This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1897 Bloody chaos!Black History 1

Chapter 1897 Bloody chaos!Black history +1
KT suffered a setback in the bottom lane, and just as Tanza fell into a carnival, Lin Cheng suddenly launched an attack on the top lane.

The crocodile pushed the line into the tower again.

The junglers of the two sides met each other in the river, and there was a monkey watching the leopard girl's position, and the barrel was not worried that the opponent's jungler would come and jump the tower.

But it happened that Lin Cheng's crocodile had reached the sixth level under the opponent's tower, and with most of his anger, Lin Cheng kept sending troops from tower A to press forward, creating pressure on the opponent.

This time, the blood volume of the two sides was not much different, only about half, but Lin Cheng's aura made the opponent look weak.

At this time, the crocodile was already half full of anger.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi is so fierce! Hasmed doesn't even seem to dare to make up for the soldiers under the tower, but there is no need to be so afraid if the wine barrel has E or flash..."

As if he heard the commentary, he chose to turn on W before the wine barrel Q skill was cooled down to prepare for the remaining blood soldiers.

However, at the moment when the opponent turned on the W front pressure, Lin Cheng's crocodile A pawn just stacked 90 anger, and a section of E rushed to the wine barrel under the tower.

Because of the release of W, the wine barrel couldn't hit the crocodile E with a meat bomb immediately.

The crocodile got close and shot out with red anger W.

The big move cancels the red anger W and shakes, the Q tyrant hits wildly, and connects to the second stage E.

The card rage of the crocodile Red Wrath W has not been modified by the fist, and the rage gained or lost by the crocodile will be reset during the freeze period of the Red Wrath W.

Using this mechanism, Lin Cheng instantly dealt three red anger damage,
The crocodile swims backstroke under the tower, even if the wine barrel is turned on W to avoid injury, it is still killed in seconds.

Lin Cheng's damage was too fast. After the kill, he didn't even need to hand in the flash, and pulled out the defensive tower.

Zeyuan: "Chengzi Geta is going to be fierce... hey! It's a second! This damage is faster than the wine barrel that has W turned on for damage reduction!"

Cheng Feng'er: "The timing of the crocodile was too accurate. Neither Barrel E nor Flash had a chance to make a move, and they were directly beheaded by half blood."

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi! No matter how the state of your teammates fluctuates, you can always trust Brother Chengzi."

Seeing Lin Cheng's solo kill, the KT fans cheered loudly again.

Some people even shouted: "Deft, send it slowly! Lie down! Wait for Cheng to come C!"

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Not only KT fans, but also the tourists who participated in it were very happy.

This wave of kills by Lin Cheng had a great impact. Not only did the wine barrel lose a large wave of troops, the crocodile also ate two layers of tapestry, and the leopard girl also took advantage of the opportunity to invade the upper half of the area and snatch the monkey's stone man.

Monkey is a hero who can't do anything before level [-], so he can only go to the lower half of the area to clear the jungle.

Cuzz saw the opportunity and cooperated with the stable point control of the middle card to catch Silas to death.

The number of players on the court was 3:3, and the disadvantage in the bottom lane was forcibly beaten back by the three brothers in the upper half.

After the previous deaths, Mr. Dai and Brother Yuanshen finally stabilized their position. Although the AD was three heads behind, the pressure on the lane was not too great after Luna had a double move.

After all, with long hands in the bottom lane, as long as Lucian doesn't take the initiative to go up, the small cannon can't open a bigger gap even if it has a temporary advantage in equipment.

In 7 minutes, Silas used the big move of the stolen card to try to catch it.

But this time Mr. Dai showed that things had turned for the better.

Lucian directly dodged the bull's head's flashing second company and then pulled the position back with the E skill. Nami's blisters perfectly suppressed Silas's landing point.

Just paying for Lucian's flash, KT's bot lane resolved the opponent's offensive.

Immediately afterwards, SGB's top road suffered another heavy blow.

Rookie's card moved after clearing the line, and flew up to cooperate with Ueno's three packs and Yiyue dropped the barrel.

Although the monkey consciously squatted behind him, Lin Cheng's blood volume was too low in advance. The stable point control of the card combined with KT Ueno's explosion made the barrel lie down in seconds.

