This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1881 The grouping of the full chapter

Chapter 1881 Topical grouping
Since GAM will represent the country in the Southeast Asian Games, the Vietnamese team participating in MSI this year is the spring runner-up SGB.

The predecessor of SGB Saigon Buffalo is the PVB that participated in MSI in 2019.

After two years of absence from the World Championship, this team will start the World Championship journey again, which is also a kind of reincarnation for the VCS division.

Cuzz: "Wow! We played against the Vietnamese team in the group stage. I don't know if they are strong or not?"

"Strong is not strong, but the teams in the Vietnam Division are very daring to fight, and we can't be careless when the time comes."

Rookie played against PVB, the predecessor of SGB, in 19. The style of this division is really impressive.

Lin Cheng clashed fists and palms with a confident expression on his face.

"Don't worry! We won't be captured by Vietnam anyway."

The on-site lottery was really effective. When the second No. [-] seed PCS was drawn, the cheers from the North American audience were even more deafening.

PCS is going to face RNG in Group B, which means that the North American champion EG will be grouped with G2.

European and American classics are not pleasing to each other. Although the outside world thinks that Europe is obviously better than North America, in the eyes of North American audiences, Europe is also a group of weaklings.

On the stage of the LCS finals just now, the host clamored that North America is very strong this year.

EG fell to the lower bracket early in this year's LCS spring playoffs, but they only lost a small round to win the championship all the way from the lower bracket. The strength they showed completely conquered the North American audience.

You said that EG's record of [-]-[-] and [-]-[-] is because the LCS is too weak?

Absolutely impossible!
Anyway, it must be stronger than G2's stumbling Europe.

NA is greater than EU!

The opportunity is here.

This year the LCS will shock the world.

"Fuck!The audience in North America is too engaged, 23333"

"Europe and the United States are really happy, the team battle is the same as winning the championship"

"Classic chickens look down on each other"

"RNG and PSG are divided again, eavesdropping on Fengyun 2, right? "

"This time BP don't be heard again"

Last year, PSG played very well in the Iceland mid-season game, squeezing out the North American light C9 and breaking into the semi-finals.

However, due to the eavesdropping dispute with RNG at the Iceland game scene, last year, LPL audiences and Taiwanese audiences started talking to each other.

At that time, the Icelandic competition venue was very small, and the distance between the competition seats of the two sides was relatively close. If you didn't wear headphones, you could even hear the BP discussion on the opposite side.

Coincidentally, when RNG met PSG in the second round of BP, they would ban whatever opponent they wanted to choose, so the RNG players speculated that the opponent had eavesdropped.

Both parties can actually hear each other, and it is hard to say whether PSG did it on purpose.

But originally the LPL audience was at odds with the Wanwan audience, so the rhythm picked up all of a sudden.

At this time, the Wanwan audience who were watching the lottery were already clamoring to beat RNG.

And the LPL audience also said that they would beat the provincial team violently.

In this way, the first two rounds of lottery are actually very topical.

Group A: The prosperous KT ushered in the return of the legendary strongest wild card VCS after two and a half years.

Group B: Overheard 2 is staged.

Group C: Classic North America's most promising year, Europe and the United States are fighting for blood.

Soon, the results of the follow-up lottery were all released.

Group A: KT, SGB, AEZ (LLA Latin America Division), DFM (LJL Japan Division)

Group B: RNG, PSG, IW (TCL Turkey Division), RED (CBLOL Brazil Division)

Group C: G2, EG, ORD (LCO Oceania Division)
Today's MSI has canceled the play-in competition. Everyone knows that the third and fourth seeds in each group are basically here to make up the number, and they are basically not competitive.

Of course, with the development of the League of Legends to this day, everyone has seen many examples of wild card counterattacks.

Take LPL as an example. Ever since Mr. Mingkai led EDG to make a start in S6, almost every year in the World Championship, LPL teams have lost to wild cards.

It can only be said that Qijiang's influence on LPL is still continuing.

In the afternoon, Lin Cheng and his teammates set off for Suwon, where they were invited to kick off for KT Wizards.

This time the opponent is the SSG registrant, formerly SK Flying Dragon.

It was also one of the protagonists in the game where Lin Cheng and Han Shuyan were watching the game and catching the baseball with their bare hands.

Shinsegae Group spent more than 1300 billion won to acquire SK Feilong last year and changed its name to SSG Registrant.

Although the salaries of top e-sports players have surpassed that of Korean professional baseball players, there is still a certain gap in the value of clubs. Among all the LCK teams, only the news agency duo and GEN·G have a market value that exceeds the average value of Korean professional baseball clubs.

In fact, this is normal. After all, compared with traditional sports, the e-sports industry still has great limitations.

Generally, Asian e-sports clubs want to sell 8 million yuan, and it is estimated that only the poor and crazy RNG dares to speak.

The withdrawal of SK Feilong means that there will be no more telecom battles in the Korean professional baseball field from this year.

In a sense, it is also a pity.

The business relationship between Shinsegae Group and KT is relatively close. This game is the first time the two teams have met, and it can be regarded as the beginning of a new history.

To welcome new opponents, KT, which is playing at home as usual, will invite guests to kick off.

It happened that the brother clubs in the e-sports sector had nothing to do, so they came to help decisively.

As a kick-off representative, Lin Cheng once again threw a 150-per-hour pitch.

The audience was overjoyed, and the host jokingly asked if he could borrow Lin Cheng to play games during the offseason.

It was shocking enough, but no one regarded Lin Cheng as a monster.

Because Lin Cheng wasn't the only one who kicked the ball outrageously.

Japanese actress Ami Inamura loved playing baseball when she was a child, and without professional training, she can throw a ball at a speed of 105 kilometers.

You must know that the throwing speed of amateur female baseball players is generally above 100 to [-] kilometers per hour, and most professional players are also in the early [-] kilometers.

Lin Cheng's throwing speed of 150 per hour is considered to be the main pitcher level of a professional team compared to male players. In conversion, it is actually not much exaggerated than Inamura Ami.

There are quite a few high school students in Jiaziyuan who can throw this kind of ball speed, so Lin Cheng's tee shot seems outrageous, but in fact it is barely reasonable.

Lin Cheng won applause from the audience because of the unlimited scenery of the tee shot.

But, the moment of embarrassment came soon.

There is a break in each inning of a baseball game, and KT players cheer with the cheerleaders.

During the live disco dance, Lin Cheng's dance highlighted a lack of coordination of limbs.

Of course, he won't admit it to himself.

It's all because the cheerleaders dancing next to him are too eye-catching, and the pair of headlights made him unable to concentrate at all.

Although it feels technological, it is not for Lin Cheng to publish his experience.

It's really nice.

It's normal to be distracted.

However, netizens are all sunspots.

Before the baseball game was over, Lin Cheng's seductive and abstract dance swept the Internet and successfully appeared on NAVER's hot searches.

It's all a joke!
Even Cheng Za was embarrassed to say that he danced beautifully against his conscience.

While Lin Cheng was concentrating on watching the football game, Chi Shengxi deliberately showed him the comments on his mobile phone, and stabbed Lin Cheng heartily.

"Tsk tsk! News Agency Dance King! This nickname is quite domineering."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, and whispered in Chi Shengxi's ear: "Generally, I actually prefer the title King Bao."

Chi Shengxi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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