This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1868 Xiao Tong's New Skin

Chapter 1868 Xiao Tong's New Skin
Being teased again and again by his little wife, Lin Cheng was determined to teach her a little lesson.

"You are dead! Don't beg for mercy when you have the ability!"

Seeing that Lin Cheng seemed to be coming for real, Xiao Tong quickly grabbed his arm.

"Don't bully Sister Tong, Sister Tong still has to watch TV."

Lin Cheng put his hands on the little wife's body, put his face in front of her and stared straight at her.

"Do you still dare to say that my cerebellum has shrunk?"

The two were face to face.

The scorching breath hit her face, Xiao Tong slightly turned her head away shyly, she pouted, "I hate you! I don't care about you... Sister Tong still wants to watch TV."

"There's nothing to watch on TV, I just want to bully Xiao Tong right now."

Lin Cheng's eyes were burning hot.

"But it's daytime now!"

Xiao Tong stretched out her hand and pushed Lin Cheng, "I've been waiting for this show for several days, and you made me...uh!!!!"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Cheng blocked her mouth.

Lin Cheng was fatally attracted to the gentleness and charmingness of the eldest wife, and he also liked the arrogant and cuteness of the younger wife.

To catch is to kiss hard.

Soon, Lin Cheng let her go.

Xiao Tong stared at Lin Cheng and pinched Lin Cheng fiercely, "Smelly Lin Cheng, I want to sue Sister Shuyan."

Lin Cheng smiled and leaned his head again, "Sue it! At worst, I pouted my buttocks to admit my mistake, and it's okay to be naked."

"Are you disgusting?"

Some did not dare to look directly at Lin Cheng's eyes, Xiao Tong turned his head slightly.

Lin Cheng kissed her again.

This time it was gentle.

Gently sticking to her lips, gently sticking out his tongue, licking her lips gently.

"Xiaotong, why are you so cute?"

Xiao Tong's cheeks were flushed, and she was too shy to look directly at Lin Cheng.

Some couldn't stand Lin Cheng's gentleness.

But she still turned her head away stubbornly.

"Speak these words to your good sisters!"

Lin Cheng was helpless, "Ah! Why are you mentioning this again?"

"It's your own guilty conscience!"

Xiao Tong pushed Lin Cheng away vigorously, and sat up on her own, "Don't disturb Sister Tong watching TV, I've really been waiting for this program for a few days."


Lin Cheng whispered in her ear: "If my little pupil wants to be bullied, please tell me... I just want to use my strengths to make up for your weaknesses."


Xiao Tong fiercely waved his fists, but his cheeks were blushing.

Lin Cheng smiled and stretched out his hand to hug the little wife into his arms, and didn't irritate her with any more flirty words.

Although Xiao Tong is always very fierce to him, but in fact, she is super easy to shy,

After so long, when Lin Cheng exported his little wife, she would always bury her head tightly, for fear of seeing clearly the details of being bullied by Lin Cheng.

Being hugged by Lin Cheng, Xiao Tong subconsciously struggled.

Finding that Lin Cheng was just hugging her tenderly, she settled down and leaned obediently in Lin Cheng's arms to watch TV.

In fact, she really liked Lin Cheng's embrace.

The show was very interesting. Lin Cheng and Faker not only interacted with fans, but also had a special case-solving session.

Two Hanbok diamond bot laners got into an argument because of the bombing. AD said there was a problem with the support, and the support said there was a problem with the AD. The two players still had no results in laning, so they went to the forum to post a post for netizens to decide the case.

Netizens are arguing in full swing, there are those who stand on AD and those who stand on support, and no one agrees with the other.

Although some king players stood up and analyzed objectively, they were quickly sprayed so that mom didn't even recognize it.

In places like forums, it's too normal for a bronze spray king.

Your rank may be higher than mine, but I just refuse to accept it!

If Lin Cheng used his anonymous ID to stand in line at the DC forum, he would probably be sprayed by another group of people until his relatives would not recognize him.

