This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1860 No one looks like a mother

Chapter 1860 No one looks like a mother
Hearing that Lin Cheng used electrotherapy to scare his daughter, Jiang Subin wanted to laugh.

This guy really holds a grudge.

Lin Cheng found that the light in the living room was a bit dim.

"Why did you only turn on the secondary light? Is the light bulb broken?"

While talking, he turned on the main light.

The living room becomes bright.

Jiang Subin lay cross-legged on the sofa and explained, "I just turned on the light when I came back, I'm a little tired and too lazy to move."

"Miss Su Bin just got off work?"

"Well, the clinic received a very troublesome customer today."

Lin Cheng nodded, but didn't ask any further questions.

Jiang Subin said trouble, it must be trouble.

Mental patients, even if they take a knife to the streets to kill people, it's not surprising.

The two were chatting, Xiaoying ran to find a bag of dog biscuits, stuffed it into her mouth, and generously grabbed a handful and handed it to Lin Cheng.

"Uncle, eat biscuits, it's delicious."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Jiang Subin stared, "Ah! I told you not to eat Hanzi's food."

"But it's really delicious."

Xiaoying didn't care, "Hanzai is not stingy, and he didn't say he wouldn't let Xiaoying eat it."

Lin Cheng glanced at Hanzai who was lying on the floor, Husky raised his head and stared straight at the biscuit in Xiaoying's hand, the three fires on his face looked a little dignified.

It really didn't say not to let the little master eat his biscuits, but it didn't agree either.

Asked about it?
Jiang Subin threatened: "Dog biscuits are poisonous!"

"Mom, you want to lie to Xiaoying again! Xiaoying won't be fooled."

The last time her mother scared her like this, Xiaoying almost died of fright, and she even called Enxi to explain her last words.

If she didn't know how to write, she would have written her suicide note last time.

But after a few days, she was still alive and kicking, and Xiaoying knew that her mother was scaring herself.

"It was fine last time because you only ate one biscuit and it wasn't poisonous enough. Children will die if they eat more than five dog biscuits."

"Five dollars?"

Xiaoying counted on her fingers.

She had eaten more than five cookies just now.

"Xiaoying ate six yuan! Will she die?"

While speaking, she stuffed another piece into her mouth.

Jiang Subin looked sad, "It's hopeless, just wait for death."

Lin Cheng also had a serious face, "Your mother didn't lie to you, Xiaoying, you are dead."

Only then did Xiaoying realize the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately, she threw away the dog biscuits in her hand, ran back to the bedroom crying, and lay down on her little bed waiting to die.

Lin Cheng and Jiang Subin looked at each other, and managed to hold back their laughter.

Jiang Subin didn't go to comfort her daughter, but curiously picked up the dog biscuit.

Han Zai ran over with a courteous face, thinking that the master would reward him with two mouthfuls.

As a result, Jiang Subin thought for two seconds, took out a dog biscuit and took a small bite.

With a raised eyebrow, the taste is not bad.

"Would you like some?"

Lin Cheng: "???"

Han Zai was also confused, he didn't know why he wanted to grab his biscuits.

Fortunately, Jiang Subin just tasted a piece, and put away the dog biscuit under Han Zai's longing eyes.

Knowing that he had no supper, Husky got into his kennel dejectedly and lay down with his eyes closed.

Only then did Jiang Subin think of her daughter, and ran to the room to take a look.

"She's asleep!"

Lin Cheng was a little amused, Xiaoying just now looked sad and thought she was going to die, but fell asleep after lying on the bed for half a minute.

"Sister Subin, you rest, I'll go back first?"

"Wait first, then chat with me."


A little thirsty, Lin Cheng picked up the cup and walked towards the water dispenser.

"Miss Su Bin, do you drink water?"


So, Lin Cheng took a cup for her first, and then sat down with the cup.

Jiang Subin sat up and took a sip of water, and asked with interest: "I heard that someone invited [-] audience members to drink coffee because of his girlfriend, is Shuyan very moved?"

"Miss Su Bin knows all this?"

"Nonsense! It's not that I don't surf the Internet. Although I don't pay attention to the game, many of your news are known to the whole world, okay?"

Lin Cheng asked back, "For example?"

Jiang Subin squeezed her eyes, "For example, someone likes black silk long legs."

Lin Cheng broke his face and didn't want to speak.

"You haven't said it yet, is Shuyan very moved?"

"not bad!"

"Where's Shiyan? Where's Xiaotong? Is there anything wrong with them today?"


Jiang Subin was a little disappointed, "Cut! It's boring."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Do you really want them to fight?

It is true that Lin Cheng also likes to have fun, but the premise is that it doesn't happen to him.

Jiang Subin changed the subject, "Forget it! Since there is no excitement to you want to think about accepting sister's psychological treatment?"

Lin Cheng retreated in defeat, "Sister Su Bin, please forgive me, you will be willing to call me once, right? How did I offend you?"

"Don't get me wrong! I'm not good at electrotherapy."

Jiang Subin crossed her legs with a smile, deliberately raised her toes, "My sister can also use other methods to assist you in the treatment."

Jiang Subin is almost as tall as Zheng Shiyan, and her legs are of course very long. Under the wrap of jeans, she looks well-proportioned and straight, and her bare feet are even more beautiful.

Slender, fair, and crystal clear like jade.

The thin toes are crystal clear and moist, and the rose red nail polish embellishes the bright color.

With Jiang Subin's toes raised, the pink soles of her feet were faintly crimson under the light.

What's more, with the soles of her feet facing Lin Cheng, she deliberately spread her toes apart slowly, with the soles of her feet undulating slightly.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment.

What is this?

Sister Su Bin, did you drink today?

"Hey! Didn't you react like this? My sister doesn't even wear stockings."

Jiang Subin frowned, "You don't seem to simply like stockings?"


Lin Cheng stared at her in embarrassment, "Why are you making such a joke? I'm a normal man... I'm already a mother, and I don't look like a mother."

Jiang Subin shrugged and looked at him with a smile.

"Don't be shy, tell sister if you are hard?"

Probably because of a professional relationship, she is not shy at all, "Did you feel impulsive towards my sister? Have you ever reacted to my sister before?"

"Hey C... What are you talking about? Really?"

Lin Cheng stood up in a panic, and ran away, "I'm leaving first! Sister Su Bin, good night!"

Jiang Subin laughed out loud, as if he was very proud of teasing Lin Cheng.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

It seemed that Jiang Subin's laughter was still echoing in his mind, Lin Cheng leaned against the door and let out a long sigh of relief.

Are psychiatrists this scary?

Shaking his head, he walked away quickly.

To be honest, if it was another woman, Lin Cheng would suspect that she was trying to seduce him.

No doubt!It must be tempting him.

But Jiang Subin is different.

We have known each other for nearly five years.

Unlike Sister Shiyan's coldness, Jiang Subin seems to have a cheerful personality, but in fact this woman is terribly calm.

So why?

She shouldn't be treating me as some research material, right?
Isn't it just a few more wives?
What is there to study?
(End of this chapter)

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