This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1882 Forbes Elite List

Chapter 1882 Forbes Elite List
After the kick-off event for KT Wizards, Lin Cheng was rarely free.

On the weekend, a large family took two little girls to go camping.

Being in the nature, the crisp laughter of the two little girls made Lin Cheng cheerful, and he jumped up and down in the forest of the campsite with his two little tails.

Lin Cheng and the two girls made all kinds of troubles, causing Xiao Tong to complain constantly.

That is to say, Zheng Shiyan's face was sullen, and it didn't stop until one or two children.

Then Lin Cheng started busy earning money to support his family again.

Cartier's high-end custom series watch conference was held as scheduled, and Lin Cheng attended the conference in suits and leather shoes.

Walking on the red carpet like a star, allowing reporters to take pictures, and then stopping to pose in a specific area, all this is a very novel experience for Lin Cheng.

At the press conference, Lin Cheng saw many artists and athletes, many of whom Lin Cheng was familiar with in film and television.

But Lin Cheng was a little socially afraid. He had a brief exchange with only two people during the press conference, Wang Jiaer, who is also a close friend of Cartier, and Jiyan's friend IU.

On April 4th, Enjing's play was performed for the last time, and Lin Cheng and his sister-in-law won the show together.

In the meantime, a wonderful story happened naturally.

It's a pity that I can't go into details.

On April 4, the entire KT team gathered at the base to prepare for departure to Busan the next day.

This year's MSI will not open until May 5. As the host, KT went so early because of the need for preparation and isolation.

South Korea has already exempted foreign citizens who have completed vaccinations from self-isolation obligations. In theory, even overseas players do not need to be isolated if they have been vaccinated.

However, the organizer of MSI is Riot Games, and Riot officially requires all participants to self-quarantine for a week before participating in this competition.

After all, although the local policy is liberalized, if the players are temporarily infected on a large scale in the middle of the game, it will cause a headache for the organizers.

It is said to be isolation, but Riot's policy is actually very flexible.

During the isolation period, he can train freely and even go out freely. Lamb, who arrived in Busan in advance, has already started a live date with a Korean female netizen. Lin Cheng doesn't know what kind of isolation Riot is.

On April 4th, at 30 o'clock in the morning, the entire KT team gathered at the gate of the base.

Cuzz and assistant coach A are stuffing luggage under the bus.

The rest waited beside the bus to chat and take pictures.

Chi Shengxi started the live broadcast and recorded the shots of the contestants setting off.

"Hi everyone! We are ready to leave for Busan!"

Lin Cheng took the camera and smacked his face, "Wow! It looks so big in this shot... Zhao Qianxi, come here."

Bery was chatting with Mr. Dai with her arms crossed, when she heard this, she leaned over.

"what happened?"

Lin Cheng pointed the camera at his face, and was immediately amused, "Haha! This is called big face, look at this big face."


Beryl was not happy anymore. He glanced at the camera and found that his face was indeed very big. He tried to use his hands to make his own face smaller.

The barrage is lively.

"Hahaha!Too silly! "

"As expected of you, calling someone with a big face will make you look small, right? "

"Teammates Break! "

"Who remembers that Brother Yuan Shen was also an idol school back then? "

"Beryl: Do you know how I became like this?"play original god

Chi Shengxi pointed to Lin Cheng's clothes outside the camera.

Lin Cheng didn't understand what she meant, and looked down, "What's wrong? Are my clothes dirty?"

Chi Shengxi covered his mouth and whispered, "Team uniform!"

"It's not dirty?"

"Team uniform."

"It's not worn backwards either."

"Let you advertise the team uniform! Are you playing dumb on purpose?"

Chi Shengxi's voice became louder and louder, so he stopped hiding.

"Oh! You mean this?"

Lin Cheng was stunned, "Really! If you want me to advertise, just say so, why sneaking around is like being a thief."

Chi Shengxi turned his head helplessly, not wanting to talk to him.

"Have you seen the new team uniforms on us? This time it is a joint MSI team uniform with DC."

Lin Cheng pointed the camera at Beryl, "Turn around, I'll take a picture of the whole outfit...forget it! You're not suitable, Kim Hyuk Kyu, come here and let me take a picture."

Mr. Dai came over to help promote the uniforms.

"Isn't this black jersey cool? It's simple and stylish... Is there a problem with black? I like black too."

Seeing that some fans dislike black, Lin Cheng was not happy.

"Originally, black, white and gray are the mainstream colors. Isn't the mainstream aesthetic in Asia advocating low-key and simple black and white?"

"The brightly colored streets are the streets of the United States. What is monotony?"

"I didn't say that because I like Heisi! Don't frame her!"

Seeing this guy promote the team uniform and even quarrel with the fans, Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes beside him.

Inadvertently the camera pans over to Beryl.

Brother Yuanshen was looking down at the ground with a sad face, trying to put his stomach away.

But his belly is so protruding that the audience suspects that Brother Yuanshen can't even see his toes when he lowers his head.

Lin Cheng: "Zhao Ganxi, what are you doing?"

Beryl: "I was wondering why you said I was inappropriate just now."

Lin Cheng: "Isn't that obvious? Old Dai at least looks decent in his team uniform. Who are you selling clothes like this to?"

The barrage has exploded.

"Brother Cheng leads the wicked!Catch Lao Lu and bully him, right? "

"Blow up the auxiliary mentality before starting"

"I have a hunch that Beryl is going to do Boda in Busan"

"Why do you say that Brother Yuanshen is not suitable, what happened to the DC joint clown uniform? (anger)"

"One thing to say, the little belly of Yuanshen brother is quite cute"

For the sake of the atmosphere in the team, Chi Shengxi stopped letting Lin Cheng lead the delivery, and took over the camera and asked him to act as a model.

I have to say that Lin Cheng has a really good figure, and there are few clothes that he can't control.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room are all brushing up.

"By the way! I forgot to interview you. How does it feel to be on Forbes?"

"It's okay! Except for being acided by some people, there is no difference."

Two days ago, "Forbes" magazine released the list of Asia's entertainment and sports elites under 30 years old. Lin Cheng was the only e-sports player on the list, which once aroused heated discussions between China and South Korea.

What Lin Cheng said was acid, except for Koreans, in fact, it seems that more people in China are acid.

It's easy to understand that Koreans are sour. It's mainly because of the collision of circles in China.

Not everyone pays attention to e-sports. The Winter Olympics Gu Ailing was so popular in China a few months ago. Many people would wonder why Lin Cheng was on the Forbes Asian Elite list with her when they saw the list.

Even his ranking is still above Gu Ailing!
Take a closer look.

Ah!Why should a bad gamer be compared with an Olympic champion who has won glory for the country?
Since then, fans in the e-sports circle have been arguing with netizens outside the circle.

Although the composition of the e-sports circle is complex, there is consistency at certain times.

Nowadays, anyone who comes here will comment that Lin Cheng is a bad gamer, even if he is orange and black, he will feel uncomfortable, because it is the entire e-sports circle who is being denied.

As the first Chinese e-sports player in history to be included in the Forbes Asia Elite List, Lin Cheng now represents the entire e-sports circle.

Being criticized by many outsiders when they read the news, naturally aroused the collective displeasure of fans in the domestic e-sports circle.

Not to mention Cheng Za, although some LPL fans expelled Lin Cheng from his nationality and called him a traitor, but it was not up to people outside the circle to scold him.

Besides, the Asian Games still depends on Lin Cheng.

When he transfers back to LPL next year, at worst his nationality will be returned to him.

It's the turn of outsiders to scold?
(End of this chapter)

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