This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1871 Lin Cheng's Canyon Paradox

Chapter 1871 Lin Cheng's Canyon Paradox

"There are still 8 people in the cell and the cell is full. Who will the arrest warrant be issued next?"

"Is Brother Donghe here? Pull Brother Donghe in."

"Jin Dongha! I'm your brother, and I miss you even when I'm in jail."

"Which team still hasn't come? We want rain and dew."

The voice room was noisy, a group of people were still discussing the possibility of being released from prison, and then directly began to allocate places for prison.

The audience in Faker's live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

Where do these people place this cake?
Chatting and chatting, naturally we talked about LOL.

Mr. Dai: "As of today, I have lost [-] consecutive rankings, and my mentality is a bit broken. What kind of hero is good in this version of the bottom lane?"

For a while, everyone made plans one after another.

Basically, they are talking about big cores like Jinx and Aphelios, or characters like armor-piercing Liuxia.

Xiao Tong ate the steak and listened curiously beside Lin Cheng.

Although she can't get in the discussion of professional players, learning something might help her score.

Don't think that brass is willing to stay in brass for a lifetime.

Lin Cheng took a sip of his face slowly, "Let me tell you one, Lao Dai, EZ is pretty good, and you are good at this hero anyway."

Mr. Dai: "But now the bottom lane is full of big cores. I feel that the damage of EZ is too low."

"First, you need to understand the logic of the game"

Lin Cheng has reason and evidence: "The higher the AD damage in this game, the easier it is to be targeted in team battles. The harder it is to be targeted, the harder it is to deal damage. The harder it is to deal damage, the lower the damage."

"So the higher the damage, the lower the damage will be."

"Thinking about it this way, what's the use of choosing a big nuclear hero? There is actually no difference in damage. You can choose EZ and wait for teammate C and you're done."

After Lin Cheng finished speaking, the audio room fell silent.

"Cough! Cough!"

Xiao Tong who was drinking water suddenly choked, and Lin Cheng quickly reached out to pat the little wife on the back.

I don't know who didn't hold back first, everyone in the voice room laughed out loud.

What top level understanding?
Would you like to see what you're talking about?
"Discharged! "

"As expected of you!God's logic is impenetrable to mortals"

"Master, I understand! "

The Canyon Paradox, huh? KKKKK》

"One thing to say, I feel that playing Draven is a logical closed loop. Regardless of your equipment, you can't deal much damage. If you equip it well, it will all hit your face. If Draven still can't deal damage, it will die suddenly. "

"Classic Look at the opponent whoever is fierce, catch and beat"

Lin Cheng's canyon paradox was a bit shocking, and Xiao Tong, who was choked, finally recovered.

"Don't make me laugh, eat seriously."


Lin Cheng became serious, said hello to his inmates, and then slipped away to concentrate on enjoying lunch.

After all, he is the one who wants to accompany his wife, and there is nothing to talk about with single dogs like Lee Sang Hyuk crowded in the voice room.

For dessert, the waiter delivered a beautifully shaped ice cream cake.

The cake is painted with two cartoon villains holding hands. It looks like a couple. The villains are holding a rope in each hand, and the rope is connected to two balloons floating above the cake.

Balloons are also part of the dessert. The maker uses the sugar blowing technique to fill the specially prepared syrup with helium to form an edible balloon.

And people will change their voice after inhaling helium, making this dessert full of creativity.

One person took down a balloon, and Xiao Tong poked it curiously with his finger.

Lin Cheng bit the balloon and took a breath.

"The balloon is very sweet, but the taste is still good... Hey! My voice, hahaha!"

Halfway through Lin Cheng's speech, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

His speaking voice became sharp, and even his laughter was comical.

Seeing her boyfriend as happy as a child, Xiao Tong was also overjoyed.

Interesting things must be shared, Lin Cheng picked up his phone and re-entered the voice room.

"Give Me a Wheat"

As soon as the news was sent out, four positions were instantly vacant.


Lin Cheng took a look at Cuzz who was still squatting on the mic as steady as a mountain.

Is it reasonable that players from other clubs give up mics to brother Cheng, but my younger brother doesn't move at all?

But this meeting is too lazy to settle accounts with them, Lin Cheng Shangmai couldn't wait to say: "Hey! All eyes are on me!"

Faker: "Mo? Why is your voice like this?"

Mr. Dai: "Don't talk in between, it's disgusting!!!"

Dudu: "Did you turn on the voice changer?"

Lin Cheng: "I just ate a helium-filled balloon in the restaurant, and the sound became like this... Huh? The gas is gone, wait for me to take another two breaths."

He took another breath into the already deflated balloon.

"It's back again, haha! Isn't it interesting? Hahaha! Shall I sing a song for you?"


The room was silent again.

Others don't seem to find it interesting.

Because Lin Cheng himself just laughed while talking, like a sand sculpture.

Is this guy sure he's breathing helium?

Xiao Tong also bit her own balloon and moved her head closer.

"Have you all had lunch yet... Hahaha! It's so interesting, I've become a child too."

The two laughed together, and their cheerful and funny laughter made the inmates in the room feel uncomfortable.

Everyone is discussing how to get out of prison, why are there two people spreading dog food here?
The barrage in Faker's live broadcast room was very lively.

"LOL!They are so happy! "

"Whose Children?Why did two children mess in? "

"Send Star, Let's Catch Jellyfish"

"Two Idiots KKKKK"

"But it's so sweet, I can't bear it"

"I never expected to be sprinkled with dog food in Faker's live broadcast room (angry)"

"I always thought that Faker's live broadcast room would be the last position for single dogs (crying)"

"Ask for the address of the restaurant, I also want to become a trap!" "

Suddenly, the cheerful and sharp laughter of Lin Cheng and his girlfriend stopped abruptly.

Faker blocked him.

Mr. Lee Sang Hyuk scratched his head, "Let this person calm down... I'm not jealous that he has a girlfriend."

Extra explanations make the barrage even more explosive.

All are trying to cover up.

Soon, the news that a group of LCK players headed by Lin Cheng and Faker were wiped out by the Kakao mini-game group rushed to the hot searches.

"Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa"

"Cheng's Paradox of the Sky-Defying Canyon"

"Cheng and Girlfriend's Dog Food"

"The hard-talking mother-fetal single Faker"

It is probably because everyone is willing to pay attention to these off-site news during the offseason. This jail meeting led to several hot search keywords.

Many viewers did not expect that the contestants were so fun in private.

Not only Lin Cheng, but also many interesting things happened when he left the wheat.

Even small games have become popular.

The dungeon of the Jinzhou drug lord map is full of 100 people. Netizens suggest that the game production team expand the voice room. They want to see how many calabash babies can be opened up.

According to the relationship network of this group of players, if there is no upper limit on the number of people in the voice room, maybe the players from the LPL and LEC will be trapped.

In the end, the entire professional circle of League of Legends was wiped out in one go, which is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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