This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1877 Blood Pressure Up

Chapter 1877 Blood Pressure Up
On the afternoon of April 4th, Lin Cheng returned to the club.

Tomorrow morning, the last LCS final of the four major divisions will end, and Lin Cheng has agreed with his teammates to watch the lottery together.

And tomorrow afternoon, the KT team will go to Suwon to kick off for the KT wizards, so the idiots will gather at the club one day in advance.

Let’s talk about life gatherings, let’s take a look at today’s LPL finals by the way.

As soon as Lin Cheng opened the door and entered the base building, two small figures jumped up to him.


The little orange cat kept rubbing its head against Lin Cheng's trouser legs, while the little raccoon stood in front of him and kicked on the ground with his hind legs, standing up with his hands on his hips in a menacing posture.

It seemed to be asking where Lin Cheng had been wandering off during this time.

"Good afternoon!"

It's been half a month since we saw each other, Ju Ya and the congressman looked a little older, they were at the lively and mischievous age.

Although the players are on vacation during this period, there are still people in the club every day. The ladies and sisters in the operation department take turns to take care of them like they are on duty. Lin Cheng is not worried that these guys are hungry.

Bypassing the MPs blocking the way, Lin Cheng casually opened the freezer, took a bottle of Coke, and went straight upstairs.

The two kittens followed Lin Cheng and struggled up the stairs.

But because of its short legs, the busy little orange cat rolled down without climbing a few steps.


Looking at Lin Cheng's back, it screamed aggrieved.

Lin Cheng who reached the corner of the stairs stopped, turned around and picked up the little orange cat in one hand and went upstairs again.

As a result, the congressmen who saw this scene directly swayed.

The little raccoon cat standing in the middle of the stairs collapsed on the spot as if it was suddenly exhausted. Jiojio, wearing white gloves, stomped on the stairs quietly, and the little raccoon cat rolled around and slipped down the stairs from Lin Cheng's feet .

While rolling and screaming, the voice trembled very rhythmically.

Lin Cheng: "..."


I haven't seen you for half a month, and the IQ of these two kids hasn't increased at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Cheng still held the Coke in his arms, turned back and picked up a kitten in one hand and went upstairs.

"Good afternoon, Amy!"

The orange cat mother was originally basking in the sun on the top floor of the base, when she heard the noise, she ran down and met Lin Cheng face to face.

Amy called out as a greeting.

Because Amy was too skinny before, Lin Cheng would also make some fresh chicken breasts for cat meals by himself, in addition to freeze-dried cat food and canned food.

Today's orange cat is no longer the thin and thin one it was before. Its body shape has become much more well-proportioned, its orange-white hair is smooth and shiny, and its appearance has suddenly improved.

Lin Cheng threw the two cubs to the ground and began to clean up the cat litter.

After the mother cat said hello, she ran to the roof to bask in the sun, and the two kittens followed Lin Cheng around.

At this time, the teammates hadn't come yet, so Lin Cheng simply took off the sheets in his room that hadn't been used for half a month and threw them into the washing machine.

After setting the cleaning time, Lin Cheng wandered to the office area on the other side of the base.

The two cubs became interested in the washing machine that started to work, and they didn't follow Lin Cheng any more.

Running outside Chi Shengxi's office, with the door ajar, Lin Cheng quietly poked his head in.

Chi Shengxi was standing by the window with a cup of coffee, looking leisurely into the distance.

Seen from the back, her long hair is loose, soft and slightly wavy. She is wearing a black business attire, and her long legs are wrapped in black translucent stockings under a low-slit hip-wrapping skirt. She is an elegant workplace beauty.

"Sister Shengxi, are you fishing again?"

Chi Shengxi turned around, she was wearing a pair of frameless narrow glasses today.

Black silk, OL, glasses, it's the extreme of Yu Jie.

"Why are you here today?"

"I miss you."

Chi Shengxi sneered, "You were kicked out of your home, right?"

"...You are really accurate."

After the last power outage, the wives at home didn't give Lin Cheng any chance to be a monster these days, and Lin Cheng was really no different from being kicked out.

Without being polite, Lin Cheng snatched the coffee from Chi Shengxi's hand and took a sip.

Immediately, his face wrinkled into a ball, and he stared at the cup in disgust.

"Hiss~~~ It's so bitter, you don't add any sugar?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes and snatched the cup back, "If you want to drink it yourself, you can add as much sugar as you want."

Lin Cheng chuckled, stretched himself and lay down on the sofa.

Chi Shengxi ignored him, leaning against the window and drinking coffee slowly.

"Sister Shengxi."


"Are you going to Suwon with us tomorrow?"

"of course."

"Then do you want to go to the haunted house together? I heard that there is a particularly exciting man-made haunted house next to Huacheng."

"What's so scary about fakes?"

"Hehe! Don't cry when you're scared to pee."

While chatting, admiring the elegant figure of the lady in black silk glasses, Lin Cheng gradually became sleepy, curled up on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

In a daze.

The high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the floor, and Lin Cheng's eyelids lifted weakly.

A faint scent came, and the long black silk legs were in front of him, Lin Cheng raised his head subconsciously.

Stare into the abyss.

Chi Shengxi gathered the hem of his skirt, and angrily gave Lin Cheng a brainstorm.

"Yeah! Do you think it's polite to stare at my sister?"

Lin Cheng woke up, and rubbed his forehead aggrievedly, "But I didn't see anything, do you think my eyes have light bulbs?"

Chi Shengxi smiled, "Okay! My sister has to go to the meeting later. If you are sleepy, go to the dormitory to sleep."

"Can I just sleep here? It's very comfortable here."

"what ever."

After Chi Shengxi finished speaking, he sat down at the desk and began to organize the files.

"Kim Hyuk Kyu and the others will come over later, sister Sheng Xi will have dinner with us at the base tonight."

"it is good."

After chatting casually for a while, Lin Cheng couldn't sleep anymore.

Seeing that Chi Shengxi was about to go out, he also followed, preparing to personally participate in the meeting of the operation department.

As a result, as soon as she left the office, Ju Ya ran over meowing.

"Where did you get the water on you?"

The little orange cat was covered with a lot of water, the hair on Jiojio and its tail were all wet, and it wobbled towards Lin Cheng step by step.

Lin Cheng grabbed Ju Ya and looked at it again and again.

"not good!!!"

He took the kitten Lin Cheng and ran away.

Chi Shengxi was a little curious, and followed him.

Chi Shengxi's office is not far from the team's analysis room. After the analysis room is the training room, and then the lobby on the second floor of the living area.

Entering the hall, Lin Cheng had a feeling that things were getting worse.

There was a thin stream of water pouring down the stairs.

Stepping up, Lin Cheng's eyes were darkened by the scene that caught his eyes.

Half of the floor of the lobby on the third floor was covered with water, about one centimeter deep, but the area was too large.

The congressman was running around stepping on the water, deliberately splashing water and meowing happily.

Seeing Lin Cheng and Chi Shengxi coming up, it raised its paws towards them, exposing its wet pink flesh pads.


"Damn! You bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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