This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1876 Close the door

Chapter 1876 Close the door

Jiang Subin proposed to leave, and Xiao Tong took advantage of the situation and kicked Lin Cheng.

"Hurry up and help, sister Subin is very tired after working all day, you take Xiaoying back."


Lin Cheng stood up, and secretly glanced at the transparent marks on Jiang Subin's feet.

"No need, Xiaoying is very light."

"It's okay, why are you being polite to me? It's not convenient for you to wear high heels."

In fact, Lin Cheng also wanted to give his wives a chance to get along.

After experiencing the shameful scene just now, Sister Shuyan may still be a little embarrassed, but if she is not present, the three of them will definitely be more comfortable.

The two little girls are sleeping soundly in the bedroom, with their small bodies hugging each other, the picture is very healing.

Lin Cheng hugged Xiaoying.

The little girl slept soundly, she was carried out by Lin Cheng without waking up.

The door was closed, and the atmosphere in the living room fell into a brief silence.

The two older sisters were staring at the TV screen, Xiao Tong finally couldn't help but hugged Han Shuyan's arm.

"Sister Shuyan, Lin Cheng was all blamed just now, so you don't have to be embarrassed."

Han Shuyan didn't speak, and secretly glanced at Zheng Shiyan.

Xiao Tong was also observing the reactions of the two, the girl wanted to work hard to eliminate the embarrassment between them.

She also wants to take care of Sister Shuyan.

"That pervert Lin Cheng will definitely try to play tricks later, Sister Shuyan, let's sleep together later and prevent him from coming in."


The blush on Han Shuyan's cheeks became obvious all of a sudden, and she was extraordinarily bright and moving.

"Wow!!! Sister Shuyan, you are so beautiful, is this the result of being nourished? But that guy Lin Cheng obviously doesn't..."


Han Shuyan covered her mouth with her hand, "Don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Tong quickly nodded her head, widening her eyes with an innocent look.

Han Shuyan let go of her hand.

"Then let's make an agreement not to let Lin Cheng in, and suffocate him to death."

Han Shuyan bit her lip and was about to say something, when she suddenly saw the corner of Zheng Shiyan's mouth slightly raised.

"Wow! Sister Shiyan, you are laughing at me too."


"You have it."

"Not really."

Zheng Shiyan was helpless.

How could I laugh at you, I myself...

On the other side, Lin Cheng carried Xiaoying and Jiang Subin to the door.

The moment he opened the door, Lin Cheng was stunned.

Jiang Subin sighed.

The house was a mess.

The trash can was overturned, a whole pack of toilet paper was bitten and scattered all over the floor, the lipstick was broken on the floor, and a black shiny red-soled high-heeled shoe flew onto the sofa...

Lin Cheng's blood pressure soared.

"Yeah!!! Are you courting death?"

Hearing the master's voice, the husky Hanzi who was squatting in the corner quickly turned around with his buttocks facing outwards, looking scared.

Finding that it was not beaten immediately, it glanced back secretly, then quickly turned to face the wall again.

Lin Cheng clearly saw that this guy took the opportunity to wink at him.

"Sister Su Bin, what do you say? I don't think this guy has any intention of introspection, so just stew it!"

"good idea!"

Hanzi: (╯▽╰)
After lighting a fire, Lin Cheng gently put Xiaoying on the small bed in the bedroom.

When I came out, I saw Jiang Subin curled up on the sofa, with her arms resting on her head, looking very tired.

The husky squatted in the corner, secretly turning his head from time to time to see the expression on his master's face. .

"Give me a good reflection."

Jiang Subin glanced over, Han Zai immediately turned to face the wall.

"Hey! It's too light to teach like this."

"Forget it! I'm too tired today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Jiang Subin waved his hand, "It's also my fault that I didn't lock up this guy when I went out carelessly. In fact, Han Zai is not so naughty after he grows up. It seems that he has been taken for walks too rarely recently."

Seeing her lack of energy, Lin Cheng took the initiative to help clean up the garbage on the ground.

Jiang Subin was also polite, curled up on the sofa and watched Lin Cheng start.

She looked at her feet occasionally, with a strange look on her face.

It seems that he still cares about what he stepped on just now.

But she didn't mention it, so Lin Cheng naturally pretended not to know.

Soon, she didn't care.

Seeing Lin Cheng working so hard, Jiang Subin asked with a smile: "Why don't you help me beat Han Zai by the way? My sister will be too tired."

Lin Cheng rolled his eyes and ignored her.

After tidying up the trash and putting the flying high heels back into the shoe cabinet, Lin Cheng helped Jiang Subin get another glass of water.

"Sister Su Bin, I'm leaving first, you go to rest, don't sleep on the sofa."


Jiang Subin lazily replied, still curled up and motionless.

Lin Cheng turned around and prepared to go out.

Walking to the porch, he remembered something again, turned around and slapped Han Zai on the ass.


The ass was violated, and the husky looked rebellious.

"OK! Sister Su Bin, I have taught Han Zai a lesson for you, so let's spare him this time, and stew it next time."

Jiang Subin smiled.

Lin Cheng had already gone out, but the husky was still whimpering endlessly.

"If you make more noise, you will be stewed."

Han Zai immediately stopped barking, and looked eagerly at the owner on the sofa, then turned around to face the wall obediently.

When he got home, Lin Cheng found that the living room was empty.

The big and small wives withdrew into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.

"Hey! Open the door and let me in for a while."


Xiao Tong waved his fist through the door, "I did such a shameless thing, do you still want to come in and bully Sister Shuyan? You are thinking about shitting."

Hearing Xiao Tong's words, Han Shuyan was a little ashamed and angry, "Ah! You are not allowed to talk nonsense."

"It was."

Xiao Tong changed hands and slipped into Han Shuyan's arms, pouted and said: "This guy must still be thinking of bullying sister Shuyan, it's because you are usually too gentle."

"Sister Shuyan!"

Lin Cheng began to pretend to be pitiful outside the door, "My most gentle and lovely sister Shuyan, please open the door."


Han Shuyan also hardened her heart, "My sister said to ignore you, go back and reflect on yourself."

Lin Cheng was helpless.

If I had known that he would not have gone to help hold Xiaoying just now, he helped Jiang Subin clean up the house for a long time without saying anything, and was shut out when he came back.

Who is he talking to?

So, this guy ran to Sister Shiyan in an attempt to seek comfort.

But Zheng Shiyan didn't give him a good face either.

"What? Shuyan and Xiaotong were shut down?"

Lin Cheng cheekily leaned forward and kissed Zheng Shiyan's cheek, "Sister Shiyan, I just miss you."

"Ha ha."

Zheng Shiyan didn't chase her away, "Then help me clean the kitchen. It's been a long time since I cleaned the range hood. My sister is also very tired at work today."

So Lin Cheng started to help clean up again.

He didn't know if he had offended the Stove Lord, why he cleaned Xiaoying's house for a long time, and then came back to do it again.

After finally cleaning up, I found that Zheng Shiyan had already fallen asleep.

Her cold face seemed to be a little more amiable than usual, and the little girl next to her was sleeping very soundly next to her mother.

Lin Cheng leaned over and kissed Enxi's little face, "Good night! My little Enxi."

Then, he kissed the corner of Zheng Shiyan's lips again.

"Good night, Sister Shiyan."


After turning off the light, Lin Cheng left lightly.

Zheng Shiyan turned over.

His face was serene, his eyes still closed.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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