Chapter 1867
After being countered by Xiao Tong in a fish-fishing manner, Lin Cheng crumbled in dismay.

In the barrage of the live broadcast of the program, Cheng Za was already raving about the program group and the host.

It's all due to Li Zhenxian and the program team's malicious guidance, which made Faker make up the plot of cerebellar atrophy.

Of course, Faker was also targeted.

That black-bellied smile was obviously intentional.

All beheaded!

Of course, Cheng Zao was not the only one watching the show.

"Too much!Such an insult to Cheng? ? ? "

"People in the LCK don't want to live anymore? "

"Ashiba!How many lives does a director have? "

"Who Knows the Director's Address?Does anyone know the address of the director?Does anyone know the address of the director? "

"Faker is the culprit!He did it on purpose

"Children without mothers are like this, lacking education since childhood"

"What kind of players have what kind of fans, Cheng should really have cerebellar atrophy"

"Hurry Up!Selling Peanuts and Melon Seeds in the Front Row"

Chengza scolded Faker for not having a mother, and Keza scolded Lin Cheng for his cerebellar atrophy. The melon-eating crowd followed suit, and a large number of viewers violently output in the bullet screen and comment area.

It is conceivable that the situation will soon turn into a chaos involving the entire network.

Orange miscellaneous set off, not a blade of grass grows.

Anyway, don't think about it.

While the show was still going on, just as Lin Cheng was puzzled by Faker's inexplicable black-bellied smile, Faker took the initiative to explain the reason.

Only then did Lin Cheng realize that Faker regarded him as a fan of cerebellar atrophy, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He wasn't really angry though, threatening to give Faker a treat.

"Cheng player."

The director's voice came from outside the screen, "Do you mind about this misunderstanding? If so, we will cut it later."

"Of course not! It's a misunderstanding after all, I don't feel offended."

Lin Cheng took a sip of water, "If the show is good, there is no need to cut it... If the ratings are good, can we raise more medical expenses for the children?"


Faker added: "But your fans don't necessarily think so."

Lin Cheng immediately put down the water bottle, pointed at the camera with a serious face, "For the sake of love and the effect of the show, everyone, don't go to the show crew! Otherwise, you will be expelled from your fans!"

After a pause, he leaned in front of the camera and widened his eyes: "I didn't blink, nor was I kidnapped, I did it voluntarily."

Suddenly, the barrage was full of KKKKK.

The hostility dissipated a lot.

Misunderstanding cleared!

Lin Cheng successfully dispelled the anger of a large number of oranges with his own humor.

I can only forgive the program team.

if not?
To be expelled from fan status.

Lin Cheng could really do such a thing.

I have to say that Lin Cheng's witty and free-spirited way of doing things is very popular. The neutral audience who watched the show immediately liked it. Even Keza was embarrassed to attack Lin Cheng for his cerebellar atrophy.

He is willing to make fun of himself in order to help children earn more treatment fees, and people with conscience are really embarrassed to black him because of this.

Of course, one yard is one yard, and the accounts of both parties are not over yet.

Unless Lin Cheng transfers to T1 one day, Tan Zaza will not forgive him for the harm he has done to T1 in the past two years.

But after all, there are too many people talking about it. At this time, there are still Chengza on the top who is still sparring with Keza, but the ones who spat on the program group are almost invisible.

On the contrary, Chuanzi is still active!

This creature exists forever, and can change the vest at any time.

After receiving Lin Cheng's generous reply, the director expressed his gratitude on the spot.

After all, it was a non-profit performance, and Lin Cheng didn't have a penny for the performance fee.

"Don't be so polite! I really don't care about this kind of joke."

Lin Cheng waved his hand, "Li Shiheng has been attacking my IQ as high as 250, if everyone is really free, go and charge him first!"

At the end of the show, a bust of Kuro was given at the right time, and a perfunctory text mosaic was made on his face insincerely, and it was noted on the back: This is the person!His IG address is: XXXX
The barrage exploded.

"Kuro:? ? ? "

"This later period is too KKKKK"

"Is an IQ of 250 a compliment? The highest value of the IQ index is 250, right?

"But 250 means insulting in Chinese"

"real?Bros!Go to Kuro! "

"I'm a miscellaneous, I'll also go to help rush"

"Let's go!I am a neutral audience, but I am also a little itchy"

"Mr. Kuro's eyes go black while watching the program"

Blaming Kuro, Lin Cheng chatted about some jokes he used to make with his teammates.

Probably because the atmosphere of KT is very casual, everyone joking with each other is not as sensitive as other LCK teams, and they will not be linked to bullying at every turn.

In fact, Lin Cheng felt that the atmosphere of KT was just right.

Everyone gets along in a relaxed manner, not so rigid, but not too loose like some LPL clubs, and Lin Cheng doesn't like the atmosphere where there is too much pressure on each other.

"...So, isn't it normal for friends to make jokes like this?"

After a pause, Lin Cheng glanced at Faker, "Brother Li, are we friends?"

Faker pushed his glasses, "It should be counted!"

Lin Cheng: "Then come down and treat me to dinner."

Faker: "???"

Lin Cheng: "Isn't it normal for friends to treat guests? And you are older than me, so you can't let me pay for it?"

In the camera, Guapi's heartbroken expression between hesitation made the audience laugh like crazy.

The director interjected, "Although it was a misunderstanding just now, there is indeed a child suffering from cerebellar atrophy on our aid list this time."

Faker asked subconsciously: "Are you my fan?"



Faker patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, "I'll treat you to dinner after the show is recorded!"

Lin Cheng suddenly regained his energy: "Where should we go to eat?"

Faker thought for a while, "If you don't mind, you can come to our base to taste the dishes in the cafeteria."

Lin Cheng put it bluntly: "You just don't want to pay for it?"


Faker denied, "If you don't want to come to our base, I invite you to Haidilao to eat hot pot."

Lin Cheng said: "I'm from Sichuan, and I don't usually eat Haidilao... Can I change it to Genting restaurant on Seoul Tower?"

Faker pushed his glasses, hesitant: "How much does it cost to eat there? It sounds very high-end."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng didn't hold back, and laughed with the two hosts.

The barrage exploded.

"Faker's painful look is too real KKKKK"

"Xianghe!We are not short of money, don’t be so frivolous.”

"But he treats Cheng to dinner for his fans, he's really handsome"

"They are all warm people, today I will not scold K Miscellaneous for the time being"

Xiao Tong laughed like crazy while watching the show.

She stretched out her hand and poked Lin Cheng, "Hey! Sister Tong also wants to eat at the Yunding restaurant in Seoul Tower, when will you invite me?"

Lin Cheng turned his back angrily, "No please! Just now you said that my cerebellum has shrunk."

"Ouch! Don't be so mean."

Xiao Tong grinned and grabbed Lin Cheng's shoulder, and reached out to grab his cheek.

"Smile for Sister Tong, at worst, can Sister Tong invite you to eat?"

The little wife's lively appearance was really cute, Lin Cheng forced a smile helplessly.

His face was pulled by Xiao Tong, which was a little funny.

"Haha! Faker fan with cerebellar atrophy!"

Lin Cheng was furious, and pushed his little wife to the ground and threw herself on her.

"Damn it! You are dead today."

(End of this chapter)

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