Chapter 1869 New XP added!
Very strange.

When Lin Cheng was with the eldest wife, the atmosphere was always warm and harmonious, but when he was with the younger wife, he was noisy.

The two of them seem to be at odds with each other, and they can quarrel over any trivial matter.

Anyway, it won't take long to get bored.

Happens to like each other very much.

Seeing the jiojio kicked by the little wife wrapped in net stockings, Lin Cheng subconsciously escaped with his sharp reaction.

Then he started to regret it.

Why hide?

Obviously it's all delivered to your door.

"It didn't count just now, you kick it again!"


Xiao Tong angrily pulled Lin Cheng's arm and bit it off.

Lin Cheng quickly pretended to be pitiful and begged for mercy, "Hey! My little pupil, I was wrong, right? Don't bite so hard."

Miss Xiao snorted, and then let him go.

Soon, Xiao Tong changed into a pair of white sneakers,
Low ponytail, baseball cap, hot pants, fishnet socks, sneakers, Lin Cheng's feeling is not seductive, but handsome.

This suit is really handsome!
It wasn't until the little wife stepped out of the porch that Lin Cheng noticed a black belt tied around her right thigh.

At first, Lin Cheng thought it was the pattern of net stockings, but after a closer look, he found that it was an independent leg ornament, the shape was not complicated, it was just a belt with no pattern.

But it gave him an indescribable sense of beauty.

"Change your shoes quickly! Why are you in a daze?"

"What's that strapped around your thigh? It's so pretty!"

"Leg rings."

Lin Cheng suddenly remembered that when Beryl was playing Yuan Shen, there was a female character Rosalia who seemed to be wearing net stockings and leg rings?

But that one is a lot more astringent, and Xiao Tong is more generous and decent like this.

New XP unlocked?
He was not in a hurry to change his shoes when he leaned against the porch, Lin Cheng approached Xiao Tong slyly.

"I saw in the movie that the female killer would hide a small pistol in the leg ring, let me check to see if you are carrying the murder weapon."

After speaking, he reached out to touch the little wife's thigh.


Xiao Tong stepped out of the entrance and stood outside the door, closing the door forcefully with her backhand.


Lin Cheng let out a scream.

After a while, the two took the elevator downstairs.

After getting out of the elevator, Lin Cheng still held his nose.

Xiao Tong took the initiative to block Lin Cheng, pulled his hand away and checked carefully.

"Let me see, it's obviously nothing."

"It's the heart that's hurt, okay? That's more serious. I just want to see your leg ring. Why do you use a hidden weapon as big as a door to plot against me?"

Lin Cheng muttered non-stop, looking very hurt.

Xiao Tong turned around on her own and ignored him.

Just to make fun of himself, Lin Cheng rubbed his nose while taking out his mobile phone to take a picture with the screen, looking very concerned.



Lin Cheng looked up.

Xiao Tong didn't look back at him, but walked quickly ahead.

"Don't be so stingy, it's a big deal next time sister Tong... I'll let you bully me a bit."

The more he spoke, the quieter he spoke, and Lin Cheng clearly saw a slight rosy glow on the fair side of his little wife's fair neck.

Lin Cheng laughed, "Then it's settled, I want Xiao Tong to be bullied by wearing these net socks."

"Color embryo!"

With a curse in his mouth, Xiao Tong quickened his pace.

Lin Cheng walked forward quickly with a smile, and took her hand.

Wei Wei earns a living, but Xiao Tong doesn't care about him anymore.

Lin Cheng raised the corner of his mouth.

Hitomi is really cute.

She herself said that she would let me bully... Let Brother Cheng figure out how to maximize the benefits first.

Baisi Daomei COS contract?

Double pass?
For a moment, Lin Cheng's mind was full of thoughts.

The two found a very interesting restaurant on the Internet, took a taxi and went straight to Jiangnan District.

The restaurant is located at the intersection of Samseong-dong. The decoration is simple but also elegant. If you don't know it, you may think it is a western restaurant.

In fact, the content of the business here highlights a full of creativity.

Open the menu, there are French lobster ramen created by the chef, seafood scallion pancakes created by combining Western food with Korean food, and there is also a chicken pot with truffle soup that the chef claims to be inspired by Chinese food...
"Truffle Soup Chicken Pot? Is this thing edible?"

Lin Cheng felt dizzy when he saw the name of the dish.

"I heard that the chef here is French. He combined Chinese, Korean and Japanese cuisines to create a lot of weird dishes. This chicken pot is his masterpiece."

Xiao Tong encouraged, "Why don't you order a chicken pot set meal? Sister Tong also try some."

"No! It sounds like dark cooking."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, and ordered the normal-looking lobster ramen.

Xiao Tong ordered the traditional steak set meal.

I have to say that Western food is exquisite. The French chef in this restaurant not only combines Asian cuisine with innovation, but also has a sense of ritual in Western food.

Lin Cheng only wanted a glass of ice water, but it was also served in a goblet.

Full of style.


Xiao Tong raised the white wine in her glass and clinked glasses with Lin Cheng.

The waiter brought up a small bowl and put it in front of Lin Cheng. It contained a batter similar to steamed eggs. It is said that this was also the result of the chef's research.

Unexpectedly, ordering a lobster ramen also has an appetizer.

Lin Cheng took a spoonful of the paste and put it into his mouth, then frowned.

"Is it delicious?"

"Try it, since I tried Indian food last time, I'm a bit allergic to molecular cuisine, so I can't taste it."

Lin Cheng took a spoonful and handed it to Xiao Tong's mouth.

"Sister Tong doesn't use your spoon."

She was so disgusted that she opened her mouth and bit Lin Cheng's spoon.

"It's not bad! It should be made of pumpkin and sesame sauce, and it has a little taste of lobster. It seems to have added shrimp oil."

"Then I'll eat it for you, I don't want to eat this."

Lin Cheng unceremoniously pulled Xiao Tong's appetizer plate over, "You eat my mush, and I eat your abalone."


Xiao Tong was much purer than Lin Cheng, so he didn't think much about it at all.

Lin Cheng picked up the steamed abalone in the small plate and licked the sauce on it.


Xiao Tong glanced at Lin Cheng with disgust, "Are you disgusting? Eat whatever you want... stick out your tongue and lick what?"

"You do not understand!"

Lin Cheng said, "Tasting your favorite abalone is to lick the sauce carefully first, and then suck more of the original juice inside... Fresh abalone is delicious."


The best you can say is abalone!

This guy was too exaggerated, Xiao Tong finally felt that something was wrong.


Angrily, she pressed her knee against Lin Cheng's thigh under the table, "Don't say such strange things while eating! I hate it to death."

"Then wait until I bully Xiaotong, can we talk about it?"

"Get out! Do you want to die?"

Seeing that his little wife was offended by him, Lin Cheng finally calmed down.

I have to say that the abalone is really delicious.

Literally delicious.

Brother Cheng likes to eat abalone!
As soon as he ate abalone, Lin Cheng inexplicably thought of Chi Shengxi.

The abalone of the girl with black silk glasses is really...
Depend on!
Where do you want to go?


In this life, I will associate Sheng Xi with abalone, right?
(End of this chapter)

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