Chapter 1861 Different
Back home, just as Lin Cheng sat down to watch a variety show with his two wives, he received a message from Sister Shiyan.

come here!I have something to discuss with you.

Lin Cheng suddenly lost his mind.

It's already ten o'clock, why is Shiyan's wife looking for me?
Could it be... Hehe!Hey hey hey!

Lin Cheng put away the phone, "Well, Sister Shiyan has something to discuss with me, so I'll go there first."

"Go! Don't disturb Enxi's rest."

Lin Cheng had a ghost in his heart, and always felt that there was something in Sister Shuyan's words.

"Look at what you said, can I keep Enxi from sleeping?"

Han Shuyan gave him a funny look.

Lin Cheng always felt that the eldest wife actually understood everything, but she didn't warn anything.

The pressure on Lin Cheng was extraordinarily great.

He tentatively asked again: "You guys want to be together tonight..."

"Oh! Are you annoying?"

Xiao Tong turned her head and waved her fist unhappily, "Don't disturb us watching TV, get out!"

"What's your attitude, I'm today..."

With a stalk in Lin Cheng's neck, he was about to quarrel with his little wife.

Han Shuyan gouged him out angrily.

Immediately choked back the words behind. "

"Go away!"

After speaking, Lin Cheng left angrily.

Xiao Tong and Han Shuyan looked at each other, and couldn't help raising the corners of their mouths.

"Woo~~~ Sister Shuyan is so kind, I knew you would love me."

Getting into Han Shuyan's arms, Xiao Tong acted coquettishly.

Han Shuyan smiled and didn't speak.

Although she was very shy in front of Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong was lively and sometimes had no scruples in front of Han Shuyan.

Thinking of something, she smiled and approached Han Shuyan's ear.

"Sister Shuyan, tell me, how did that guy treat you the night before yesterday?"

"Ah! Don't mention this."

Han Shuyan pushed Xiaotong's head away angrily.

"Tell me! How did that guy Lin Cheng bully you? Did he make you wear stockings?"

"My sister doesn't like you anymore!"

"Huh~~~~ I seem to have heard you say that to Lin Cheng on the phone."

"Hate it! See if my sister doesn't deal with you."

"Haha! Itchy! Sister Shuyan, I was wrong! Don't tickle me."

Lin Cheng didn't know that his wives were playing behind the scenes, so he ran to the next door with full of expectations.

There was a laptop on the dining table, and Zheng Shiyan was staring at the screen seriously.

"Sister Shiyan, where is Eunxi?"

This guy poked his head, looking as if he was about to steal someone.


Zheng Shiyan glanced at him lightly, "You sit down first, let me tell you..."

Zheng Shiyan really has something serious to tell Lin Cheng.

Cartier recently invited Lin Cheng to attend a press conference.

With a high endorsement fee, it was the first time for Lin Cheng to participate in an official event since he signed with Cartier. Zheng Shiyan explained the precautions in detail, including a series of requirements for wearing jewelry to attend the press conference.

Although Lin Cheng is a close friend of Cartier's watch series, Cartier itself is also a top jewelry luxury brand, and attending Cartier's press conference is not allowed to wear competing jewelry.

This is not just for watches.

Of course, Lin Cheng's contract has no restrictions on occasions other than press conferences. As long as it is not a competing watch, he can wear any jewelry of other brands in public.

For example, Lin Cheng tried on Tiffany's championship ring during the LCK championship interview.

"Oh! Don't worry! Sister Shiyan has seen me wearing jewelry? I'm not that flirtatious."

Facing Sister Shiyan's exhortation, Lin Cheng was all smiles.

Zheng Shiyan was noncommittal.

It is true that Lin Cheng has no habit of wearing jewelry at all, including the three wives at home.

Except for Zheng Shiyan who occasionally wears earrings, Lin Cheng has hardly seen other accessories such as necklaces.

Han Shuyan rarely even wears earrings, and occasionally wears a bracelet given by Lin Cheng.

And Xiao Tong likes novelty, she will try everything, there are many bracelets, arm ornaments, neck ornaments, etc., but she often gets bored after wearing them a few times, and she has no regular jewelry except earrings.

Lin Cheng felt a little regretful about this.

Although she doesn't like fancy things, she thinks girls can still try different accessories.

Let alone other things, you can wear more anklets.

In addition to Cartier's press conference, Innisfree's new product promotional film is about to start shooting, and a new brand has approached Zheng Shiyan to cooperate with Lin Cheng.

Only now did Lin Cheng feel what Sister Shiyan brought to him.

If Zheng Shiyan hadn't won 100% portrait rights for Lin Cheng last year, he would never have imagined how much he would lose in his commercial contract.

In fact, Lin Cheng's conditions were too favorable.

His influence is not limited to the e-sports circle, his personal image is really outstanding.

This is especially important to many brands.

If it weren't for the sunny and handsome looks and the model-like figure, the probability of a brand like Cartier coming to you is very small.

It is also because of his excellent image, playful personality and various circles of fans, with the blessing of huge traffic and backed by the Chinese market, Lin Cheng's commercial value is very exaggerated.

If it wasn't for Zheng Shiyan's foresight to help Lin Cheng win the complete portrait right when he renewed his contract for the first time, he might have earned a new base for the club.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Cheng is completely different from Faker.

Faker's current influence is inseparable from T1's long-term operation. In addition, Faker is now getting older and his competitiveness has declined. After leaving T1, there are too many uncertain factors.

So although Faker can threaten salary increase by leaving the team, Faker himself and the team behind him do not want Faker to really leave the team.

Faker and T1 are mutual achievements.

Even if he transfers, other teams cannot fully develop his commercial value like T1, and T1 also needs Faker's signature.

Continuing to work for T1, splitting shares and making money together is a win-win for both Faker and T1.

Lin Cheng was different.

Compared with Faker, his appearance is better, his personality is more popular, his circle index is larger, and his traffic is easier to realize.

Even if you put aside the commercial value, his unique competitive value is unmatched.

Therefore, KT cannot do without Lin Cheng.

But Lin Cheng was able to leave KT.

"...Okay, that's about it."

After Zheng Shiyan finished speaking, she did not put away the computer in her hand, and continued to process emails on her own.

Lin Cheng looked at her again and again.

This big sister has a super good mental quality, she is not at all uncomfortable because of Lin Cheng's gaze, and she is doing her own things with a blank face.

"It's just... gone?"

Zheng Shiyan glanced at him, "Well, go back and rest."

"No! I still want to see you."

Lin Cheng said with a smile, staring straight at her.

Zheng Shiyan ignored him and concentrated on her work.

She was still wearing the black professional attire, but she took off her coat, and the white shirt was tightly stretched. From the angle of Lin Cheng from the side, she could perfectly feel the pressure of the 36D big sister.

Lin Cheng licked his face and asked: "Sister Shiyan, you didn't change your clothes, is it because of me?"

"It is indeed because of you."

Lin Cheng was about to chuckle, but Zheng Shiyan turned her head expressionlessly, "I have to work during the day, so I've been sitting here after dinner and busy with your business, I don't even have time to change clothes."


Lin Cheng defended in a low voice: "You know that's not what I mean... Then I will give you all my endorsement fees? Can you just smile?"

Zheng Shiyan rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Lin Cheng was overjoyed.

Wife Shiyan's eyes are so touching.

He leaned close to Zheng Shiyan's ear thieves: "Hey! Since you don't want money, I'll pay with my body, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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