Chapter 1872 No regrets!

After lunch, the two went to the library in the afternoon.

Xiao Tong was studying, while Lin Cheng accompanied her to read comics.

Of course, it's a regular comic.

Comic books are also huge in the Korean market. Recently, more and more comic works have been adapted into TV dramas, and the response has been good, which has also led to the prosperity of the industry.

"Why do you still watch "Doraemon"? Childish!"

Faced with his little wife's doubts, Lin Cheng curled his lips, "I also want to read comics that are not childish, but they don't have them here either."

Xiao Tong rolled her eyes, "You have to go to a special bookstore for that kind of comics, how could there be any in a library here?"

"Xiaotong understands very well."

Lin Cheng bit his little wife's ear aggressively, "Say! Are you reading dirty cartoons behind my back?"

"Get out! Sister Tong didn't do it!"

Miss Xiao frowned again, her voice was a little louder.

After all, this is a library, Lin Cheng finally calmed down.

Staying in the library until four o'clock, the two went to the kindergarten to pick up Enxi and Xiaoying.

The two little girls were particularly energetic today. After they came back, they pestered Lin Cheng to play in the playground in the community for a long time.

Finally, the two little girls got tired of playing.


Enxi pulled Lin Cheng's leg, raised his head eagerly, and seemed hesitant to speak.

This little girl is tired from playing and doesn't want to leave by herself.

Smiling, Lin Cheng turned around and squatted down.

"Come up!"

Enxi grinned happily, and happily lay on Lin Cheng's back.

"Uncle, you are so kind!"

"You little sycophant."

"Enxi is not a sycophant!"

"Okay! Our Enxi is a little angel."

The little girl giggled with her arms around Lin Cheng's neck, her face full of happiness.

Seeing Xiaoying standing by the side and staring blankly, Lin Cheng waved his arm as a signal.

"Xiaoying also come up, uncle will carry you together."

Xiaoying twisted away stubbornly, "No way! Xiaoying can walk by herself."

Lin Cheng shrugged and stood up with Enxi on his back.

"That's fine! Xiaoying can go on her own, let's go back to eat."

Lin Cheng took a step, and Xiaoying quickly followed with her short legs.

"Where's my mother?"

"Your mother is busy recently, and she still has to come back later today. You go back to have dinner with us."


Xiaoying responded with a muffled head, trying to keep up with Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng teased in a low voice: "It turns out that Xiaoying also cares about her mother? Didn't you say that the family doesn't want to stay?"

Xiaoying curled her lips and ignored him.

"Jiang Xiaoying! Why are you ignoring me?"

The little girl looked up at Lin Cheng with disgust, "Uncle, you talk a lot!"

Lin Cheng: "..."

This little girl's film is sometimes really annoying.

Eun Hee is still a little cute.

Feeling the little girl on his back patting his shoulder comfortingly, Lin Cheng's heart almost melted.

When Lin Cheng returned home with the two little tails, Han Shuyan was preparing dinner with Xiao Tong.

After putting the cartoons on for the little girls, Lin Cheng wandered to the kitchen to make trouble.

The little wife is still dressed in the same handsome outfit during the day, but she doesn't wear a baseball cap at home.

The eldest wife was dressed in an elegant and decent dark business attire. The long black silk legs under the skirt and Xiao Tong's beautiful legs in net stockings made Lin Cheng's eyes linger.

"Get out! Don't block us from doing things."

"No! I'm here to cheer you on."

Facing Lin Cheng's rascal appearance, Han Shuyan gouged him out reproachfully.

Xiao Tong secretly picked up the mustard and spread it on the cucumber, and then she deliberately ate the cucumber to attract Lin Cheng's attention.

This guy really fell for it.

"I want to eat cucumbers too!"

"help yourself!"

"Little pupil, feed me."

"Open your mouth!"


After chewing it twice, Lin Cheng's face suddenly changed, and he threw up beside the trash can.

"Damn! You are poisoned!!!"

Miss Xiao burst out laughing.

Han Shuyan was also amused.

Lin Cheng squatted in the corner and started to sulk.

Xiao Tong doesn't care about him.

Han Shuyan originally wanted to comfort Lin Cheng, but Xiao Tong stopped her with winks.

After several minutes, the guy was still curled up facing the corner of the wall motionless.

"Hey! Are you really angry?"

Xiao Tong walked to the side and poked Lin Cheng with his hand.

No response.

"Okay! It's sister Tong's fault, can I apologize to you?"

Lin Cheng turned to look at her with resentment on his face.

Miss Xiao pulled Lin Cheng's cheek with a smile, "Don't be so mean, hey! Smile."

Lin Cheng didn't struggle, and just stared at her with dead fish eyes.

"Hey! You just said something, what's the point of not saying anything?"

Xiao Tong shook her fist: "Although Sister Tong is wrong, it's your fault if you don't forgive me."

Lin Cheng: "..."

Are you talking about people?
Lin Cheng was stunned.

Finding that Han Shuyan went to the refrigerator to fetch eggs, Xiao Tong moved to Lin Cheng's ear.

"Smelly Lin Cheng! Don't be so stingy... Sister Tong promised to bully you next time, so just follow me."

Her voice was very low, a gleam of rosy glow appeared on her cheeks, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Cheng.

I'm ashamed to act like a baby.

Lin Cheng finally couldn't help showing a smile.

The little wife has acted like a baby to him several times today, which is really rare.

Lin Cheng also followed suit.

"Then it's done, you are not allowed to go back on your word."

Xiao Tong raised her chin and snorted coquettishly.

Lin Cheng quickly touched the little wife's beautiful legs wrapped in net stockings, "I'm going to bully Xiaotong tonight."

Xiao Tong was taken aback for a moment, "No! I didn't mean that sister Shuyan is here tonight..."

Before finishing speaking, Han Shuyan came back.

Xiao Tong hurriedly turned her back with a guilty conscience.

Lin Cheng couldn't stop laughing, and took the opportunity to wink at the eldest wife.

Han Shuyan didn't know what the two were talking about, but seeing Lin Cheng's frightened look, she knew they were getting along.

These two guys are better than the other.

Satisfied, Lin Cheng finally stopped making trouble, and ran out to watch cartoons with the two little girls.

Soon, Zheng Shiyan came back and chatted with Lin Cheng about the business contract before dinner.

Not only in the form of endorsement, but recently many brands also hope to reach a one-time short-term cooperation with Lin Cheng. During this time, Lin Cheng has received many event invitations.

Many came from China, but Lin Cheng refused them all.

One is that Lin Cheng has arranged a lot of activities recently, and Lin Cheng does not want his vacation to be disturbed more. Second, the activities led by domestic manufacturers are basically live broadcasts with goods.

It is probably a matter of national conditions. Domestic live streaming is very popular.

No matter who it is, even if Trump wants to come to China, he probably can't escape the fate of Douyin with goods.

However, many manufacturers who love this promotion method are not well-qualified, and they are cheating their fans if they easily accept the delivery contract.

What's more abstract is that there are actually some manufacturers who ask Lin Cheng to bring goods and sell black silk.

This horse riding is outrageous!
Originally, the barrage in the live broadcast room was abstract, but when a group of people asked him what to do about his user experience?
Something that the hosts have never used before, are you embarrassed to recommend it to fans?

Fake wine that the anchor has never drunk, how dare you cheat your family?

(End of this chapter)

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