This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1878 Rookie: Lin Cheng, are you trying to kill me?

Chapter 1878 Rookie: Lin Cheng, are you trying to kill me?
"You two! If you haven't seen each other for a while, you'll be making waves for me, right?"

"Fortunately, my uncle discovered it early, otherwise you would have flooded the entire base."

"Give me half a pot of milk for the next cat meal."


"No hippy faces! Be serious."

Lin Cheng was teaching the two cubs, one on the left and the other on the right.

Ju Ya felt aggrieved, her limbs drooped limply, her little tail wobbled.

On the other hand, the councilor stuck his neck indifferently, and seemed unrepentant.

Lin Cheng continued to output violently.

Chi Shengxi snickered beside him.

Lin Cheng was still to blame for the matter. He set the running time of the washing machine and ran away. Two kittens were playing in the laundry room, and ended up unplugging the pipe connected to the floor drain.

That's all, the two little boys jumped up and down and got a towel from nowhere and blocked the leak.

Lin Cheng was working as a salted fish with Chi Shengxi, and the other side was flooding Jinshan.

"Okay! My sister is going to a meeting, you can clean up here yourself."

Regardless of Lin Cheng's pitiful pleading eyes, Chi Shengxi turned and left with a smile.

Lin Cheng could only start to deal with the stagnant water by himself.

The two cubs were not worried, Lin Cheng was so busy that he was sweating profusely, but they still had a good time.

Da da da ~~~ Shoo! ! !
Lin Cheng used the mop to drive the water to the leak bit by bit, and the two kittens ran wild outside, and even developed skating movements.

The congressman started a few steps, rushed up and then fell sideways, letting his body slide on the water surface on the floor, splashing the water everywhere.

Juya is not that skinny, but she is also happily stepping on the water.

Lin Cheng had just finished dealing with the stagnant water in the laundry room, and when he came out to see this scene, his blood pressure soared again.

"Damn! You two hit the street!"

In this way, it took Lin Cheng a long time to finally dry up the stagnant water, and he had to help dry the two wet pups.

After being busy all the time, Lin Cheng was exhausted and paralyzed.

Mr. Dai arrived at the base at 04:30 in the afternoon. When he came upstairs, he saw Lin Cheng lying on the sofa with a tired face.

Two kittens crawled behind him.

"What's wrong with Lin Cheng? You look tired."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng buried his head and let out an inexplicable laugh, not even bothering to say anything.

Seeing Mr. Dai coming, the congressman meowed and ran over to say hello.

But it refused to be hugged by Mr. Dai. Seeing Mr. Dai stretching out his hand, the congressman immediately stood up and waved his little paw as if to scratch someone.

"The little guy is very healthy and lively."


Lin Cheng sneered, "You can remove the word Kang, one word is enough to describe this guy."

After understanding what happened, Mr. Dai didn't sympathize with Lin Cheng at all.

Instead, he gloated.

Finally, someone in the club can control Lin Cheng.

wrong!Yes there are cats.

The teammates arrived one after another, knowing that Lin Cheng had been tossed by the cats in the afternoon, they all wanted to open champagne to celebrate immediately.

We chatted about our recent holidays.

Lin Cheng found that others had a more leisurely life than himself.

Rascal went to learn to dive.

Brother Cuzz went to Japan for a trip.

Mr. Dai went to Jeju Island with a friend, and Lin Cheng suspected that the friend was female.

Beryl didn't go anywhere, and staying at Ganyuanshen every day was his greatest happiness.

Only Rookie has to accompany his father who is seriously ill. During this time, he can't leave in the hospital.

"How is your father?"

"It's very bad, even... maybe the last time is almost here."

The people who were talking and laughing fell silent.

Rookie smiled, "You don't need to be like this. In fact, I have already prepared mentally. I am already very satisfied to be able to come back to accompany Dad for the last possible journey this year."

"Human, after all, you can't be too greedy."

Chatting and chatting, the takeaway brother brought the ingredients for the barbecue, and everyone set up the tools in the hall.

It happened that Chi Shengxi came over from get off work.

"Say hello to the fans."

For the club's long-lost dinner, Chi Shengxi did not forget to start the live broadcast to let everyone say hello to the fans.

Lin Cheng took the camera and smacked his face, "Hello everyone! Today we have dinner at the base, and we will study MSI's opponents by the way."

After speaking, Lin Cheng scanned the TV screen.

The LPL awards ceremony is still playing inside, and there should be a while before the finals officially start.

"Woooo! Cheng is so handsome! "

"The face is really like a painting!This is the handsomeness that shocked the world! "

"Brother Orange Supermarket Me! "

"I want to see Miss Sister, let Operation Miss Sister appear on the screen!" ! ! ! "

Lin Cheng blinked, "Sister Sheng Xi, fans want to see you? Do you want to say hello?"

Chi Shengxi smiled and shook his head, just saying hello behind the camera.

As a club operation, she doesn't like to put herself in the public eye, even if she jumps out now and works alone, she can become a big YouTube blogger immediately.

The barrage was full of disappointed voices.

After saying hello, Lin Cheng began to prepare the barbecue while interacting with the barrage.

"Who am I optimistic about today? Let's fight!"

"Didn't JKL say that personal ability is useless? Let him come to MSI to show me."

"But it's still my words."

"Come out to hang out, the most important thing is to come out first."

"I hope that White Crescent will not decide not to come to MSI because of studying our videos too much."

Just in time, the orange cat mother came down after staying on the balcony for a long time.

"You guys have a brilliant nose."

Lin Cheng gave Amy the first piece of roasted beef without adding any seasoning. Cats should not eat too much spices, especially onions can cause cat poisoning.

The two cubs also wanted to eat meat, so they yelled at Lin Cheng at their feet.

"Come on! Both of your teeth are missing."

Having said that, Lin Cheng still cut two small pieces of minced meat and put them in the rice bowl.

After all, cats are carnivores, so it’s okay to eat less at this time.

In the process of cutting the cat's family's barbecue, Lin Cheng kept mumbling, and the resentment and dissatisfaction in it made fans feel it through the camera.

Fans accused Lin Cheng of being so cruel to cats.

However, when Ji Shengxi explained what happened to Lim today, fans also began to gloat.

It can make Lin Cheng suffer a lot, and Cheng Za will not go for it, probably the cat in the base.

Many viewers in the Youtube live broadcast room didn't know much about the two teams in today's LPL finals, so Lin Cheng casually gave them a general introduction.

"RNG, you can compare it to T1."

"Of course, I'm not talking about the results, but their fan base."

"Do you think that only Tan Za will be expelled from nationality? Huang Za plays better in LPL."

"The audience who saw the S8 game at the beginning should know how popular RNG was before the world championship? Thanks to Song Yijin leading IG to win the championship in Incheon, Chinese audiences began to pay more attention to the first championship of LPL e-sports in the first year. "

"Since then, Huang Za, who has been doing evil, has never dared to deprive others of their nationality at will."

Lin Cheng patted Rookie on the shoulder, "This is barely a returnee from the LPL."

Rookie moved Lin Cheng's hand away with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, this topic is very dangerous."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "Then let's not touch Huangza, let's talk about Tanza? Song Yijin played 1557 with his own hands, and we'll finish the championship this year. It's not too much for you to touch Faker, right?"

Rookie was anxious, "Lin Cheng, are you trying to kill me?"

"Ha ha!"

A group of people burst into laughter.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also having fun.

The little cat didn't know why, so Juya pulled Lin Cheng's leg and meowed happily.

Lin Cheng glanced down.

"You laugh at the hammer, your flesh is robbed by the congressman."


(End of this chapter)

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