Chapter 1837
Lin Cheng managed to defuse T1's bot lane offensive with a wave of peeking at his teammates' screens, causing Nightmare's first big move in the audience to bring AD in the bot lane.

The female police rhythm that T1 originally expected was hit hard.

The commentators in various languages ​​were analyzing Lin Cheng's voyeurism, but the camera cut back and the game was suddenly suspended.

The scene was noisy.

Wanwan: "Huh? What's going on? It's not like T1 really stopped reporting brother Chengzi for cheating, right?"

Zeyuan: "It can only be said that the elements are complete. Even if the competition is not suspended, something is missing... Ugh! The director announced the reason very quickly this time. Player Zeus responded that the keyboard was flooded and requested a timeout."

As soon as the voice fell, the director gave the playback again.

But this time it's from a live perspective.

Just when Lin Cheng turned his head to watch the operation on the big screen, the fan area of ​​T1 was booed.

Some people expressed their dissatisfaction angrily at the camera.

Snooping is cheating!

Peeping at teammates' screens is also considered cheating, and not punishing them severely is not enough to outrage the common people.

As soon as the camera turned, the KT fans on the other side laughed.

Everyone applauded Lin Cheng's spiritual operation.

The boos were mixed with cheers and applause, and the stadium was full of noise.

In this case, the director suddenly cut to KT's in-team voice.

There was so much movement in the arena that even through headphones, the players could hear the sound.

Beryl didn't notice Lin Cheng's actions just now, and was still curious: "What's going on? Why are there so many boos? Are T1 fans doing it? It's so noisy!"

Rookie: "Please be quiet! This is Ulsan Library!"

Cuzz was next to him, and he knew Lin Cheng's actions clearly, "Lin Cheng, you're in trouble after the game!"

Lin Cheng: "It doesn't matter, I will kill them until they all shut up."

While talking, Lin Cheng smiled and turned his head towards the auditorium next to him and nodded his praise.

His behavior caused the T1 fans on the scene to further rage.

Amidst the scolding, several front row audiences threw the free coffee they had received onto the stage.

As a result, Zeus suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

The T1 fan area was closer to the home team's bench. They didn't hit Lin Cheng, but Zeus got his arm wet from the splash of coffee, and the keyboard was also wet.

Zeus called a timeout on the spot.

The perspective of the live big screen was synchronized with that of the online audience. Knowing the content of the conversation between the KT players just now, the T1 fans in the venue were once again furious.

Really angry!

And some KT fans even started dancing on the spot.

"Haha! Brother Chengzi deserves to be you! Shut up until you kill everyone."

Knowing Korean at Wanwan, I had fun on the spot.

She recounted the communication within the KT team, and the Huya barrage exploded completely.

Zeyuan: "Amazing! As expected of a news agency battle, the story is full of stories. Brother Chengzi may not know that what he just said has been broadcast."

Remember: "The director also understands the traffic code. If this instant voice is released, whoever loses today may be talked about for several years."

Wan Wan: "The atmosphere in the previous telecom battles was actually not so hot. In the past two years, Brother Cheng has achieved KT results, and the fans have become tougher. Coupled with Brother Cheng's playful personality, the grievances between the two teams Further upgrades."

"Turtle!Brother Cheng's ridicule is full"

"The atmosphere at the scene is so exciting!Is this really an e-sports competition? "

"The joys and sorrows of people are not connected (funny)"

"Ulsan Library!Shut them all up! (laughing and crying)

"It can only be said that Brother Cheng has a skill in fighting the fire, and Tan Zaza has not been as angry as he has been in the past two years in his life (dog head)"

"LCK has been suffering for a long time!Brother Orange, I am Superman! "

"An audience seemed to faint on the spot, 23333"

Among the jubilant KT fans, Han Seo-yeon looked extraordinarily quiet.

"Cheng! Marry me!"

"Hey Salang!"

Hearing the passionate expressions of love for her boyfriend from the female fans around, she couldn't help but pouted.

"Xiba! Kaisai to #@! @¥#¥%"

Looking at the appearance of several T1 fans jumping in anger in the distance, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the end, she just waved the light stick in her hand to Lin Cheng.

"Come on, Ah Cheng! My sister is watching you."

Zeus dealt with the water on the keyboard, and the pause came back quickly.

Because this wave of T1 failed to take the initiative to attack the bottom lane, Cuzz successfully controlled Xiaolong 8 minutes ago, and then the prince returned to the city and immediately rushed to the upper half without stopping.

The nightmare is not too big, KT is sure that the opponent dare not take the initiative to open the vanguard, and the blue duo is not in a hurry to turn up.

Instead, Keria's Lux left AD and ran to the middle to help the card push the line.

Cuzz: "They fight for the vanguard in the mid lane."

Rookie: "Nocturne is not big, we must take this pioneer."

Beryl: "Hegui, come on up, neither of us can get past Caitlin."

Mr. Dai: "If Caitlin can't get through, Vanguard can fight first."

Cuzz activated the vanguard, and the blue duo lined up another wave of soldiers from the river to the upper half.

KT's command is very clear. Since the female policeman can't get through, under normal circumstances in this wave, the opponent should let go of the vanguard when they see EZ Karma appearing in the middle.

But the T1 command is also spiritual enough.

When Keria appeared in the middle, she didn't plan to take the vanguard at all. Nightmare squatted in the grass in the middle of the lower river ahead of time.

When the blue team approached, they were ambushed.

The cards flew up directly.

Karma, who didn't flash, handed over the head.

Fortunately, due to the timely support of Silas in the middle, EZ's life is not in danger.

Seeing the home team get back to the field, the T1 fans on the scene were upset again.

Zeyuan: "Siege to fight for help! The command of this wave of T1 is very good. They lacked the nightmare ult and the female policeman can't get through. The vanguard team must be false in fighting."

"However, through the spiritual command, T1 captured Karma's head in the river, and allowed little Lu Bu to eat a layer of tapioca by himself. From an economic point of view, T1 made money."

Seizing the opportunity of the card CD, Lin Cheng finished pushing the line and disappeared in the middle in more than 9 minutes.

At this time, the KT duo in the bottom lane is pressing the line fiercely.

T1's first reaction was that Lin Cheng led the jungler to go to the bottom lane for four packs and two packs. Nightmare leaned down to prepare to squat back, and also leaned down after pushing the card line.

But in fact, Lin Cheng's Silas moved from his wilderness to the top road.

He had a reverse thinking, thinking that Silas was going to target the policewoman, but he chose to engage Ornn.

At this time, the top line was in the middle, and Lin Cheng walked out directly from the back line.

Silas EW successfully stole Ornn's ultimate move by borrowing the movement of the soldiers.

The lava goat runs over.

Galio turned on the wolf head forward pressure.

Aoun was knocked into the air and died quickly.

Silas took the head.

Seeing Lin Cheng coming out from behind the pawn line to gank, Zeyuan couldn't hold back anymore.

"To be honest, I've never seen such a blatant GANK..."

As soon as the words fell, Ao En was hit by a sheep's head and died violently.

Wan Wan chuckled: "Hey! You'll see it now."

(End of this chapter)

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