This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1907 Manga Coffee Shop

Chapter 1907 Manga Coffee Shop

On May 5, Mr. Kang Dongxun gave the players a day off before the start of the match.

Lin Cheng was woken up by Chi Shengxi early in the morning.

"Morning, Sister Shengxi."

He said hello without sincerity, and then Lin Cheng pouted his buttocks and wanted to turn over and continue to sleep.

Chi Shengxi tugged at the quilt, "Get up quickly! We agreed to accompany my sister to the comic shop this morning."

"is it?"

Lin Cheng narrowed his eyes and thought about it.

When I went to buy supper that night, it seemed that I promised Ji Shengxi that I would go to the comic shop together.

Remembering his promise, Lin Chengqiang kicked off the quilt vigorously.

He slept in just a tank top and shorts, and the tent was too high early in the morning.

"You are a real guy! Can't you be more reserved in front of your sister?"

Chi Shengxi glanced at it, took the pillow and threw it on Lin Cheng's lower body angrily.

It turned out that the pillow was so bouncy that it rolled to one side along the tent.

"What's the matter? It doesn't matter if it's Sister Sheng Xi."

Lin Cheng nonchalantly lay down on the bed and stretched his waist, Lin Xiaocheng became more and more flamboyant.

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "Okay! Don't dawdle."


Lin Cheng sat up, and then looked at Chi Shengxi's attire today.

She wore a simple light-colored T-shirt, a light blue pleated skirt with a slightly preppy look on her lower body, and a pair of white sneakers on her feet.

Her long hair was loosely let down, and she wore small frameless glasses on the delicate bridge of her nose. The original lady in the workplace suddenly became pure and lustful, with an elegant aura.

Lin Cheng rubbed his eyes and stared carefully at Chi Shengxi's legs.

"Sister Shengxi."


"Are you wearing stockings?"

While talking, this guy reached out and touched Chi Shengxi's leg.

Hiss~~~ so slippery!

She wore ultra-thin shredded meat on her legs, if Lin Cheng hadn't touched it with his hands, he would hardly have noticed it.


Chi Shengxi took a step back, angrily grabbed the pillow and hit Lin Cheng.

"Don't do anything rude, get up quickly."

"You're so stingy, you don't even give me a touch."

Lin Cheng curled his lips and got out of bed complaining to himself.

Chi Shengxi was both helpless and funny, so he simply ignored him, stood by the window and looked at the beach outside.

It's still early, and the rest of the idiots are all asleep.

Even Beryl is not interested in comic shops, and Lin Cheng doesn't know why Sister Sheng Xi likes to read comics.

After taking a long time to wash up, Lin Cheng finally went out with Chi Shengxi.

"I'm a little hungry, what shall we have for breakfast?"

"Let's go to the comic shop to eat."

"Can comic shops eat?"

"Of course, didn't my sister tell you that it's a comic-themed coffee shop?"

Manga coffee shop is a new type of coffee shop that has emerged in South Korea in the past two years. Thanks to the rapid development of the Korean manga industry, this kind of manga-themed coffee shop came into being.

Of course, the rise of Korean comics is not mainly due to the stinginess, but a large number of formal online Korean comics have repeatedly hit the film and television market. Many movies and TV series are adapted from Korean comics.

The comic shop they went to was not far from Nanchuan Park. They went down the spacious sunken stairs, and the walls at the corner of the stairs were covered with graffiti of various comics.

Because it is a graffiti on the theme of Korean comics, there is no One Piece, there is no Reaper and Tinker Bell, and Lin Cheng, the protagonist of the comics above, does not know any of them... except for a familiar big sister who seems to be watching in a certain 19 banned comics been.

Are the other characters from serious comics?

Oh shit!Serious who read it?
Entering the front desk of the lobby, the decoration is simple and bright, and the comic hall on the other side covers a very large area, which can't be seen at a glance.

Comics shops charge by the hour. You must first determine the time you want to stay at the front desk. The fee for a single person is 1 won for two hours, and 5 won for [-] hours.

This is the price excluding drinks, which is much more expensive than manga cafes in Seoul.

Lin Cheng was a little puzzled, wondering why the comic shops in Busan were so expensive.

Even a comic shop in Jiangnan District would not dare to charge such a fee.

However, the conditions here are indeed good at first glance. After payment, the front desk gave them a key and two pairs of unopened disposable slippers.

There is a whole wall of lockers outside the entrance of the comic hall. After changing into disposable slippers, the two put the shoes into the locker, and then walked into the comic hall.

The manga hall has a huge area, and the space structure is a bit like a back shape. There are rows of tall and orderly bookshelves in the middle. It is impossible to see how many books there are in the past.

There is a separate small box on both sides of the bookshelf, which is a bit of a private space like a Japanese Internet cafe, so that people with social terror can read comics in it with peace of mind.

This kind of small box is probably the reason for the high price here. The rent of the store in Seoul is very expensive, and the boxes of comic cafes are usually separated by curtains, so the privacy is not so good.

"Let's choose the manga first, and pick up the food later."

There are too many comics, Chi Shengxi searched for the location of the comics he wanted to read on the monitor, and Lin Cheng ran around curiously.

Soon, he found a surprise.

In the manga hall, there is a special shelf dedicated to the 19 banned comics, and Lin Cheng happily picked up two of them and flipped through them.

"Sister from the Club"?
Wow!So exciting.

Not bad.

With two dirty comics in hand, Lin Cheng pretended to take two serious comics, and then went to meet Chi Shengxi.

"Lin Cheng, have you found it?"

Chi Shengxi glanced at the book in Lin Cheng's hand.

Of course, Lin Cheng put serious comics on it, and Chi Shengxi saw the "I'm Full Level Alone" at a glance.

"Have you read this? I heard that this book is very popular. Let's go get something to eat when we find it."


The two first selected a box to store the comics, and then went to the front desk to pick up the meal they just ordered.

The staff of the comic shop will not deliver food to the box, customers need to go to the front desk to pick it up, which saves labor and respects privacy in the name of euphemism.

After taking off their shoes and entering the box, the two of them prepared to have breakfast.

The box is not big, but it's not too small either. It won't be crowded if two people lie in it and read comics or eat.

While Chi Shengxi was charging his phone, Lin Cheng took a look at the cartoon that sister Shengxi was holding.

"that summer"

Seems like an everyday romance manga?Sister Sheng Xi likes to watch this?

Lin Cheng threw it aside in disgust, picked up his seductive manga and flipped through it casually.

Depend on!
Is it such a powerful picture just by flipping it casually?

The hot girl from the club is too hot in black silk, except for the damn mosaic between her legs that is a bit of an eyesore, the picture is simply not too good-looking.

Lin Cheng grabbed the back of the manga and approached Chi Shengxi.

"Sister Shengxi, I'll show you something good."


Lin Cheng unfolded the manga in a flash, revealing the exciting content inside.

Chi Shengxi was stunned for a moment, and then he gave Lin Cheng a white look with an angry smile.

"Ah! Do you think my sister will be shy when she sees this?"

"Eh? Couldn't it be?"

Chi Shengxi curled his lips, "Cut! What's there to see?"

"Doesn't it look good?"

Lin Cheng refused to accept it, "Then you should show me the same way."

 Sorry for the late update
(End of this chapter)

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