This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1911 Adaptive players and adaptive commentators

Chapter 1911 Adaptive players and adaptive commentators
G2's head iron released Qinggang Ying, and the audience was already cheering.

Lin Cheng's green steel shadow lit up on the first floor in seconds, but he didn't lock it off immediately.

Rookie: "What about Lin Cheng? Are you robbing Camille?"

Mr. Kang hesitated to speak, and the arm that grabbed Lin Cheng's shoulder was a little bit hard.

Lin Cheng turned his head and glanced at the coach.

"Old Kang, don't be nervous, grab Drizzt first, I don't believe the other side will grab Camille."

Although Lin Cheng was very confident, he did not insist on going his own way.

After all, just now, the blue party even BAN Fox and Enchantress were raising the priority of cards, forcing the opponent to make a BP choice between cards and Lucian.

It was a surprise to release Qinggang Shadow on the opposite side, but Lin Cheng did not break the established BP strategy because of this.

Rookie joked, "Actually, I don't want to play Drizzt that much. If the other side steals Camille, Lin Cheng, don't cry!"

"Don't worry! I still have Bobby, if the opponent dares to rob me, he will be psychologically shadowed for the rest of his life."

That's right!

Don't forget, this version of Poppy has a huge buff.

Although there were two Bobby junglers in the group stage, Lin Cheng took Bobby on the road before he strengthened.

This thing beats Qinggang Ying from the laning to the team fight. When Lin Cheng RANK met Han Yibo, he was sweating profusely when he chose Qinggang Ying online.

Seeing what Lin Cheng said, Mr. Kang nodded in relief.

This kid is also mature, and he won't choose with red eyes when he sees his signboard on the opposite side.

Of course, it was mainly because Lin Cheng's Qinggang Shadow had no skin.

Wait until the new Baisi champion skin is on the shelves, and try to put him on the opposite side?
Who dares to stop him from choosing Daomei?
In this way, the blue side grabbed the card first.

"G2 is really strong, brother Chengzi will choose Qinggangying in seconds! He is really confident..."

Before the words finished, Wan Wan found out that Lin Cheng had changed the card and locked it, "Hey! Do you want to get the card first?"

Wang Duoduo: "What about this hand?"

Wanwan raised the volume: "He's too teamy!"

The barrage exploded.

"? ? ? "

"LOL!She is really late, hahaha"

"Suo Qing Gang Ying: He is really confident, Lock Card: He is too teamy! "

"Adaptive Praise, 233333"

"Although it jumps left and right, Wanwan is really cute! "

"Other female commentators will be criticized like this, why is only Wanwan so cute?" "

"Appearance is Justice! "

Seeing that KT grabbed the card, the first floor of the red square lit up with a blue steel shadow.

In the camera, BB laughed wildly.

Wan Wan: "No way? Should it just be a bright spot? In this version, Qing Gang Ying alone is really not strong. Brother Cheng's Qing Gang Ying is stronger."

Wang Duoduo: "I laughed very happily. I deliberately felt that I was playing with Cheng Zi's mentality. European players understand the effect of the show."

Wanwan: "I hope I can still laugh later."

Not only is the BP interface molesting, BB is also typing in the public chat in the game room.

You want?

Lin Cheng replied with a crying emoji.

After teasing Lin Cheng for a while, Hong Fang locked up Haoyue + Calista with both hands.

Kalista was the only one to appear in the middle of this MSI group stage. The previous G2 training match with KT did not expose Kalista. KT is still unclear about the opponent's routine.

The second and third floors of the blue square locked Qinggangying + Fiego first.

Seeing Lin Cheng win Qinggang Ying, the KT fans at the scene became excited again, and the enthusiastic atmosphere was conveyed to the live broadcast rooms in various languages ​​through the broadcast.

Korean pop KT fans are already popping champagne.

"horrible!God's Camille! ! ! ! "

"Give Camille to Cheng, I want to ask how to lose?" "

"Is G2 Crazy? "

"A group of fuckers, ran to Busan to find abuse"

"Broken Sword doesn't want to use Riven to punch Mier, does he?" "

KT's upper and middle field lights up, followed by Yasuo on the third floor of the red square.

