This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1905 Baisi Champion Skin

Lin Cheng leaned behind Rascal and saw the hand-painted themed poster of the S11 champion skin that Riot officially released on the Twitter homepage, followed by the demonstration video of the test server's skin effect and the original skin painting.

Teammates also came together one after another.

"Wow! The poster is cool."

The overall tone of the hand-painted themed poster is white with light blue. Last year, members of KT2.0 occupied five positions on the poster.

Lin Cheng's hand-painted portrait is in the center of the poster.

Wearing the KT team uniform, he has a slender and stylish figure, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand hanging down naturally, standing sideways, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Viewed from the side, the lines of his face are sharp and charming.

Last year in Iceland for more than a month, I didn't cut my hair at all. At that time, Lin Cheng's hair was a little long. His bangs and eyebrows reflected in the poster made his handsome features look a little softer.

Although the hand-painted portrait cannot be restored too much, the appearance of standing sideways with one hand in his pocket still fully expresses Lin Cheng's confidence.

That year, he had one hand in his pocket and didn't know what an opponent was.

It can be seen that the illustrator of the fist may also be a fan of Lin Cheng, and a single pose has shown most of his temperament.

And behind Lin Cheng was the huge phantom of Dao Mei.

Daomei stood sideways with her back against Lin Cheng. The white color seemed to be the full color of her new skin, and her long flying hair was also white, but the light blue gemstone on her forehead added a touch of color to her.

Dao Mei Xuying is no longer in the fighting dance pose in the original painting. She lowers her head slightly, her blurred delicate face has a soft expression, as if she is looking at Lin Cheng who is looking up.

However, the two are back to back, and this misplaced view of the composition brings a different kind of impact.

In every official original painting of Fist, Dao Mei shows people with a cold and stern expression, but in this poster, she seems to be gentle towards Lin Cheng.

So much feeling!
Just looking at this poster, Lin Cheng was [-]% satisfied.

It's a pity that the layout is limited, and the huge phantom of the sword girl's half body can't show too many details. The details still depend on the original painting and the in-game demo.

The remaining four teammates from last year and their chosen skin heroes accounted for Lin Cheng's left and right.

Little Peanut chose Leopard Girl whom he had been thinking about.

Chaowei chose Silas.

Mr. Dai chose the policewoman.

Evert chose Japanese women.

In addition, there is a small alpaca wearing sunglasses in the corner of the poster.

In addition to the five champion skins released this time, Riot also specially made an alpaca guard skin for Mr. Dai.

Riot’s champion guard skins are usually memes, such as President Wang’s hot dog eating skin in S8.

As the champion player with the longest career in LOL history, Mr. Dai has been playing alpaca for so many years and has been widely circulated, and he was finally made into a guard by the fist.

Chi Shengxi praised, "So handsome! The poster looks great."

Lin Cheng was a little annoyed, "Damn it! Why does Lao Dai still have an alpaca guard? I only get two skins when I win two S championships, but he gets two skins once he wins."

Mr. Dai chuckled and didn't answer the conversation.

The rest of the teammates were a little pantothenic.

It's so sad that I can't get involved in this kind of topic.

Rookie silently returned to her computer, not interested in the follow-up skin evaluation.

I have my own skin, and I'm not envious at all... Okay!Actually there is a point.

I really want to have another one.

"Look at the back quickly, I want to see Irelia's original painting and special effects."

Under Lin Cheng's urging, Rascal clicked on Irelia's original painting.

This time, Daomei is still wearing a white battle armor, but her skin is quite different from last year.

white!Extremely white.

White armor, white stockings, white boots, white blades, and long white hair.

Except for Daomei's exquisite forehead decoration which is blue, and some faint black lines all over her body, more than [-]% of the entire original painting is holy white.

This kind of tone makes Daomei a little cold.

The long white hair fluttered against her delicate face, and the cold and stern temperament in the holiness became more prominent.

White to clear, white to dusty.

Lin Cheng was very satisfied with the original painting.

