This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1884 Mr. Mingkai, I am your forever brother

Chapter 1884 Mr. Mingkai, I am your forever brother

The whole journey from Seoul to Busan is 420 kilometers, and it takes more than five hours to travel by bus. For Koreans, this kind of journey is very exaggerated.

Fortunately, the sofa of the Mercedes-Benz bus is comfortable enough.

After more than two hours of driving, the bus stopped to rest when passing through the service area of ​​Lichuan Expressway.

He didn't have breakfast today, Lin Cheng yelled that he was hungry.

All the fools were listless, only Cuzz chose to get out of the car with Lin Cheng, Chi Shengxi even threw the camera to Lin Cheng, and asked him to take a Vlog in the service area.

After getting out of the car, Lin Cheng turned on the camera.

"Hello! We're at the expressway service area now, and I'm going to have something to eat with Wen Youzan."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Kang Dongxun shouted at the window.

"Lin Cheng, come back with some walnut cakes!"

Then the rest of the fools also came to the window.

Rascal: "Bring me a tteokbokki."

Mr. Dai: "I want a hot dog with ketchup."

Beryl: "I want a hot dog too."

Rookie: "Give me a whole meal, I'm not picky."

Lin Cheng glanced back at his teammates, and then said to Cuzz unhappily: "Do these guys think we are running errands? I just told them to come together and refuse to move. We will start making lists when we get off the car."

"Or I won't go, you can bring me some..."

Lin Cheng's eyes widened, his nostrils shrank, and his face was full of unhappiness.

Brother Cuzz shrank his neck cowardly, "I'm just joking."

"Ha ha!"

The two hooked their shoulders together, and Lin Cheng complained about his teammates as they walked.

It could be seen that Cuzz didn't want to offend the coach and teammates, but he didn't dare to offend Lin Cheng next to him. Lin Cheng complained that Cuzz could only reluctantly agree with him.

The Korean service area is all self-service ordering, and the card is swiped on the machine to get the ticket. The two studied it for a long time.

Lin Cheng: "What do you eat?"

Cuzz: "I want chicken skewers and fish cakes."

Lin Cheng resolutely ordered beef skewers for him, "You'd better eat beef skewers, this energy is higher, so that your CPU won't burn out after 15 minutes of each game."

Cuzz: "..."

Although Grapefruit Thief has played well this season, he still makes old mistakes and has been ridiculed by Lin Cheng many times.

Lin Cheng reasonably doubted whether his jungler was able to perform like a god of war because his brain was overloaded for the first 15 minutes, and then the CPU started to smoke after 15 minutes.

Lin Cheng didn't want to rely on snacks to fill his stomach, so he ordered seafood noodles inside, sat down and ate slowly.

"I've finished eating the beef kebabs, you should eat the sausage quickly."

"Don't panic, you eat other things first."

Lin Cheng ate half of the agreed-upon roast sausage for each person, and then threw half of it to the grapefruit thief.

Brother Cuzz didn't dislike it either, he hugged Lin Cheng's leftover grilled sausage and gnawed happily.

After dawdling for a long time, the two returned with the rations for their teammates.

The teammates were very real, and they treated Lin Cheng with the friendliest attitude at this time, and politely thanked the two for running errands.

"Sister Shengxi, I brought you walnut pancakes."

Chi Shengxi is carefully checking the Vlog shot by Lin Cheng, "Thank you, let's eat together."

"Of course! I bought a lot."

Lin Cheng thinks that the most distinctive snack in the South Korean expressway service area is the walnut pancake.

It is called biscuit, but it is more suitable to be called pastry. The shape is roasted and round like a walnut. There are walnut grains on one side of the skin. It tastes soft and crunchy.

This is Lin Cheng's favorite snack. It's much more delicious than taiyaki with bean paste, but it seems to be more common in Korean stations and service areas, and not many other places sell it.

Taking small bites of the soft and crispy walnut cake, Chi Shengxi, staring at the camera screen, realized something was wrong.

That guy Lin Cheng actually brought a camera into the men's room.

"My friends, I didn't want to shoot this at first."

Lin Cheng's face turned to the camera, as if he had discovered the New World, "But his toilet design is really..."

The camera turned to focus on the urinal, and there were three graphic boxes in the middle of the urinal that resembled a slot machine.

Then, a transparent water line splashed out.

With the powerful impact of the water line, the three rollers in the middle of the trough rolled quickly.

The water line was suddenly interrupted, and the roller stopped.

(7) (Star) (7)

"No, no, no! Do it all over again."

The waterline was aligned with the pattern in the middle again and began to wash.

(7) (Mushroom) (7)

"No! Do it all over again."

7 7 7
"OK! It's done!"

In the camera, Lin Cheng was as happy as a dick, "Mr. Ming Kai, if you see this Vlog, please remember that I will always be your brother."

Chi Shengxi closed the camera, and his whole body was not well.

"Isn't it interesting?"

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes and was terrified, "In order to get out of 777, I took pictures several times, and it was uncomfortable to hold it in the middle of urinating."

"Ah! Do you insist on filming such strange things? You have female fans."

Chi Shengxi gave him a blank look, "Isn't there anything that shouldn't be photographed later? My sister doesn't want to watch restricted-rated pictures."

"Shouldn't it? I'm very careful that it only faces the urinal."

Lin Cheng thought for a second, "I don't remember, you go back and check it out, and if you have captured my privacy, please help me cut it out."

"Why don't you cut it yourself? My sister doesn't want to see it either."

Lin Cheng whispered in her ear, "It's okay to show it to my sister, just show it to me next time, last time through pantyhose..."


Chi Shengxi reached out and grabbed Lin Cheng's cheek, "Do you want to die?"

While speaking, she deliberately pulled Lin Cheng's face into a strange shape.

"Hmm!!! Don't talk, the walnut pie is about to fall out."

Lin Cheng pitifully begged for mercy, but Chi Shengxi finally let him go.

She didn't check the video anymore, she put on her earphones and watched a movie while eating by herself.

Lin Cheng stared at Chi Shengxi's side face and looked again and again. He felt that Sister Shengxi's cheeks seemed to be getting redder and redder.

So, she is shy, right?

Unfortunately, I didn't wear glasses today.

Lin Cheng missed Xia Fei's black silk glasses girl very much that night.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Cheng regained his energy and started playing with his mobile phone.

The news of the departure of the KT team received general blessings from the LCK audience. Of course, there were also voices of yin and yang.

It’s okay to say that you lost the MSI game and come back. Some time ago, there were even posting witchcraft practices on the forum, hoping that all members of KT will crash on the way to Busan.

This is a very vicious curse.

However, witchcraft and curses are not illegal, and soon after the forum posts were deleted, there was a second practice of wearing vests, which led to the constant rhythm of the Korean Internet in the past two days.

"Hehe! Air crash?"

Lin Cheng couldn't help teasing Chi Shengxi: "These stalls are too funny, we don't take planes at all, even if there is an air crash, it won't be bad luck to us."

Just as he was talking, a car next to him suddenly had a tire blowout, and the wheels flew out and almost hit the bus.

Lin Cheng was stunned for a moment, "I think so..."

"Shut up! You crow mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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