The monkey came up to help but found that he was facing a one-on-three, so he had to dodge and run away.

"The top road has already been threaded! The wine barrel was doubled in 8 minutes, and the knife was doubled. Brother Chengzi put too much pressure on him."

Due to the advantage in the upper half, the first vanguard was easily controlled by KT.

Cuzz: "Does Lin Cheng want to be a pioneer? You can directly take a tower."

Lin Cheng: "No, no, let's go to the bottom lane. I can push flat in the lane."

Mr. Dai: "That's so embarrassing!"

Lin Cheng: "Don't be embarrassed, I'm afraid that if you are not happy with the game, you will send it away if you disagree."

Mr. Dai: "..."

With an advantage in the upper half, KT's team atmosphere is still very relaxed.

Unable to fight on the road, the Saigon buffalo seemed to mark Mr. Dai as a soft persimmon. When the bull head found a chance to directly connect with Lucian, Xiaopao jumped up and came up recklessly.

Because of the death of Lucian at the first level, Nami gained experience alone. In the next lane, Nami reached the sixth first, and Beryl flew two backhands with a big move.

With the blessing of Nami's electrocution, storming Lucian still has enough damage even if the equipment is one noon behind the quiver.

The ADs of both parties complete the exchange.

But Mr. Dai got the ending bounty from Xiaopao, and this wave is very profitable.

Just after the replay, the monkey in the middle road didn't find a chance to move the card, and the two sides fought again when the camera turned to the bottom road.

Xiaopao is ahead of Shinhwa. This time Nami didn't make a big move to backhand, and the Bullhead Hex flashed out and drove to Lucian.

Mr. Dai died again.

The number of people on the field is 5:5.

Zeyuan: "Oh my god! This is too bloody. The Vietnamese brothers just do it when they meet. They don't even wait for the jungler or anything. Even when they are pushed, they always look for opportunities to go first. This is too reckless."

Cheng Feng'er: "In less than 10 minutes, I have died four times. Mr. Dai is really miserable."

KT can be regarded as seeing that, except for facing Lin Cheng on the top road, the big Vietnamese brother played recklessly in other roads.

After Luna reached the level, she had already mastered the right to push the line. Professional players know that pushing back the line does not fight, but the opponent doesn't seem to care about it at all.

However, with the advantage of Xiaopao + Niutaumang, Luna may not be able to beat it.

So, Cuzz decisively changed his mind.

Previously, he was relying on the strength of the upper half to play, and found that the gunpowder in the bottom lane was too heavy, so Leopard ran to the bottom lane and squatted back.

Sure enough, the bull head on the other side looked for an opportunity to recklessly come up again.

It happened to be caught by Leopard Girl.

Although the monkey on the red side was also in the river, SGB got off the road too quickly, and Xiaopao was already dead when the monkey arrived.

The monkey forcibly replaced Nami, but Lucian took the double kill.

The bottom lane played 1 for 2, and Cuzz put down the vanguard to support Lucian.

Mr. Dai's economy has overtaken Shogun in the opposite position.

Zeyuan: "Although the duo is not in a good state, KT's Luna still plays from a disadvantage to an advantage. SGB players dare to play, but unfortunately the details are still a bit rough."

Cheng Feng'er: "Brother Chengzi will eat one tower alone on the road, the wine barrel can't stand the line at all, does Silas want to catch crocodiles? Isn't it realistic?"

As soon as the words fell, on the road, Lin Cheng directly launched a counterattack against GANK and killed Silas.

At this time, Lin Cheng's ruin has come out, and the big crocodile is too scary in the early stage.

Seeing that KT's full-line play has become an advantage, many stalls silently pushed out of the live broadcast room.

Just when the KT players themselves thought they were going to get off work safely, the opponent still played very proactively.

The double mythology has come out, and it stands to reason that the period of Luna's strength has arrived, and Beryl hastily threw a blister to show off.

As a result, seeing that Nami's blisters were gone, and knowing that the opponent hadn't made any big moves, Niutou directly used the minion WQ to blitz Lucian into the air.

Hang up the ignition, All in!

Xiaopao jumped up again.