Yasuo + Bright Moon, G2's team battle ideas have become clear.

"Yasuo + Bright Moon! G2 is about to rush into a team battle."

"But playing Yasuo in front of Brother Chengzi? The BUFF is full, and I dare not imagine how cruel Brother Chengzi will be later."

The second round of BAN people.

The red side G2 chose to press Tamm + Aphelios.

The blue side is to disable wine barrels + Aoun.

Start picking.

The fourth floor of the red square was the first to light up Riven.

There was an uproar.

Although you know that BB is Riven's unique skill brother, even though you know that Riven is good at playing Qinggangying, but are you serious?
The opposite is Cheng!
The G2 players laughed happier than each other.

Then Riven's profile picture was changed to Nuo Shou, but it was still not locked.

Wang Duoduo: "Riven Nuo, everyone, the audience who don't know may think they are playing RANK, but this is the European top laner, and their hero pool has some things that are very rare in our LPL and LCK. "

Wanwan: "It's easy to play against Qinggangying, but team battles are too stupid, and KT is Qinggangying + cards. Rookie must help. If Nuo is shot through, it is a toy."

Obviously, BB is still hesitating.

In the player shots, the G2 players communicate crazily.

When there were only a few seconds left in the time, the third hand of the red side was replaced by Bobby to lock it.

"Wow! Bobby on top!"

Wanwan was a little surprised, "I thought that no one would play Poppy except Brother Chengzi. This hero is really very restrained against Qing Gangying, and as a front row player, even if the early stage is bad, he won't be completely useless like Riven. .”

Wang Duoduo: "This is G2's secret weapon! Apparently they prepared this move for Bobby when they played Qinggang Ying."

"I understand the truth, but can it really work?"

Wan Wan's tone was high, "Actually, many teams have been clever enough to target Cheng Zi's brand before, but in the end they all became clowns. It's hard to say that G2's one-shot effect is hard to say."

The barrage is lively.

"The smart clown I talked about late at night, shouldn't it be RNG? "

"Hot Knowledge: Last year RNG tried to target the girl who put the knife on the head of Iceland, but was killed until she lost her mind"

"Xiaohu Yao's jungler was double-killed, and Shake's wild assistant was killed three times. It really didn't hold back (laughing and crying)"

"Ha ha!I’ve been doing it for a long time and I’m still making fun of RNG"

"Exactly the same as Brother Cheng Zi, be stingy, 233333"

"Husband and wife picture! "

"Although small, but still very cute"

Seeing the other side take out Bobby, the teammates were all teasing Lin Cheng.

Rookie: "Oh! What did Lin Cheng say? If the opponent takes Bobby, will you be psychologically disturbed?"

Lin Cheng: "I will make the opponent dare not take Bobby Counter Camille in the future."

Mr. Dai: "You are also adaptive to the counter, right? Just now you said that Poppy will punch Mier casually, and if you come to a diamond match, you will beat the king casually."

Lin Cheng: "Except for my Camille, this rule doesn't apply to me."

Cuzz: "If you have the ability, don't call it a jungler."

Lin Cheng: "We'll see!"

The keynote of KT's lineup is cards + Qinggangying + Viego to play the rhythm of the top half, and the opponent's bottom lane is a strong offensive system like Kalista. It is basically difficult for KT to play when Tahm is pressed. AD with short legs.

The blue side chose EZ+Titan in the last two hands.

The red side finally assisted and locked Luo.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Qing Gang Ying, Camille)

Jungler: Cuzz (The Ruined King, Viego)

Mid Lane: Rookie (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bot Lane: Deft (Explorer, Ezreal)
Support: Beryl (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Both teams are confirmed.

Red square G2:

Top lane: Brokenblade (Hammer's Fortitude, Poppy)

Jungler: Jankos (Goddess of the Moon, Diana)
Mid lane: Caps (Storm, Yasuo)

Bot Lane: Flakked (Spear of Vengeance, Kalista)

Support: Targamas (Phantom, Luo)
(End of this chapter)

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