This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1888 I'm with God 55

Chapter 1888 I have a [-]/[-] split with God
On May 5st, the second day after the entire KT team arrived in Busan.

Last night, the base equipment was airlifted to the hotel. Lin Cheng came to the training room at 09:30 and found that he was the last one to arrive.

Mr. Dai and Rascal have already started playing ranked, while the rest are eating the breakfast brought by Sister Shengxi.

"What's going on? Should it be so early? Today is International Labor Day."

Lin Cheng casually picked up the sandwich, "Old Dai, why are you working so hard? Work hard early in the morning."

Mr. Dai just started the game, and he replied casually: "I haven't played LOL for several days, I feel a little unfamiliar, and I want to get used to it as soon as possible."

Rascal: "After a month's vacation, it's time to relax at work."

"Look at everyone's awareness!"

Seeing Lin Cheng shrugged disapprovingly, Chi Shengxi took a sip of coffee with a smile, "Even Qianxi got up early today, and you are the only one who doesn't take work seriously."

"The purpose of my work is very simple."

Lin Cheng winked at Kang Dongxun, "I learned from the coach, arriving late and leaving early, taking a break in between, this is life! Otherwise, how tiring is life?"

"Cough cough!"

Mr. Kang, who was eating bread, almost choked.

"Don't frame it. Representative An thought I was fishing for work when this word spread to his ears. A coach's job content is different from that of a player. You call it late and leave early, and I call it flexible adjustment."

Brother A echoed from the side: "After setting up the training tasks, you don't need the coach to watch the RANK sooner or later. We usually discuss tactics and analyze data very tired."

"So! Lin Cheng is the only one who is really lazy."

Chi Shengxi complained: "And this guy always talks about his laziness in a fresh and refined way."

Lin Cheng gnawed on the sandwich and widened his eyes.

Said he was lazy, he admitted.

But why do you say he is lazy alone?

Isn't Zhao Qianxi lazier than him?

During the one-month vacation, he still played LOL at least.

Zhao Qianxi didn't even have a single ranking record for a whole month. Could this be called diligence?
But obviously, everyone didn't think there was a problem with Chi Shengxi's words.

Mr. Kang patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder, "It's fine in normal times, but you should work harder at MSI these days."

"What's the use of being diligent?"

Lin Cheng tried hard to swallow the sandwich, "If diligence is useful, all the cows in the countryside will be prosperous... No! Now the cows don't live in the countryside, they live in the staff dormitories."

Beryl chuckled from the sidelines.

Apparently, the heroes see the same thing.

Mr. Dai: "Cut! Do you think that everyone has the talent like you? We train hard to increase our self-worth. When we get older, we have to work harder to maintain our state."

Lin Cheng was very happy: "Are you praising me? Thank you."

Mr. Dai: "..."

This guy can't always grasp the point when listening to people talking.

Chi Shengxi didn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Then everyone else laughed too.

Lin Cheng's personality is really playful, he can always find something beneficial to himself in other people's complaints, and he never seems to be depressed in life.

After breakfast, Lin Cheng studied the changes in the new version first.

Hanbok has just been updated to version 12.8, and this is also the version used in the MSI competition.

Riot has continued its usual style. Before the competition, it will cut down the most popular heroes some time ago, and forcibly change the game ecology so that each team can adapt to the version.

The previously fiery Jinx has been weakened again.

This version of Jinx's initial health has been cut by 50 points again.

As a big-core AD that kept pace with Aphelios in the Spring Split, Jinx's natural basic HP is 100 points more than Aphelios', which is a bit too much. In addition, the designer of the previous version has increased the mana consumption of fish bones in the early stage. Max's early abilities have been further weakened.

This is also Riot's idea for big-core ADs: since big-core ADs are strong in the late stage, then focus on the early-game laning ability and cut hard, anyway, it can't make you too comfortable in the early stage.

In addition, the full-level CD of Xia's Q skill has been increased by two seconds.

The increase of these two seconds has a very big impact, and the fist is obviously aimed at the late-stage Poke ability of Jiapier Xia.

Looking at other competitions after the LCK finals, Armor-piercing Xia's priority is even higher than the two big-core ADs.

Armor-piercing Xia has a strong ability to fight in the early stage. The formation of equipment not only has abnormal Poke damage, but the existence of W skills makes Armor-piercing Xia team battles burst out equally well.

Coupled with the self-protection and barb control of the ultimate move, the only problem with this hero is that he is too slow to tank.

But Crit Xia is also not fast in tanking, and the armor-piercing outflow outfit has completely squeezed Crit Xia's living space. At that time, Lin Cheng even posted a special article to complain about it.

There is no such thing as the soul of AD!
Since armor-piercing Xia became popular, Xia who met in the rankings was all QE combos, and a good crit AD turned into a diudiu monster.

The designer obviously had the same idea as Lin Cheng, thinking that Xia, a hero who took the armor-piercing route, was too brainless and super-strength, so he made a decisive move to target it before the start of MSI.

The adjustment of these two hands to the bottom lane will obviously have a great impact on MSI.

Because Zeli is basically in the BAN position in each division of the playoffs, and Luxia, Jinx, and Aphelios are in rotation.

Zeli has been shaved several versions before, and the brothers' respective sufferings will inevitably lead to a major change in the bot lane ecology.

Additionally, Poppy received an epic buff.

The attack time of the ultimate move is increased in seconds, the charging release speed is accelerated and the hammer flying distance is longer, and the full-level CD of the W skill firm demeanor is reduced.

Mr. Kang was ecstatic.

Bobby is one of the few functional heroes in Lin Cheng's hero pool. Bobby is really too good to enter the role. This enhancement is actually an enhancement of KT's counterattack system.

In addition, there are still a lot of zero-zero-to-total adjustments. KT needs to verify the understanding of the version step by step in the follow-up training games with other teams.

Free RANK practiced for half a day, and KT made consecutive training appointments with G2 and EG.

The results of the training match were not bad, but it was probably because the players made a lot of mistakes. Facing the European and American players, KT did not show a crushing attitude.

After all, the LCK is the first region to end the Spring Split. Lin Cheng and his teammates really took nearly a month off, and there were still many commercial activities in the middle without high-intensity training to maintain their state.

Then, the big brothers in Europe and the United States became optimistic.

On the day of the training match with KT, the G2 mid laner tweeted: Brothers, I just finished the training match with KT today and lost! (with a rose in his mouth)
BB boy replied: We lost!But I feel that KT is not invincible (with a rose)

A fan asked: Is there hope for EU this year?

Xiao Yang: I won't know until I have played RNG. There is still hope.

Although it was said that the training match was lost, there was a hint of excitement between the lines of Xiaoyang. The audience understood that G2's performance against KT in the training match was not that bad.

On May 5nd, after EG finished the training match with KT.

EG top laner living fossil player Oki excitedly posted:
I'm [-]-[-] with God!

Now the audience can't fix it.

How profitable is the KT training match?
He actually gave Europe and the United States a lot of self-confidence!

How dare Da Mu clamor for a [-]-[-] split with Cheng Zi?

(End of this chapter)

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