This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1899 Hurt each other

Chapter 1899 Hurt each other
"It's not just that there was no training match, it's a pity that your coach couldn't come to the scene today due to physical reasons."

Yu Shuang looked at the card in his hand: "Do you think that the reason why you encountered such difficulties in the early stage of the game has a lot to do with the absence of the coach?"

"Not really."

Lin Cheng thought carefully for two seconds, "I don't think the coach's absence will affect us much."

At this time, Mr. Kang, who was watching the interview in the room, sighed.

Although I couldn't understand the interview in Chinese, the Korean broadcast was thoughtfully accompanied by a translation.

He silently walked to the window with his hands behind his back, watching the sunset by the seaside in Busan.

孽 孽!
He was thinking, should he bring Amy on stage next time?
Press Amy's cat's paw on the keyboard and ask Amy to help BP.

In this way, they should be able to understand how important I am as a coach.

However, that leaves one problem...

What if you still win?
What should I do?

Later, I was asked several questions about the game. At the end of the interview, Lin Cheng did not forget to give a wave of publicity to his sisters.

"The war song we selected by KT this time is super nice. Hurry up if you haven't heard of "Falling U"."

"I don't allow people who haven't heard of it. It's not good to hear you scolding me online."

"By the way, don't forget to listen to Tara's new album."

"I know some fans definitely didn't buy the album, and if you are punished to listen to the new album ten times on Spotify, then I can barely forgive you."

It's lively now.

There are so many barrage streams in various languages ​​​​that there are broadcasts.

Many people really only watch the game and don't pay attention to other things. Now even if they want to scold Lin Cheng justifiably, they still have to listen to the song.

the other side.

Zhiyan, who was watching the live broadcast, praised her sweetheart again in the ears of her sisters.

The two sisters are angry and funny.

Even though Zhiyan is about to enter her thirties, her personality is still the same as before, and she doesn't hide her love for Lin Cheng to the extreme.

En Jing couldn't help but rubbed the young lady's head, "You! What can I do if I like him so much? You deserve to be bullied by Lin Cheng."

"I am willing to be bullied by my brother!"

Eun Jung rolled her eyes at Ji Yeon's mumbled words.


Zhiyan winked at her sisters mischievously, "It's really good to be bullied by my younger brother."

Enjing: "???"

Juli: "..."

En Jing glared at her angrily, "Ah! The bullying you mentioned doesn't mean the same thing as I did."

Zhiyan raised her chin, "It's the same anyway, I am willing to be bullied by my younger brother."

"It's over! You are hopeless."

En Jing stroked her forehead, unable to complain.

Ju Li snickered beside her.

"No! I'm going to tell Lin Cheng now that my sister misses him."

Jiyan kicked a pair of fair and slender legs, picked up the phone and quickly edited the news.

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

En Jing gave her a blank look, "Lin Cheng doesn't have time to look at his phone right now, so why don't you get bored in the evening?"

"Oh yes."

Ji Yeon pouted, and deleted the half-edited information.

Throwing away the phone, she turned her head and buried her head in Ju Li's arms, "Woo~~~~ I really miss my brother!!! I don't have time to accompany him before he leaves."

Feeling Zhiyan rubbing against her chest, looking at the tall Lin Cheng on the screen, Ju Li pursed her lips.

It seems that I miss him a little too.

The aunt sighed silently.

Tighten your legs slightly.

After the interview, Lin Cheng followed his teammates to go outside to eat something, and then went back to the hotel training room to watch the next game.

Mainly to study the version understanding of other teams.

During this period of time, KT did not have any training matches, and the only analysis material they had for themselves was the matches of other teams.

There were no real upsets in the next few games.

DFM in the same group easily defeated AZE from Latin America.

Although G2 had a hard time with fish in the early stage like KT, they still won the Oceania team ORD without any risk.

Since there are only three teams in Group C, they have to play four BO1s with each other, so after finishing ORD, G2 will play EG back-to-back.

The meeting between Europe and the United States has attracted much attention.

However, EG unilaterally presented a Western-style feast.

Before the start of MSI, EG mid laner Jojoyun said: We young people want to let everyone see a different LCS, and we need to get rid of the old wall lamps in front.

As a result, in the EG team, except for the old wall lamp big wood like a person, the other young people are more outrageous than one.

Local genius AD Danny, who was blown away by the North American host, turned into a shock wave and sent various gifts.

The mid laner Jojoyun was severely beaten by the small cap.

Play wild Inspired wild area to let the lamb backstroke.

Vulcan is even more heavyweight. Once Niutou opened his teammate and collapsed once, he helped every wave of rhythm on the opposite side.

G2 didn't pretend anymore, changed the face of back and forth with the wild card just now, and faced the convulsive EG directly and disciplinedly pulled up, and started to kill.

North American audiences were stunned.

Isn't it the most promising year?

This is the local genius AD that everyone is raving about?

He's not the same guy as in the LCS at all.

Case solved!
Danny's idol is Deft. How about paying tribute to Deft's performance of being killed by crazy lines in the previous opening game?
But the problem is, Deft still wins by sending KT!

Are you EG okay?

Seeing EG being beaten violently, the North American commentator rebelled on the spot.

"Sure enough! LCS teams cannot be trusted."

"Destroy it early! I can continue to look forward to tomorrow's match with my favorite team with peace of mind."

After speaking, the man took off his coat on the spot and revealed KT's team uniform inside.

"Let's go! KT! I will always support you guys!"

"EG? It's just work!"

The effect of the show exploded.

Later, the LPL team finally debuted.

Facing the Turkish champion, RNG showed a very strong attack and defeated the opponent in just 22 minutes.

More than ten seconds faster than the end of KT's game.

Although the head-to-head ratio was only 13:3, the RNG players made no mistakes throughout the game. It seemed that their condition was much better than that of KT. The Korean commentary was already worried.

What the KT players care about is not how strong RNG is. The players may be in different states every time they appear in the game.

What they look at is RNG's lineup understanding.

Gwen+Voyego+Fox in the top lane, EZ+Tau Tau in the bottom lane, this lineup has an obvious RNG league style.

The KT players had a heated discussion.

Lin Cheng: "Wow! The upper middle field is very good, but can this version of Alistar + Ezreal really come out?"

Cuzz: "The opponent is too weak, I can't see anything."

Rookie: "RNG is like this. They like to play heroes for the support team. After the bot lane Uzi left, they didn't pay much attention to laning suppression."

Mr. Dai: "It's not good to bully the opponent Luna. If Luna is given to us, I don't believe the opponent would dare to choose this way."

Lin Cheng chuckled, "Don't forget, whose Luna was just smashed by a wild card today?"

Mr. Dai countered: "Who is facing T's little soldier today?"

"Say it like you've never done it, Jin Chuandeng!"

"Orange Soldier! Orange Soldier!"

The two hurt each other, and the training room was full of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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