1859 Threat
After staying in Qingliang for a day, Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan bid farewell to grandma the next afternoon.

The old man didn't show any reluctance, on the contrary, Lin Cheng turned around every step of the way, making the old lady almost impatient.

"Hurry up! My granddaughter has to go to work tomorrow, so don't ink."


Only then did Lin Cheng lead the smiling Shuyan sister and turned away.

Looking at the backs of the two, the old man's eyes were calm and kind.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to Seoul.

Xiaotong is playing puzzles with two girls, Enxi and Xiaoying.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Enxi dropped the puzzle and ran over with short legs.

"Uncle! Sister Yan!"

Lin Cheng caught the little girl who rushed forward, and kissed Enxi's little face with his mua.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Uncle wants to kill Enxi!"

Enxi grinned happily.

She looked at Han Shuyan eagerly again.

Han Shuyan also squatted down and kissed the little girl's cheek
Enxi was so happy that her eyes narrowed.

Being pampered by everyone in the family, the little girl felt that she was the happiest baby in the world.

Xiaoying followed behind her little friend step by step, and found that Lin Cheng was looking at her, she quickly turned her head away.

"Hey! Uncle give Xiaoying a kiss too, okay?"

Lin Cheng leaned forward with a smile.


Xiaoying put her hand against Lin Cheng's mouth in disgust, "It's illegal to molest girls! Uncle, why don't you have a long memory?"

Lin Cheng: "..."

Seeing Lin Cheng deflated, Xiao Tong couldn't stop laughing.

She just chatted with Sister Shuyan and ignored Lin Cheng, and still hated Lin Cheng for implying that she was not good at cooking on the phone.

Of course, the bigger reason was that that guy actually bullied Sister Shuyan on the phone in front of her.

Lin Cheng didn't care about his little wife's indifference, and started playing puzzles with the two girls.

The puzzle is not difficult, but Xiaoying puts it together in a mess.

She even tried to force a round piece into the triangular slot with violence.

Lin Cheng complained: "You stupid girl! Don't squeeze it if you can't get it in."

Xiaoying refused to accept, "Xiaoying is not stupid! You are stupid!"

Lin Cheng sneered: "Aren't you stupid? How much is 17+8?"

Xiaoying stretched out her finger and gestured twice in vain, and found that she had touched her blind spot of knowledge.

"Tell me! How much is 17+8?"

The little girl put her hands on her hips and her neck was stuck, "How do I know?"

"And you said you're not stupid?"

"You are stupid, you are stupid!"

"you stupid!"

"You are stupid!"

One big and one small quarreled.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong looked at each other helplessly.

This guy is enough, he will quarrel with the children when he comes back.

But Lin Cheng can even quarrel with cats, so it's not surprising that he would quarrel with a mute one day.

In the end, because Xiaoying didn't get rid of the title of stupid girl, she sulked by herself.

She decided to ignore Lin Cheng for the time being.

It's not that the little girl is really stupid, it's mainly because the education in Korean kindergartens focuses on companionship, and the teachers are responsible for playing with the children.

Most of the classes in the kindergarten are about playing games, looking at pictures and identifying things. Even the teacher can’t control the children sleeping in class. It’s good for Xiaoying to know numbers.

However, the two girls were already six years old some time ago, and according to Korea's imaginary age calculation, they are seven years old, and they should start elementary school next year.

Korean education is very complicated, especially in middle school, Lin Cheng can't imagine what these two carefree little girls will be like in the future.

Han Shuyan and Xiao Tong went to prepare dinner, Lin Cheng just took out his mobile phone and found Enxi looking at him eagerly.

The little girl wants her uncle to coax her little friend.

Touching Enxi's head, Lin Cheng made an OK gesture.

Then he poked Xiaoying who had his back turned to him.

"Hey! Are you still angry?"

Xiaoying didn't speak, but turned her back to Lin Cheng.

"Xiaoying, do you want to buy Pokémon bread?"

"I heard that someone in the convenience store below has opened up fantastic stickers."

"Uncle's treat, you can buy as much as you want today, let's go and buy all the Pokémon bread in the convenience store."

Finally, Xiaoying turned her head.

"Xiaoying is rich, so Xiaoying doesn't want your treat."

Lin Cheng smiled, "Xiaoying will buy the Pokémon bread herself. How about uncle treating you to shaved ice? Enxi, do you want shaved ice?"


Enxi's little girl hurriedly raised her hand, drawing out her voice to support her.

Xiaoying snorted and didn't speak.

So, Lin Cheng took the two little girls to the convenience store to buy bread.

The little girl didn't hold grudges, and soon Xiaoying forgot about Lin Cheng's saying that she was a stupid girl.

The three returned home and started sharing shaved ice.

"what about the taste?"

"so so!"

"Uncle will take you to Shilla Hotel next time to eat mango shaved ice, it's very expensive."

"Ok~~~Eunxi likes mango shaved ice."

"Xiaoying likes it too."

At this time, Zheng Shiyan came back.

Enxi jumped forward happily, and Zheng Shiyan smiled on her cold face.

Although he was extremely familiar with her, Lin Cheng couldn't help being amazed by the charm of this woman.

Zheng Shiyan was dressed in black business attire, her tall and straight curves were even more attractive under the white shirt, and the clothes on her chest were stretched tightly, as if she could knock the buttons off with a straight chest.

The hem of the black hip-wrapping skirt is slightly above the knees, and the side slits slightly reveal a small section of round thighs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings. The well-proportioned calves under the skirt exude a hazy and elegant charm under the shredded meat.

Lin Cheng moved closer to her, "Sister Shiyan, I miss you and Enxi very much after seeing you for a few days."

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"Are you tired from work today?"


"Sister Shuyan and I went to visit grandma, Qingliang is really beautiful."


"When are you free, how about we take Enxi out camping?"

"it is good."

Seeing Zheng Shiyan's calm look, Lin Cheng was suddenly discouraged.

This woman's character is really hopeless.

However, it is probably because of her always cold appearance that every time she smiles, Lin Cheng feels his heart move even more, right?

Of course, Sister Shiyan's shy look moved Lin Cheng even more.

Even restlessness.

After a lively dinner, Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan took the two little girls out for shopping.

This walk is nearly two hours.

After playing, Lin Cheng sent Xiaoying home.

Jiang Subin got off work very late today, and was watching TV alone, while the husky was obediently lying on the side of the sofa.

Xiaoying hugged her mother's leg as soon as she entered the door, raised her head and asked:
"Mom, what is 17+8?"

Jiang Subin was taken aback, wondering why Xiaoying asked this.

Lin Cheng didn't expect that Xiaoying was still thinking about this.

He explained it to Jiang Subin.

Jiang Subin rubbed her daughter's head, "Calculate the answer slowly by yourself, do you have to concentrate on studying in the future? Otherwise, you will really become a stupid girl."

Xiaoying curled her lips, and secretly glanced at Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng threatened: "Remember to study hard, or your mother will give you electrotherapy!"

Xiaoying: (`)
Jiang Subin:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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