Chapter 1906 Holy Cut
The quota for qualifying in Group A has been determined, and KT players will not forget to watch other teams' games while qualifying for free in the next two days.

On May 5, the final round of Group B kicked off.

RNG showed absolute dominance in this group, and also won all six games to advance to the match.

PSG has no way to eavesdrop. Although they advanced 4-2, they were double-killed by RNG when they saw hope, which made Wanwan fans as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Facts have proved that the blood of the ancient Emperor Dou has been completely exhausted.

Unless there is a genetic mutation, it will be difficult for the remnants of the LMS to add obstacles to the LCK and LPL in the future.

There were also many scenes in today's game that made the audience talk about it.

Gala was in a hot state and took five kills.

Facing RNG, IW used the top laner Galen to complete the single kill against Abin.

The Brazilian sniper god Titan high ground super far flashed W blind sniper shot into the soul.

The Brazilian jungler Aegis, the second most handsome player in this year's MSI, burst into tears after being eliminated, causing many abstract people to go crazy.

As for the number one guy...of course it's Lin Cheng.

This is not what he calls himself.

Probably influenced by the atmosphere of traditional sports culture, Brazil's e-sports atmosphere is as fanatical as their football.

In the broadcast footage, not only the Brazilian local fans watching the game offline were full of passion, but there was also a roaring Tianzun among the players, who made crazy faces on the scene.

If he shows off, he immediately stands up and spouts trash talk at the other side of the bench, regardless of whether the other side can hear it or not.

The main thing is a momentum.

Although they may be at a big disadvantage on the field, even though their base is about to explode, anyway, the momentum just cannot be lost.

After watching today's game, Lin Cheng has a new impression of the Brazil division.

In the past, the only thing he knew about the Brazil competition area was the blind boy who overthrew the factory manager in S6, and the female assistant Ma Jiao who was somewhat famous among e-sports nerds.

On May 5th, the final round of Group C.

There is no suspense at all in this group of promotion places. Three-to-two and an Oceania team that is absolutely fat. It is impossible for the European and American brothers to overturn.

The only thing the audience is curious about is whether EG can get back the previous two days from G2?

You must know that before the start of MSI, the hosts of the North American division played EG in all kinds of ways, which can be called the most vigorously in the history.

What is the most promising year, the genius double C once in ten years in North America, the strongest configuration in North America in recent years, the hope of the American nation...
Because Damu has already obtained the American green card, the five members of EG can be regarded as the All-American class, and the double C is a talented boy born in the United States. Some people have already shouted for the Stars and Stripes team.

The host was bragging, and the EG players were also crazy.

Why this year we are going to bloody Europe. In the past, those old guys in LCS would only lose face if they went out. This year, we want to show the world the strength of our young people...
People in the industry are opening champagne, and the North American audience is also very excited, and they have high hopes for this EG.

Already vaguely has the appearance of LPL in S5.

It is self-confidence.

As a result, EG, which had high hopes, let G2, the king of Europe, play with it.

The result of today's game disappointed the North American audience again.

A total of 4 BO1s!
EG lost all 2 BO4s against G1, and lost in different ways.

The advantages are overturned, the disadvantages are crushed, and the balance of power is operated. Is this still a thread?
America's national hopes turned into America's shock waves.

The most embarrassing thing is that EG players commented in the interview that their team's style of play is very similar to RNG in 2018.

Isn't this funny?
In 2018, RNG was sent away by G2. Didn’t you tell others your professional counterparts when you bumped into a pirated version?
So far, all six teams in the competition have been born.


Consistent with most people's predictions before the game, what is slightly controversial is that the Vietnamese runner-up squeezed out DFM.

After all, in the past two years, the Japanese competition area has always had impressive performances. Vietnam returned to the international competition after two and a half years and is still the runner-up. It is not surprising that some people are optimistic about DFM's promotion.

But it turns out that Japanese Moba games just don't work!

There will be no grouping for the subsequent competitions, and all teams will meet, which means that the head-on collision of each competition area is about to begin.

The game is finally about to get exciting.

What's funny is that Zeyuan split with Wanwan in advance on Weibo.

"The competition is coming soon!I swear that I will firmly stand on the side of the LPL, and hereby make a just cut with some fans who support other teams (including our commentators) "@论论晚晚.

In the evening, I also posted a Weibo.

"The competition is coming soon!I swear that I will firmly support Brother Chengzi, and hereby cut off anyone who opposes Brother Chengzi until the end of this MSI."

Netizens didn't hold back.

"Laugh!Senior Colonel, stop messing around!Who doesn't know that you can't wait for RNG to die? "

"I testify that this Weibo was sent by my aunt who forced the colonel to post it"

"I cry to death at night!She really loves Brother Cheng Zi (crying loudly)》

"For you, I can fight against the whole world!" "

"I hope that Wanwan will explain more about KT games in the future, I want to see her face (haha)"

"Sit and wait for KT to play RNG, the big devil rides face output at night, 233333"

"It depends on whether the official dares to arrange it (funny)"

Everyone also started working.

LPL viewers posted a post announcing to draw a clear line with all forms of Hanza, as long as they support the LCK team, regardless of whether they are Cheng Zige's personal fans or not, they will all be regarded as Hanza.

By the way, their nationality was also expelled.

And Cheng Za also took the initiative to cut off from other groups and firmly supported Brother Cheng Zi.

All of a sudden, demons danced wildly on the Internet.

LPL is playing the set of cutting, and LCK is also unwilling to lag behind.

"LCK's Last Hope!If you are Korean, support KT"

"Speaking of which, isn't KT a Chinese team? "

"Without getting together five Korean ID cards, KT will never be recognized by me"

"Only T1 can represent Korean e-sports, hope everyone knows"

"Helping the Chinese to suppress the internal LCK team, KT players are all traitors! "

"I declare!There is no Korean team at MSI this time"

In this way, the scene of the drama appeared.

The group headed by Huang Za in the LPL expelled Lin Cheng's nationality, and the group represented by Tan Za in the LCK also expelled the nationality of Lin Cheng's teammates.

A group of stateless people in KT are playing games?

After the end of the group stage, there will be a four-day rest period, and the match will officially start on the 20th.

During this period of time, KT finally had an official training match.

In the group stage, because the strengths and weaknesses are distinct, nothing can be seen. Some teams even highlight a happy game when they take out their lineups. For KT, there is actually no need for research.

Barbarian King + Widow + Jie is an upper-middle field, even KT can only say that they have no regrets when they are selected. It is impossible to have a valuable tactical system at all.

So in the face of the hard-won training match, everyone is very serious.

But it may be that they are too serious, and the opponents after being tortured by blood are all boasting about KT.

BB: KT is invincible! Call it God!
Lamb: I want to be a dog and remove all obstacles for him to win the championship.

The legend of KT's invincibility in the training match has begun again.

(End of this chapter)

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