This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1887 I heard that you can get a discount for reporting Doinb's name?

Angrily throwing his fists and complaining that grabbing the claw machine is a routine, Lin Cheng is still a little unwilling to calm down.

"the last time!"

"Sister Shengxi is the last time, let me play for the last time."


Lin Cheng frowned into a character horoscope, looking pitiful.

Chi Shengxi held back a smile and opened the wallet again, "It's really the last time."

"I promise!"

The barrage style is very crooked.

"Just pet him! "

"Brother Orange, stop it!The outside is full of claw machines"

"He still doesn't know the dangers of society"

"Pinduoduo Cash Withdrawal Scam! "

"I understand Korean!What Brother Chengzi said just now was to ask Sister Shengxi to play with him one last time (dog head)"

"This kid is taking advantage of Chief Ike again (angry)"

"I want to play too (eyes with stars)"

The result remains unchanged.

Lost another [-] won.

"I just said it was a lie! It almost came out! Hey C···@#&%¥#@%"

Lin Cheng was in a hurry and couldn't accept the reality.

He was so angry that he wanted to call and report the claw machine here because he couldn't catch it.

This unscientific!

The teammates quickly pulled him away, otherwise this guy would definitely be in the headlines tomorrow.

Chi Shengxi was laughing like crazy.

A group of naive ghosts were very happy, and finally arrived at the beach after a long delay.

"Whoa! I've seen my figure stand."

As the host of the MSI this time, KT naturally has the advantage of home support. There is a small pavilion every few meters on the beach of Haeundae, and there are human figures of KT players in the pavilion.

In addition, there are some representative hero models around, as well as MSI logo information.

Lin Cheng's stand is in the center of the pavilion. On the stand, he is standing sideways with one hand in his pocket. His straight body is almost no different from a professional model.

Chi Shengxi was the first to take a photo with Lin Cheng's signboard, and the fools also made the same gestures as their own signboards to check in.

It's a pity that everyone didn't wear slippers, and they didn't want to walk in the waves like others did because they didn't want to get their shoes and socks wet.

"What shall we have for dinner?"

"I don't know, who has a good suggestion?"

At this time, the water friends in the Douyu live broadcast room had something to say.

"Go hang out with Brother Coin!Eat Discounted Sashimi

Lin Cheng didn't understand it at first, and it took a while to react.

Doinb's live broadcast style is to use whatever traffic is available. This year, Brother Coin led the LNG playoffs round one to earn money by live broadcasting at home early. Before the LPL finals started, he insisted that KT is still the MSI champion this year.

"Let me tell you, KT Rolster is still very strong this year, no team can beat them at all."

"We scrimmed with KT before, oh my god!!!"

"Rookie is so fierce! His condition is even better than his peak, I can't beat him at all."

"Brother Chengzi is invincible on the road! It is impossible for any team to beat them."

When RNG won the spring championship, Brother Coin still insisted that KT had a greater hope of winning the championship.

Then he was flushed!
Don't be afraid of being knocked down, as long as there is traffic for Doinb.

Anyway, he is now grabbing the traffic password and standing on KT's side.

Let the storm come harder!

When KT wins MSI, it will naturally prove that he is right, and at that time, there will be another wave of returning traffic just full.

Even this is a fish and two meals!
Of course, it doesn't matter even if KT crashes at MSI.

It's a big deal to apologize.

It's not once or twice to say the wrong thing with rhythm, Brother Coin is flexible.

At that time, the live apology will be another wave of traffic.

No loss!

Therefore, Doinb is the number one genius in the live broadcast session, and the flow is clearly controlled.

Besides Lin Cheng, he is Huazi who earns the most money from live streaming.

Even Lin Cheng is only able to compete with Brother Coin with the blessing of dual platforms. Lin Cheng, a lazy dog, is completely inferior to Doinb in terms of income from Douyu.

Now that he has decided to stand with KT in this MSI, Doinb naturally doesn't mind leading the rhythm of RNG.

He recently said in a live broadcast that there is a sashimi restaurant in Busan that is very delicious. In the past, his father often took him there to eat on business trips, and he could get a discount if he mentioned his name.

"If RNG loses the game, I can introduce them to eat there. In this way, a trip to Busan will not be fruitless, at least you can have a good meal."

"Of course! If other people want to eat sashimi, you can also contact me, and I will introduce it."

These are the exact words of Brother Coin.

Generally speaking, Brother Coin likes to speak vaguely on purpose with his rhythm. This time he is really optimistic about KT.

Naturally, everyone wouldn't take it seriously. He even mentioned the RNG card contract before.

In the end, the oranges took it seriously.

Hearing Fanmen's proposal, Lin Cheng didn't take it seriously.

He knew that Doinb was mostly talking hilariously.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room were very serious. Lin Cheng and his teammates were discussing what to eat here, and immediately someone ran to Brother Coin's live broadcast room to ask questions.

At this time Doinb happened to be broadcasting live.

"Oh! I don't know if brother Chengzi is used to eating sashimi. If you really want to eat it, let him private message me. I will send the boss's contact information to... Thank you boss for the hundred planes! Boss atmosphere!"

"Since the boss asked, I'll just say it, okay? The address of the sashimi shop is in Qingshapu, it's very famous, and it's next to the lighthouse."

So, the water friend brought back the location information.

Seeing that his fans could find out where the food was delicious, Lin Cheng didn't take the fans' good intentions away, so he took a taxi with his teammates to Qingshapu.

Cheongsapo is located in Haeundae District, not far away.

As a result, Lin Cheng reported Brother Coin's name and asked if he could get a discount, and the store was stunned.

"Who is Doinb?"

"Oh! His name is Kim Tae-sang, and he said he is a regular visitor here."

"Who is Kim Tae-sang?"

"Huh? He changed his name?"

The players haven't reacted yet.

Lin Cheng understood.

Brother Coin is saying hello again.

But he dared to give the real address, which Lin Cheng didn't expect.

Everyone came here, and naturally they didn't want to get a discount, so they asked the boss to recommend some special dishes.

On the other side, You Chengza immediately went back and exposed Brother Coin.

"My God!Brother Chengzi almost broke his bone when he ate sashimi and reported Doinb's name! "

Brother Coin was not embarrassed at all, and apologized with his hands clasped together.

"Really? They really went to eat sashimi?"

"Oh~~~~ My, my! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It was just a joke, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously."

"How much face does Brother Cheng Zi go? If the boss knew about Brother Cheng Zi's reputation, he would definitely offer them a discount."

"It doesn't matter! How much they ate is mine! I'll go to Brother Chengzi's studio to collect gifts later."

It can only be said that Brother Coin really knows how to broadcast live.

There was no embarrassment at all, and the consequences of being punctured were easily resolved.

Although the store owner can't remember Doinb, but I have to say that the taste of this store is really good.

"Thank you Brother Coin for me, this store tastes really good."

"If Brother Coin travels to Chengdu, remember to contact me. I will recommend some delicious restaurants to him."

Lin Cheng added with a grin: "Don't worry! There will be a discount if you report my name, and the shops on the whole street over there will give me face."

"It's not a broken bone... I'm not hilarious, okay, why don't you believe it?"

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