardly either.

Sister Shiyan must not think that Brother Cheng is a hypocrite.

In this way, they have some small misunderstandings about each other.

All are respectable opponents.

A day later, Lin Cheng returned to the club.

All other LCK clubs are on vacation, and KT did not arrange a training match before the finals. Apart from tactical analysis, the players basically practiced freely.

On March 3th, Lin Cheng is going to participate in an official LCK warm-up program.

In the morning, he was still sleeping late, but was forcibly woken up by Chi Shengxi.

"Sister Shengxi, good morning!"

"Get up soon! It's getting late, you still have to record a show."


With a perfunctory answer, Lin Cheng just curled up in the bed and looked at Chi Shengxi with blank eyes.

Beside the pillow, the little orange cat had already woken up, stretched its buttocks and yawned.

And the little gray raccoon flower also followed Chi Shengxi into Lin Cheng's bedroom, struggling to climb up the bed sheet.

"Get up quickly! Otherwise, my sister stuffed ice cubes into your bed."


Lin Cheng finally came back to his senses, "Got it... It's early! Juya, Congressman."


This is the name Lin Cheng chose for the two kittens from the contributions of netizens.

The little orange cat is called Ju Ya, which is taken from Lin Cheng's signature knife girl.

The little raccoon flower is called Councilor, which is taken from Jess, the hero Lin Cheng often uses, and this guy likes to stand up suddenly from time to time and stand in front of people with his feet on the ground, a bit like Jess is switching forms.

The orange cat's mother's name is Amy, which is taken from a cat with unlucky luck in the Korean manga. Netizens feel that meeting Lin Cheng is also the luck of the orange cat's mother.

Although the name of the Jumao family still feels a bit lacking, it is much better than Wang Tiezhu, Tian Erniu, Zhao Youqian, Ju Aikun and the like.

After saying hello to the two kittens, Lin Cheng rubbed his eyes and lifted the quilt.

The morning erection was inevitable, and the exaggerated arc under the beach pants made Chi Shengxi a little uncomfortable.

"Ah! You guy, aren't you too casual in front of your sister?"

"It's a natural reaction."

Lin Cheng was not shy at all, he sat up and stretched.

It just so happened that the congressman climbed up along the bed sheet, jumped on the quilt, and threw himself directly at Lin Cheng's thigh.

"Go away! Damn!"

(End of this chapter)

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