This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1836 Referee!Someone cheated on the spot

Chapter 1836 Referee!Someone cheated on the spot

Zeyuan: "Wow! The bot lane is so fierce! Both sides are very tempered today, and they even fought before they were promoted to the second grade."

Wan Wan: "Bery has realized that Lux will hit him back. He deliberately moved to the side after releasing his skills, but unfortunately he still didn't react to Lux's Q flash."

"Lax's intention to dodge Q in front of her is quite obvious. If Karma can dodge Lax's Q dodge, this wave of T1 will explode directly in the bottom lane."

Remember: "That's really helpless! Brother Yuanshen sometimes realizes that he can't keep up with bit operations, and you can't ask him according to Brother Chengzi's reaction."

It's a pity after beating Beryl in this wave.

"Hey C! Blink didn't hand it over."

He knew that Lux was going to Q him, and he also knew that Lux might Q flash, but he just didn't react.

For professional players, it is really uncomfortable if the operation cannot keep up with the consciousness.

Just like many older players, they have preset how to operate in advance, and know how to operate is the most reasonable, but often the result is that they can only blacken the screen and think about the pig B operation just now and get sulking.

Before the director had time to replay the bottom lane, Cuzz's prince bypassed his own triangle grass.

He didn't care about the bottom lane, and directly signaled to lean towards the middle lane.

Faker has a habit, that is, the first accessory eye in the early stage likes to be placed next to the opponent's F6 pit to detect the opponent's jungle route.

If he has the right to push the line, he will choose to look around between the first two waves of minions, otherwise he will look around before the first wave of minions goes online.

Due to the advantage of the length of the card, it is not easy for Galio to grab the line if he does not want to be white-pointed at the first level, so in this round Faker took the opportunity to look at the blue side F6 after the first wave of minions.

At that time the prince was playing F6.

Cuzz saw that his wild route was exposed. After the prince finished playing F6, he went down from the grass of F6 to brush the stone man, and then followed his own triangular grass from the river to the middle.

Knowing that the prince opened the field in the second half, it was time to go up as usual. After Faker pushed the third wave of cannon lanes, he chose to lean towards the lower river, looking into the grass.

"Faker is gone! Cuzz's weird twist!"

The prince just stepped into the grass one step ahead, and found that the card came over and directly shot the red BUFF to slow down.

Rookie didn't save his skills, and flashed + E to hit the card.

Cuzz pinched the EQ to death.

Finding that even a yellow card could not save him, Faker chose to save Flash and hand over the kill.

Zeyuan: "This wave of Cuzz is spiritual! Because Faker looked around at the intersection next to F6, Faker didn't notice that the prince entered the river from the wild area and mistakenly thought that the lower half area was safe. As a result, Cuzz made a big circle from below to catch him. "

Remember: "To be honest, there is really no need for this wave of Faker's scouting. He doesn't want to do spectacles. At this time, he won't think about going down to put pressure on EZ, right?"

No one expected that the pace of the finals would be so fast. In less than 3 minutes, the middle and lower lanes broke out one after another.

On the contrary, Lin Cheng's top lane was relatively calm.

The main reason is that the top laners in the LCK are all smarter now, knowing that Lin Cheng is good at details in the early stage, and none of them want to communicate with Lin Cheng in the early stage.

Zeus's Aoun was able to accumulate indestructible weapons and go around Silas to replenish troops. He still held his skills in his hand and didn't mess around. Lin Cheng was also not very good at exchanging blood first.

Although Silas has no pressure against Rou Tuozi, he needs to change blood after leveling up to be comfortable.

Cuzz just caught the card spiritually in the middle, but judging from the follow-up results, it is not considered profitable.

Because Galio handed in the flash, the card's leading flash line advantage was magnified, and Rookie continued to be suppressed.

In 5 minutes, Galio's blood volume was poor and he had to go home.

Coincidentally, Lin Cheng had a chance to return to the city after pushing the line on the road.

"Lao Song, change the lane? I'll go to the middle lane, and I can fight with the cards for support later."

"OK! I'll go up and hang out with Ornn."

The two quickly reached an agreement, Lin Cheng went out and went straight to the middle, and Galio turned on.

Because Rookie's flicker was suppressed, and the middle lane was pushed, even if Galio reached level [-], it was impossible to match the card's support speed.

But Lin Cheng does not have this problem when he switches to the middle lane. He can grab the line with the card, and at level [-], he can steal the card and use it together to support him.

Although the card can be suppressed in the face of Silas's normal situation due to the advantage of the length of the hand, the premise is that Silas will not find a chance to exchange blood.

Unfortunately, Lin Cheng happens to be good at this.

Zeyuan: "KT chose to switch lanes in the middle and upper lanes, and let Brother Cheng's Silas go to the middle lane to face the cards."

Wan Wan: "It's a very spiritual choice! Galio's early support initiative is worse than that of the cards, and Rookie has lost his flash and has been suppressed. Let Cheng Zi go to the middle lane and there will be no such problems."

Lin Cheng's switch to the middle lane is very effective.

If the card wants to suppress Silas in the middle, it must form a pawn line advantage, and then use the length of the hand to cooperate with the minions to suppress.

Lin Cheng seized the opportunity while Faker was pulling.

When the card steals E passive damage, it is slowed down by Silas's Q skill.