Mr. Dai's E skill pulled He Niutou's body away, and the gust of wind took Nami's buff state and tried to pour damage back to Xiaopao.

But the small cannon fired three layers of sparks and directly blasted out the big move.

Mr. Dai died again.

Although Luna has a high burst, the small cannons with Kraken also have a high burst. Basically, whoever goes first in the bottom lane has an advantage.

However, the face-to-face support is like a neuropathy, and it will be opened upon meeting.

Mr. Dai was beaten a little bit unconfident.

"What the hell is this? Why is the opponent beating randomly? Is this just beating randomly?"

The audience also lived in Bengbu.

Shaking people and being killed by the line?Is the down road pressure so much?

Tanza, who had just quit the live broadcast room, was tricked back again.

In the end, within a minute of watching, Lin Cheng's crocodile caught the small cannon, which was neither big nor flashy, in the small dragon group. With a set of skills, it immediately dropped the small cannon and won three kills.

KT played a group annihilation, and countless stalls left the live broadcast room again.

Later, KT played more and more actively.

Originally, the lineup had offensive pressure. When KT got the ultimate offensive lineup, it would not give itself a retreat, and frantically found opponents to fight.

After Lin Cheng's crocodile was ruined the first time, he added a dark claw, just to deal extreme damage.

KT's rhythm is wave after wave.

However, the big Vietnamese brother is also an unbeliever.

If there is a fight, they will fight, and if KT dares to come, they will dare to pick it up, without any cowardice.

In the waves of chaotic battles, KT personnel are also constantly dying, but they are always the side that earns more.

Gradually, KT's advantage is getting bigger and bigger.

SGB's lineup is actually very good at fighting big team battles in the late stage, but they seem to not want to delay the late stage at all, and have been fighting wildly with KT in the early stage.

The red side loses more and more.

Luna got fatter and fatter.

Then SGB itself is getting higher and higher.

It even seems that they are the one with the pressure to attack. They constantly take the initiative to fight with KT, even if they keep losing money, they will keep fighting. The momentum confused KT.

What does it mean to deliver clearly?
Probably because he was frightened by the momentum of the young people on the opposite side, KT made quite a few mistakes here.

Rookie hit two waves of walls.

Beryl gets lost in vision.

Even Lin Cheng came out of nowhere and made a quick pass face to face.

But generally speaking, after several waves of chaotic battles, KT's advantage has become bigger than the sky.

Although SGB can win kills, its understanding of game resources is like a blank slate compared to KT.

KT's kills are always accompanied by resources in the bag, and SGB's pure play is a momentum.

They feel very anxious, and they don't know what they are anxious about with that lineup.

Maybe this is the style of the Vietnamese team.

Advantages should be fought and expanded.

The balance of power is about fighting and establishing an advantage.

Disadvantages require a fight, and a fight can make a comeback.

Finally, 20 minutes have come.

KT is preparing to arrange the field of vision to operate around Dalong.

The result was good, the opponent directly forced Dalong face to face.

But obviously, SGB is committing suicide by recklessly moving the dragon.

Relying on the stopwatch, Rookie's ultimate move is very aggressive.

Sure enough, Niutou went to open the card first.

The team battle broke out in full swing.

Taking advantage of the opponent's focus on the front, Lin Cheng's crocodile flank entered the field to find the right opportunity, and the set of Dark Claw's damage gave the small cannon full of blood in seconds.

Lucian and Leopard complete the harvest.

A wave of team battles played 1 for 5, and KT took advantage of the situation to win the dragon.

Then KT moved out of its own handy Dragon operation very steadily, and started four-one split push.

SGB ​​is also very straightforward, and they don't bother to watch KT Xiubing line to understand.

But with Lin Cheng TP supporting the front, SGB has no chance of winning in the 5V5 team battle under the huge equipment gap.

In the end, KT ended the game in just over 22 minutes.

The head-to-head ratio is fixed at 35:12.

The bloody battle between the two sides broke out with 47 heads, and the blood value has broken 2.

Although KT fans watched sit-ups, for passer-by spectators, such a bloody game is really good to watch.

Of course, it is not easy to see Lin Cheng perform a face-to-face fast pass.

Gif has come out, Lin Chenghei history +1
(End of this chapter)

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