This feeling of purity was even better than he expected. Although the whole body was white, the white stockings didn't feel covered up at all, and even the texture looked better than last year's champion skin.

If Xiaotong cosplays like this... Hehehe!

Then Brother Cheng wants to show her what is the world's strongest sword girl user.

However, after carefully comparing the original painting, Lin Cheng felt that the skin chest seemed a little bigger.

It's over!
How does this make Xiaotong cosplay?
Do designers have to be smart in this kind of place?
Although he once complained about the designer's behavior of chopping Daomei's breasts, there is no need to show sincerity to him at this time, right?

This skin prototype is Xiaotong!
Regardless of Lin Cheng's resentment, Rascal clicked on the demonstration video.

The character modeling in the game is surprisingly good. Generally speaking, the details in the game must be much worse than the original painting, but this time the demo animation Lin Chenggong can't find any faults.

So refined.

The display of special effects also satisfied Lin Cheng.

Pure and elegant.

Daomei's Q is very similar to Lin Cheng's previous generation of champion skin, both of which are shining with white light and shadow, but this generation's skin is more pure white and looks like a fairy.

When W is turned on, the phantom behind Daomei will slowly expand, and the white misty light will pulsate and spread like a heartbeat.

The two blades thrown by the E skill are no longer the KT team logo, but two funny llamas.

Lin Cheng didn't know why the designer collaborated with Mr. Dai here, but it was indeed quite interesting.

Seeing the satisfied look on Lin Cheng's face, Chi Shengxi couldn't help joking, "My mouth is watering."

Lin Cheng smiled, "Not bad! The skin looks good this time, but I'm afraid the designer made it too homogeneous."

Mr. Dai interrupted: "Don't laugh! Anyway, you can't choose the skin when it comes out."

Immediately, Lin Cheng stopped smiling.

He looked sluggish.

Chi Shengxi: "At that time, other people will start using this skin, and you can only watch it in front of the screen and drool."

Lin Cheng frowned, his expression turned from dull to uncomfortable.

The teammates couldn't hold back anymore, and they all laughed.

Lin Cheng stared at the dead fish eyes, "So what if I don't need it? At least I have a skin, and I curse you for never getting the champion skin... No way! This curses me too, shit! How angry. "

The teammates laughed even more happily.

"Okay! Didn't you expect it a long time ago? Don't be sad."

Chi Shengxi patted Lin Cheng's head like coaxing a child, "Sister is a little hungry, who wants to eat supper?"

This group of slackers either want to start the game, or refuse to run. Mr. Dai wants to stay and appreciate his skin, so he just asks Chi Shengxi to run errands.

Then Lin Cheng was arrested again.

The two entered the hotel elevator, and Lin Cheng kept lowering his hair to hear the news.

Chi Shengxi couldn't help but leaned over and took a look, "Who should I send the message to?"

"My little wife, the white silk skin has come out, let her have a look."

Lin Cheng smiled proudly, "I designed this skin based on her, because Xiaotong looks good in white stockings."

"Cut! You are really a lover."

Chi Shengxi pouted, but did not speak.

Then I saw Lin Cheng frowning in distress, "But that goddamn designer just made Irelia's skin and breasts a little bigger, it seems that it will be a little difficult for Xiaotong to cosplay."

Chi Shengxi froze for a moment, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"You are not allowed to laugh."


"Why are you still laughing?"

"I remember happy things."

"What's the matter?"

"My cat is pregnant."

"But you don't have a cat at all."

"I can't raise the cloud well? Do you have an opinion? Isn't someone else's cat my cat?"

Lin Cheng stopped talking.

There was silence in the elevator car.

The elevator stopped, and when he saw Chi Shengxi walking forward, Lin Cheng finally couldn't help but climbed up.

"Sister Shengxi."


"Is your aunt here?"

"Go to hell!"

Chi Shengxi waved his fist angrily, "Don't make random guesses, be careful when my sister beats you up."

"Okay...there is a coffee shop next to it, would you like an iced coffee?"

"Okay!" (End of this chapter)

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