This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1883 Let's conquer Busan!

Chapter 1883 Let's conquer Busan!

Collisions between different circles are actually quite normal.

For example, football fans and basketball fans will quarrel because of Ronaldo and James.

Lin Cheng was also inexplicably placed in the center of public opinion by netizens because he was selected into the Forbes elite list this time.

In fact, it is mainly because the e-sports industry is too special.

At present, there are still many people in China who cannot accept this industry.

Until a few years ago, in their eyes, e-sports players were still a bunch of idlers playing games.

Now it is discovered that some of these stinking gamers have an annual salary of tens of millions. Even the salaries of the behind-the-scenes employees of e-sports are not lower than those of ordinary social animals. Naturally, some people will be unbalanced.

It's normal to be sour when you see the news.

But esports fans are notoriously grumpy.

In the face of unreasonable accusations from people outside the circle, e-sports audiences may go up and greet them politely, leading to intensified conflicts inside and outside the circle.

Lin Cheng has always had someone to bring the rhythm to the live broadcast these two days. He pays great attention to the way he speaks and tries to avoid causing a bigger rhythm.

He doesn't cause trouble, just because he is afraid of trouble.

Although the rhythm is strong, it is undeniable that Lin Cheng's traffic is exaggerated.

Even if others are not in the country at all.

Many domestic brands have come here, and they are asking about the possibility of cooperating with him.

Because of MSI preparations, Jeong Si Yeon helped Lin Cheng push down many activities.

To be honest, Lin Cheng was desperate to make money.

The Chinese market is too big, and people like Lin Cheng with traffic and good image are the darlings of merchants.

Because of BJ's outstanding performance in the Winter Olympics and the special background, Gu Ailing won commercial contracts worth nearly [-] million yuan in the two months after the end of the Winter Olympics, and has almost locked in the forefront of this year's "Forbes" global female athlete rankings.

Although the enthusiasm for the Winter Olympics subsides, and Gu Ailing's follow-up commercial contracts will drop sharply when she returns to the United States, but according to the Forbes income list in previous years, there is great hope that she will eventually rank in the top three.

Of course, the first two are more difficult to shake, namely Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams.

It is worth mentioning that the experiences of Naomi Osaka and Gu Ailing are somewhat similar.

Naomi Osaka lived in the United States since she was a child, and became a Japanese citizen after the age of 18. After winning the Grand Slam, her ability to absorb money directly surpassed Serena Williams, who has always occupied the top income list of female athletes.

Backed by the two major commercial countries of the United States and Japan, plus black mixed blood, BUFF is full.

Tennis has always been the most popular individual sport, and Naomi Osaka's current commercial value has become an unshakable existence for other female athletes.

According to Japanese law, after the age of 22, dual nationals must give up one of them. Naomi Osaka will not hesitate to pay tens of millions of dollars to the United States to retain Japanese nationality. Obviously, she knows her own value.

For the United States, she is not too rare.

But for Japan, she is a unique existence in Japanese tennis.

Japanese nationality has a great influence on his commercial value.

This is indeed the case. Even though her results have steadily declined in the first round of the Australian Open this year, and her world ranking has dropped below the top [-], Naomi Osaka is still the most profitable female athlete in the world.

This is the benefit of being backed by a large market.

As long as you have grades, you will never be short of money.

This principle also applies to Lin Cheng.

Although the e-sports industry still has many deficiencies compared to traditional sports, Lin Cheng has a good personal image, backed by the Chinese market and dominance in the arena, his ability to attract money is indeed exaggerated.

"Don't mention the Forbes list anymore, let's just close the door and froze for a while. If you go out too arrogantly, you will be beaten easily, you know?"

"Gu Sheng Qiangu, Guoshi Wushuang... Who posted this? Don't come to bring the rhythm."

"I'm a fan of Gu Ailing, please don't kidnap me."

Lin Cheng chatted with the water friends in the live broadcast room for a while, and saw a lot of Chinese bullet screens, so he grabbed his teammates to say hello in Chinese one by one.

"Hi everyone! I am ~~ KT's top laner, Reska!"

"I'm EDG's AD Depot!"

