This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1889 Burst!Big crisis! ! !

Chapter 1889 Burst!Big crisis! ! !

Just when SKT's top laner clamored for a 5-2 match with Lin Cheng, which caused heated discussions, on the night of May [-], the entire RNG team also arrived in Busan.

Lin Cheng immediately tweeted his welcome in Chinese.

Welcome beauties!Come out to eat when you have time (dog head)
He is quite familiar with RNG players. Last year, the two parties had a dinner together in Iceland. Only Abin did not meet him in private.

But Abin also likes to play. After coming to South Korea, there is no wall, so he opened Twitter and replied to Lin Cheng.

Get ready, I'm here to challenge!
Lin Cheng was very confused and replied: What challenge?Not masturbating in May?

Bin:? ? ?
Director Bin's name is well-known, and foreign audiences also know that he participated in the ring director's challenge to the death of the society.

Originally, whether RNG could come to Busan this time was a question.

A new round of the domestic epidemic has broken out. Normally speaking, RNG will be quarantined after coming to Busan to participate in the mid-season game. This will definitely affect the LPL summer game schedule.

However, after negotiations with multiple parties, LPL is willing to make adjustments to RNG's summer split, so that participating in MSI this time will not affect RNG's summer split.

Even so, the voice of opposition from domestic audiences is also very loud.

Anyway, I feel that it is impossible for RNG to pull out their teeth in KT's tiger's mouth, so they simply won't come.

And the health of the players is more important.

It is not worthwhile to get infected without getting MSI.

From the perspective of domestic audiences, Busan at this time is a poisonous circle.

Even though Riot Games ordered the teams to quarantine, everyone obviously didn't take it seriously. The whole KT team wandered around on the day they arrived in Busan. Xiao Yang even went on a date with a female netizen in a crowded park.

Is this going to participate in a competition or run a drug circle?
At least from the perspective of domestic audiences, they don't quite understand the open policy abroad.

Even many LPL viewers ridiculed this.

Of course, there are voices in China calling for policy liberalization.

After all, after two and a half years, the intensity of the virus seems to have decreased a lot compared to the initial period, and the infectivity is still very strong, but it is not actually harmful to the human body.

The most important thing is that the finances of various places can no longer afford it.

Many neighboring countries have gradually opened up, and the country is bound to resume normal production and life one day.

At present, it seems that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the virus, so what can we do?

Some people can afford it, but there are always people who are about to eat dirt.

Not to mention anything else, the arrival of RNG also ensured the gold content of this MSI.

Good thing for the audience.

Although European and American players are clamoring for some training matches with KT, TSM also said that the training matches are not in vain for SKT. If there is really a team that can threaten KT in MSI this time, obviously everyone is more optimistic about RNG.

Many overseas LPL fans regard RNG as the home team for the time being.

When Abin started Twitter, he also seemed to have discovered a new world. After making an appointment with Lin Cheng to meet at the stadium, he sent English Twitter greetings to overseas fans.

But his English level is really abstract, and his grammar is a mess.

Originally, some people thought that it was RNG's operation that helped Abin to open Twitter, but now there is no doubt.

With this English level, if it is an operation, it will definitely be fired.

On May 5rd, the whole KT team went to the Nike pop-up store to participate in the event.

The pop-up shop here can customize signed T-shirts.

The store has prepared signature notes for all players in advance, and customers can print these signatures on designated positions when they buy blank Nike T-shirts.

The idiots found it interesting, and each started DIYing.

Chi Shengxi deliberately found a blank T-shirt, and asked the team members to sign their autographs on it one by one, planning to find a chance to give this T-shirt to fans in a lucky draw.

"The pop-up store is full of photocopied signatures, only this one is unique... Lin Cheng is yours."

Lin Cheng was the last to take the T-shirt. He was lying on the glass cabinet while signing and muttering:
"Actually! I think it might be better for me to sign it alone. If they also sign it, the fans may not want it so much..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt the surrounding area was chilly.

Lin Cheng raised his head and found that his teammates surrounded him, all staring at him with dead fish eyes.

"Hehe! Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

At this time, the big screen in the pop-up shop suddenly played Lin Cheng's dancing video.

It was the kick-off for KT Wizards some time ago, and Lin Cheng learned the support dance with the hot cheerleader sister. In the whole picture, except for Lin Cheng's stiff movements, the shaking car lights of the young lady are the brightest.

"Hey! What are you doing? Who put it on? Turn it off!"

Lin Cheng complained to the clerk, "You bastards! Are you sent by T1?"

The teammates burst out laughing, encouraging Lin Cheng to perform a live dance.

Of course Lin Cheng refused, threatening to die in front of the screen.

The teammates are even more excited.

Lin Cheng silently wrote it down in a small notebook, preparing to settle the accounts slowly afterwards.

The players were in a good mood all day.

However, an accident occurred during the routine nucleic acid test the next morning.

It's sunny!

It's over!
Except for Lin Cheng and Mr. Dai, everyone else in the club is gone.

Including Ji Shengxi and coaching staff members.

Lin Cheng was dumbfounded, why did brother Cheng become an only child when he woke up?

No, there is also Mr. Dai.

Lao Dai had already passed the spring split, theoretically, his resistance to poison had risen temporarily, so it was normal for him to escape.

This time there was no way, the training match was suspended, everyone was given medicine and consciously isolated in the room.

The news that almost all of KT's members have fallen has rushed into the trending searches.

"Fuck!All of a sudden the sun?Caught off guard

"It's over!It's all over! "

"Is this too badass?It’s not sunny in the morning, it’s not sunny in the evening, MSI will start in one week”

"The fist is isolated from loneliness, can running around all day not be positive?" "

"RNG opportunity is here! ! ! "

"I just hope the RNG players are okay"

"Does no one think Brother Chengzi is cute?There is a circle of sunshine around him, but he has nothing to do"

"Yesterday he hooked up with Cuzz and Rookie"

"I don't understand!Every time he doesn’t like to wear a mask, but in the end he is the one who makes the most of it.”

"People can't be generalized, Brother Cheng's body looks great"

"Recommended Slicing!Human conquered the new crown and recorded his first achievement (dog head)"

KT fans were dumbfounded, but the stalls were gloating.

They are the group who least expect KT to defend MSI.

You KT still threatened to equal T1's international honor this year?

The new crown is helping us, what are you fighting with me?

Spread the miscellaneous and celebrate together.

Someone even posted such an argument in KT's official comment area:
"You can't even take care of the basic players' health, why not let T1 come, T1 will definitely win the championship"

"T1 was stronger in the first place, Zeus and Keria lost in the last final due to illness"

In fact, it was previously reported that T1 had a player infected during the final against KT, and the stallholders endured it for a long time and finally jumped out to look through the history books.

But Lin Cheng was not used to them, so he posted a strange post:

It is said that the strongest team did not come to MSI?Who is it?Why didn't they come?Don't you want to?Is the road to Busan blocked by trucks?

(End of this chapter)

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