This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1898 Name Criticism

Chapter 1898 Name Criticism
"So, Brother Cheng is here, no surprises!"

"Congratulations to KT! It got a good start to this MSI at the venue in Busan."

Zeyuan’s tone was full of regret: “Of course, Saigon Buffalo actually performed well in this round, especially when they got a good advantage in the early stage of the bot lane matchup and completed the line kill many times.”

"But it is true that they are still far behind KT in terms of operations during the transition period, resource control, and the timing of team formation."

"Mu Muxiao finally fell in front of Gulardo."

Cheng Feng'er: "On the other hand, today's KT players actually didn't perform well. Both players made a lot of mistakes in the game."

Zeyuan: "After all, they have just recovered from a serious illness, and KT has not had systematic training during this period, and training with games is their last choice. I also hope that KT players can adjust their status as soon as possible through the group stage."

"Heizi Speaks! ! !Who said KT would lose? "

"It's a mess in Vietnam"

"After watching this game, I have confidence in RNG"

"KT bot Na Luna originally wanted to fry fish, but ended up fighting with fish"

"RNG's bot lane will definitely beat KT, these two old bullies"

"RNG will play a wild card later, if the bot lane is killed by a line, I dare not even think about it"

"What about the big one coming?Brother Orange Deceives"

"Zinima!money back! "

The KT fans at the scene looked relaxed, but they didn't seem too excited.

Just call Vietnam!

They admit they started off with a little apprehension.

But no one really lost to the Vietnamese team, right?
Hearing the faint cheers from the fans at the scene, Lin Cheng took off his earphones and took a sip of water first.

To be honest, it was Lin Cheng's first encounter with 22 heads in 47 minutes, and it was really exciting.

Especially in the mid-term, the mad dog on the opposite side wanted to take the big bounty from the crocodile. Lin Cheng even made such an operation face-to-face TP minions in desperation.

The big bounty was taken, TP was gone, blood loss.

The teammates stood up and saw that Lin Cheng was still staring at the data panel.

Mr. Dai: "Don't be in a daze, Orange Chuanbing."

Lin Cheng: "..."

It's over!I'm sorry to mention Jin Chuandeng in the future.

Lin Cheng bumped fists with his teammates and SGB players one by one, and then stood in front of the stage to thank the audience.

Then, Lin Cheng celebrated with a set of passionate combo punches for the camera, causing the audience to cheer.

The teammates were stunned.

"Uncle! Uncle has won!"

Seeing Lin Cheng's celebration, Enxi's little girl immediately jumped up happily, and punched the eight fists that Lin Cheng taught her in the living room, still talking non-stop.

Xiaoying also joined in the fun, and the two little girls were chattering and drinking.

"Ah! You two, be safe and don't fall."

Xiao Tong was afraid that the two little girls would trip over each other.

"Sister Tong, you need to exercise too! Do you want to box with Enxi?"

Enxi shook her head and said, "In this way, I won't be bullied by my uncle in the future."

Xiao Tong retorted: "How can I be bullied? My sister is amazing!"


Enxi scratched her little head, "Last time Uncle Ming said he was going to bully Sister Tong, Enxi heard it all!"

For a moment, Xiao Tong blushed.

"Well, that's not what he meant by bullying..."

Looking at the big cute eyes of the two little girls, her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Sister Hitomi, don't be embarrassed."

Enxi patted his chest like a little adult, "It's not shameful to lose to uncle in a fight, you can win after you exercise hard."

The little girl's words were plain and straightforward, but Xiao Tong thought it wrong.

That guy is so powerful, it's hard to win, right?
Perhaps, plus Miss Shuyan...
Stopping my wild thoughts in time, seeing the eager eyes of the two little girls, Miss Xiao blushed even more.

Enxi waved her small arms excitedly, "Sister Tong, do you want to learn boxing? Enxi will teach you."

Xiaoying chimed in: "That's right! My mother said that I need to exercise regularly to be healthy, so my mother exercises at home every day."

"To shut up!"

Xiao Tong waved his fist.

"Stop talking nonsense! If I don't learn, I will beat you two little brats casually."

Immediately, the two little girls shrank their necks.

The fear of being dominated by the big devil in the neighborhood was awakened again.

Backstage lounge, after waiting for a while, Lin Cheng accepted the invitation for a Chinese-language interview.

The host of the interview was Yu Shuang, who came to Busan with the home team RNG this time, obviously she hoped to witness RNG win the championship.

The two greeted each other and faced the camera to prepare for the official start of the interview.

"Welcome to our post-match interview..."

Before she finished speaking, the staff suddenly interrupted Yu Shuang's interview and motioned her to take off her watch.

After reacting, Yu Shuang quickly took off the Apple Watch on her wrist.


After saying sorry, Yu Shuang was about to continue the interview but suddenly found that Lin Cheng was also wearing a mechanical watch.

She stopped and gestured to Lin Cheng with her eyes.

"He doesn't need to pick it!"

The staff's words made Yu Shuang feel that the world is so unfair.

Lin Cheng also winked at her mischievously.

Sorry, but with a background, you can do whatever you want.

The main sponsor of MSI this time is OnePlus, and OnePlus also has watch series products. Logically, all competing products should not appear in the interview.

But Lin Cheng was an exception.

Cartier had already communicated with the event organizer in advance, and by paying the license fee, Lin Cheng could wear a Cartier watch during the interview session.

Originally, the sponsorship contract had certain flexible clauses. The expensive high-end Cartier watches and smart watches are not in the same dimension of competing products. Naturally, OnePlus will not make trouble in this regard.

The interview continues.

Lin Cheng greeted the audience first.

Yu Shuang: "Everyone knows that KT encountered a lot of difficulties before the start of this MSI. How does it feel to win a good start today without any risk?"

"It's okay! At least we won the game, but everyone didn't play very well today... Name and criticize the bottom lane."

Lin Cheng had a serious expression on his face. He pointed at the camera and said with a strange air: "My dear teammate, do you know what it means to be killed three times by a wild card in 4 minutes? If you change someone else, you will already be harassed by the Internet."

Yu Shuang smiled, "Then is there anything you want to say to my duo? Remind them to play more rigorously next time."

Lin Cheng thought for a while, and suddenly stared dead fish eyes.

"What kind of job do you play like this? Go home and raise pigs!"

"Ha ha!"

Yu Shuang didn't hold back.

The barrage was still discussing Yu Shuang's mistake just now, but now it exploded.

"Laugh!This kid is black seven sauce, right? "

"Others don't know, Chang Cheng was killed in such a way and has already got on the truck"

"Brother Cheng's yin and yang strange teammates have a hand, 23333"

"Mr. Dai: Just say you won or not, right? "

"Auntie's eyes are not right when she sees Brother Chengzi"

"Tall, handsome and funny, I'm tempted by a man"

"It's over!The colonel won't milk KT to death next time? "

"I almost succeeded in milking today, that is, Vietnamese Taicai, and I don't know how to operate it at all"

"Question: If KT plays RNG, who will the colonel support?" (funny)"

"He supports the stadium explosion! "

(End of this chapter)

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