It was difficult for Mr. Dai's urgent spoken language, but the Chinese bullet screens on the barrage said: Who is Dai Pout?unfamiliar!Our starch already has a husband.

Lin Cheng couldn't stop laughing, and didn't tell Mr. Dai this cruel fact.

Fortunately, Lao Dai only knows some pinyin, not Chinese characters.

Teammates boarded the bus one after another.

"Little guys, see you in a month!"

Lin Cheng waved his hand towards the alley at the corner of the base.

A few cats were looking around at the corner of the alley, sitting or lying down, with small cat paw-shaped signs with the KT logo on their necks.

There were too many people, and the cats would not come close. Only Tiger Ban followed Lin Cheng eagerly, and stopped after chasing all the way to the side of the bus.

This group of KT cats already had their own fans, and the audience in the live broadcast room clamored to prepare a group of sacks to steal the cats.

"Okay! We're ready to go. See you in Busan, everyone."

Regardless of howling ghosts and wolves in the live broadcast room, Lin Cheng turned off the live broadcast and got into the car with Chi Shengxi.

Chi Shengxi found a seat by the window and sat down, and Lin Cheng took the opportunity to sit beside him.

"Yo ho! The new bus looks good."

The bus is very spacious, the chairs are comfortable leather sofas, there are only three seats in a row, and there are two toilets at the rear of the bus.

Cuzz in the front row lay on the back of the chair, admiringly, "Mercedes-Benz's buses are different. I didn't know that Mercedes-Benz also produces buses. Lin Cheng, is your car also this kind of chair?"

"The car is parked at the club, you can see for yourself."

A week ago, Mercedes-Benz reached a sponsorship agreement with KT. In the future, Mercedes-Benz will basically provide the cars for club activities.

Of course, as the leading player of KT, Lin Cheng attended the signing event and also received a gift from the new sponsor.

An electric car from Mercedes-Benz's new AMG EQE range.

The car was good, but Lin Cheng threw it at the base when he received it, and his teammates used it when they wanted it. Lin Cheng usually doesn't drive by himself when he goes out.

It is more convenient to take a taxi.

Cuzz doesn't have a driver's license, but has a high interest in cars, and chats with Lin Cheng non-stop.

Chi Shengxi stood up and wanted to change positions.

"Sister Shengxi, what are you doing?"

"You guys are too noisy, I'm going to sit in the back."

"Don't! It's Wen Youzan who's arguing, not me."

Lin Cheng squinted at Cuzz.

The grapefruit thief sat down honestly and wisely, and stopped chatting with Lin Cheng.

The initial excitement was over, and KT's idiots soon staggered to rest.

After all, these guys stayed up late last night, and woke up at seven o'clock this morning, all of them listless.

Lin Cheng huddled on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Just as the bus passed the Hannan Bridge, Chi Shengxi patted Lin Cheng's arm.


"Look! There's something good out there."


Lin Cheng suddenly became excited, his eyes lit up, "Is someone running naked?"

"Could your mind be a little healthier?"

Chi Shengxi was speechless, "It's your support from fans."

Lin Cheng turned his head and saw his huge poster hanging above the Hannan Bridge.

On the poster, he is standing with his arms folded and his legs slightly apart.


King, go conquer Busan!
We KT are invincible!

The corner of Lin Cheng's mouth rose.

It's a bit of a second grade, but it feels good.

"Don't sleep! Come and see Brother Cheng's handsome photos."

Mr. Dai stood up, pointing at the top of the banner with yin and yang, "There is a bird shitting on your head, is this the king's treatment? It's a pity."

Lin Cheng's mouth twitched.

Chi Shengxi, who was just about to take out his mobile phone to take pictures, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Teammates are having fun too.

"Kim Hyuk Kyu, you're done!"

Lin Cheng looked fierce, "Don't get caught by me for the Asian Games, I'll kill you until you apologize, and I won't let the Koreans abuse you online..."

Mr. Dai decisively changed his attitude.

"Don't kill me! I can apologize now."

Lin Cheng: "???"

so real?
Mr. Dai has also become more and more unscrupulous.

It's really... Those who know the current affairs are the best.

(End of this chapter)

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