Lin Cheng resolutely EW close-up with A three times and passively stacked the Conqueror, Faker moved snakeskin and cut out a yellow card at the same time.

But Lin Cheng was too careful, and he accurately pulled the card in the second stage E in the middle of the soldier, and the forced displacement of the second stage E just exceeded the control time of the yellow card.

After a few steps of pursuit, Silas Q chain whip shot again.

Although I really like to save flashes, but if I save again, I will be solo killed. Faker didn't hesitate this time.

Wanwan: "Faker has been flashed!!! Brother Orange's Silas is very effective when he switches to the middle lane. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the cards to find opportunities to actively support the side lanes later."

"Brother Chengzi's task is to lock the cards, all he needs to do is put pressure on him."

As Wan Wan said, knowing that his own bottom lane is not very active in attacking, Lin Cheng is in charge of suppressing cards in the middle lane.

Even when he was promoted to sixth, he didn't steal the big move of the card in the first place.

It wasn't until almost 7 minutes later that Lin Cheng took the initiative to steal a card's ultimate move for the first time in the audience.

He knew that Nightmare was almost six.

Lin Cheng: "Motium is almost six, please pay attention."

Beryl: "It's not easy to return to the city in the bottom lane. We will push another wave of lanes when we find an opportunity."

Lin Cheng: "It doesn't matter! I can lean down to the right of the middle lane, so you can push it with confidence."

In this round, Oner kept his head down and worked hard, and successfully rose to level six in the early 7 minutes.

Just at this time, KT's duo was pressing the lane in the bottom lane.

Mr. Dai and Brother Yuanshen are really in good shape today. After EZ drops flash, they still have E skills. On the contrary, Keria Lux doesn’t dare to aggressively position and put pressure on him after flashing.

This leads to the fact that the bottom line KT actually has certain advantages in the early line rights.

Oner found that the position of the opponent's duo was a bit deep, and directly opened the big move in the lower half.

At this time, Lin Cheng's Silas had already leaned against the lower river.

But because he didn't know whether the nightmare was above or below, it was difficult for him to judge where Oner flew.

Lin Cheng: "Where is Moteng? Is it flying down the road?"

Mr. Dai: "I don't know, I haven't come here yet."

Rookie: "It should be flying down, I retreated to the tower."

Lin Cheng didn't care about that much anymore, the big move of the stolen card was activated directly.

The suppression effect of Nightmare's big move exists, and the map is still dark.

But at this time the cards can fly.

Lin Cheng was ready to fly down at any moment.

But the map was pitch black and he didn't know the enemy's location. It would be bad if he flew to the enemy's face rashly and was caught by the policewoman, but if he flew far away, he was afraid that the support would not be in time.

With an idea, Lin Cheng stretched his neck and turned to look at his teammates' screens.

This guy has really good eyesight, and saw Mr. Dai's screen through two teammates.

You don't need to see the details, just confirm the location of the duo.

Beryl: "Come here! The magic is flying me."

Seeing that Mr. Dai was driven out of the middle grass, Lin Cheng turned decisively and flew to the middle grass.

Because EZ has purification, the target of Nightmare's big move is Karma. Although Beryl flashes + E to accelerate the retreat, he is followed by Nightmare Flash out of fear.

However, because of the decisive retreat, Karma was not killed by the fire in the first place.

And Lin Cheng flew down the moment Karma was caught in the face by the nightmare, and when the nightmare pulled out the fear, Silas had already landed.

The T1 duo followed up and wanted to cooperate with Nightmare to kill Karma, but Lin Cheng suddenly came out from the nearby bushes.

Silas EW came close to level A twice and smashed towards Nightmare.

Karma strengthened W and returned two mouthfuls of old blood, Lux's Q missed again, and T1 failed to kill Beryl first.

On the contrary, it was Silas who passively cooperated with his teammates to kill Nightmare directly with two rounds.

The Q skill slows down the policewoman, and Lin Cheng hits an E with a backhand.

The three of them chased after each other, but Xiao Lu Bu was still killed by EZ's insidious piercing Q.

Zeyuan: "KT's bottom lane is too deep! Nightmare's first big move in the audience is about to make a contribution... Hey! Silas came so fast!"

Wan Wan: "Brother Cheng made great achievements in this wave. T1 selected cards + Nightmare's middle field deliberately targeted the bottom lane. The first wave of rhythm was resolved by Brother Cheng!"

The director is very messed up.

The first time he was not in a hurry to replay the perspective of the field, but instead gave the players a shot.

Lin Cheng twisted his neck to watch the screen of his teammates confirming their positions, and was caught straight.

Zeyuan: "Haha! He is looking at Deft's screen, what do you say this wave? I am Oner and I want to complain! One of the effects of Nightmare's ultimate move is to suppress vision."

Wan Wan: "No problem! There has never been a rule that you are not allowed to look at your teammates' screens!"

"grass!Cheating, right?referee! "

"Brother Chengzi is so handsome! "

"Reported!Brother Orange Cheating"

"Oner: Why can't my ultimate move block the vision? "

"Cold knowledge, the hat emperor has done this, and the fist's response is not against the rules (laugh and cry)"

"One thing to say, it's not a violation to look at your teammates' screens (funny)"

"Scattering is about to break the defense 23333"

(End of this chapter)

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