The program team contacted the two parties involved, and simply moved the unsolved case to the program.

Lin Cheng: "Although none of us are professional bot laners, you have to trust me and Brother Li's understanding."

Faker: "Guess! I have great confidence in my support, especially Alistar support."

Lin Cheng: "Don't mention your Alistar, blow our authority."

Faker: "..."

Therefore, Lin Cheng and Faker analyzed frame by frame on the spot and began to look for war criminals.

The bottom lane is not the same as the solo lane.

Under what circumstances can you grab the lane, under what circumstances should you push the lane, under what circumstances should the support stand up and give pressure, when AD should stand forward, after mastering these basic things, you must have a certain understanding between the two.

There is so much to analyze.

This wave is AD problems, and the next wave may be auxiliary problems. Lin Cheng and Faker are going to find out all the problems before weighing the pros and cons of catching Class A war criminals.

What's funny is that with the gradual analysis, Lin Cheng and Faker also began to have differences.

The two started to line up inexplicably, trying to persuade each other.


Lin Cheng is tough-talking, and Faker is notoriously tough-talking.

At the beginning, Faker could quarrel with Wolf on the question of whether the bull head should play Q or W, so naturally he would not accept Lin Cheng as the top laner.

The two have been at odds with each other.

Then Lin Cheng clamored for SOLO, he wanted to shut Faker up.

The effect of the show was full, and the audience almost died laughing.

Xiao Tong was also laughing in Lin Cheng's arms.

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "It's no wonder Li Sang Hyuk's support is so bad, he won't be able to get out of the lane at all."

Xiao Tong rubbed Lin Cheng's head with a smile, "Got it! Our Lin Cheng is the best, no matter which way we fight."

With the support of his little wife, Lin Cheng immediately smiled.

"It's almost twelve o'clock, let's go out for dinner... Sister Tong goes to change first."

After the show ended, Xiao Tong stretched out of Lin Cheng's arms, got up and went into the bedroom.

Lin Cheng waited while playing with his mobile phone.

"Xiao Tong, are you alright? It's been so long."

"Don't rush!"

"How much longer?"

"It's annoying! Shut up."

When she came out again, Lin Cheng suddenly felt that the waiting just now was worth it.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

"Looks good! Super good-looking! This suit is so handsome!"

Lin Cheng didn't even blink his eyes, he stared straight at the little wife's slender legs.

Xiao Tong raised the corners of her mouth proudly, and went to the entrance to change her shoes on her own, deliberately pretending not to notice Lin Cheng's gaze, "Hurry up and change your shoes, ready to go out."


Only now did Lin Cheng regain his senses, and couldn't help but look up and down at his little wife.

It's not his fault.

Xiao Tong tied her long hair into a low ponytail and wore a white baseball cap on her head.

The makeup is exquisite, the eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and the light nude eyeshadow seems to have sequins shimmering faintly.

A simple light-colored T-shirt is propped up with an obvious curvature. Xiao Tong is actually not really small. Compared with the real flat plate, she is also considered uneven.

Under Xiaoman's waist is a pair of denim hot pants. Under the hot pants, her slender legs are wrapped in black net stockings. The mesh of the stockings is neither too big nor too small, revealing her fair skin.

The delicate and delicate feet are fully exposed under the grid, and the grid on the toe part is much denser, covering the delicate toes.

Her toes are painted with pink nail polish, which is very attractive under the fine net stockings.

"When did you buy net stockings? Why haven't you seen them before?"

While putting on his shoes, Xiao Tong replied, "There are many you haven't seen before, and I need to report to you about what I buy?"

"It's net socks after all, you should discuss it with me first."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes mischievously, "The grid is too small, brother Cheng can't get in! You don't want my socks torn by me, do you?"

Xiao Tong came to his senses, and immediately became furious. He raised his right foot, which was not wearing a shoe, and kicked towards Lin Cheng.

"Color embryo! Go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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