This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1912 Mr. Dai proudly

Chapter 1912 Mr. Dai proudly

In terms of lineup, KT's cards + Qinggangying have strong rhythm and side effects, but the double C output in team battles will be slightly weak, so it is necessary to help Viego pick up the soul to fight.

G2's lineup is very capable of team battles, but once it falls into a disadvantage, the problems of short hands and insufficient damage from skateboard shoes will also be exposed.

There is no absolutely perfect lineup in the game. The way to win is to give full play to the advantages of your own lineup and seize the shortcomings of the opponent's lineup.

As the first MSI coach after his comeback, Mr. Kang attaches great importance to this opening game. After finishing the BP, he did not forget to take advantage of the last bit of time to encourage the players.

"Come on, come on! Can you win this game?"

Rookie: "Come on! Finally put on some strength."

Beryl: "G2 is not weak, this one should be more serious."

"Don't make me look bad! This is the first time for me to be on stage at BP at MSI."

Mr. Kang joked: "If we lose, Representative An may really consider the feasibility of signing a dog during the transfer period."

The players were all happy.

Lin Cheng: "Coach, don't worry! We will prove that KT is definitely not a dog crown, you are very important to us."

Cuzz: "Coach I love you!"

Lin Cheng: "Damn! Wen You Zan, can you stop being so disgusting? There is a limit to flattering."

Cuzz: "Lin Cheng, I love you too."

Lin Cheng: "It's better for us to be a little bit different."

There was constant ridicule in the voice.

Brother Cuzz is usually cowardly, and his personality is not particularly extroverted, but after getting to know him well, Lin Cheng found that this guy is simply the best.

Sometimes the mind is dirty, sometimes people and animals are harmless, and sometimes they say some nasty things.

Sure enough, there are not many innocent people in the jungle position.

Peanut was like this last year, and so was Cuzz. Only Lin Cheng's first-generation jungler brothers Bono and Malrang were more normal.

Seeing the relaxed atmosphere of the team members, Mr. Kang was also infected, and finally told him to take off his earphones and fist bump with the opposing coach.

As a result, he walked to the front of the stage, and just halfway through removing the earphones, he heard Lin Cheng's gloating voice inside.

"Hey! To be honest, I really want to see the face of the coach after losing the game. It must be exciting! Hahaha!"

Mr. Kang staggered, put back the earphones he had just taken off, gritted his teeth and said into the microphone:

"Lin Cheng, I'll watch~~watch~~~you from behind!"

The voice was low, like the curse of an evil spirit.

Lin Cheng was careless. In the past, the coaches would take off the earphones before going to the stage. Unexpectedly, this time he had a snapshot with the opposing coach and the earphones were not taken off.

"Hey! Coach, why are you eavesdropping on our speech? Don't you know that you have to take off the headphones when you leave the player's bench? The referee is going to fine you!"

"Young people do it for themselves!"

Mr. Kang's final warning made the team members laugh and laugh.

Wang Duoduo: "It seems that the KT players are very relaxed, and it seems that they didn't feel any pressure in the opening game."

Wanwan: "KT players like to joke a lot. All five players on the field were laughing, only the coach wasn't smiling. It was clear at a glance who was being joked just now."

"It's been three years, and the players have changed one after another. Is Coach Kang still at the bottom of the club?"

"Ha ha!Mr. Kang is really miserable! KT1.0 was at the bottom of the food chain, and it still looks like it’s in dire straits now》

"Thinking back to the first ranking, he was cheated by Brother Cheng, 233333"

"After watching the fish fry game for a few days, the game finally got a bit stronger"

"G2 Duck!Dry Crushed LCK》

"Stop dreaming!Chengzi Brother Qinggangying Impossible to Lose"

"The G2 lineup Yasuo is so happy, all 5 of them have been knocked out"

"Luna on the right + Miyamoto Musashi, nothing left! "

"Fuck!Nong! "

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Qinggangying chose the main line of determination: Grasp of Indestructibility, Shield Slam, Wind of Recovery, Firmness, and the secondary line of enlightenment: magical shoes, biscuit delivery.

It is not difficult for Bobby to break bones online, and his consumption ability is excellent, so Lin Cheng chose the Wind of Recovery and prepared to cooperate with Dolan Shield to increase his online recovery ability.

Entering the game, the two sides stood at the intersection of the river, and there was no collision at the first level.

KT did a lot of homework before the game. After studying the G2 group game video, we found an obvious phenomenon.

In the G2 group stage, 8 games were played, and Jankos was all played from top to bottom.

This round of Bright Moon obviously has no reason to break the rules.

So Cuzz also chooses to swipe down with a single blue driver. In case the pawn line is pushed in front of the road, it will be able to cover the EZ to take the tower and go offline later.

The laning began, and the director pointed the camera at the road.

The top laners on both sides went online with the minions, and BB's Bobby was hit by a piece of soap to make sure that Qinggangying did not have a bone plating.

Lin Cheng turned his head to A Bing.

Bobby's first passivity attracted the hatred of the small soldiers, and the lines of soldiers that normally converged were pulled apart. Lin Cheng made up for the first melee soldier behind him, and he gathered up his indestructible soldiers and pressed forward decisively.

Bobby took advantage of the trend and smashed down with a Q.

After receiving the damage from the first section of the hammer strike, Lin Cheng's Qinggang Ying had already turned on W to move sideways.

The tactics swept the outer edge and accurately scraped Bobby and the soldiers next to him. When the second stage of the Holy Hammer Slam took effect, Qing Gangying moved to the outside of the oval area.

Dodging Poppy's second-stage Q damage, Qing Gangying turned back and pressed in.

BB didn't seem to want to exchange blood with the passive Qinggang Ying, and chose to pull back.

But the distance between the two sides is not very far, and the deceleration of the tactical sweep is obvious. Lin Cheng's position and twisting of Poppy's second-stage Q also prevented him from being continuously decelerated.

Kicking out the indestructible effect + red adaptive shield first, Qing Gangying immediately turned around.

BB failed to pull, but when he wanted to turn around, he found that he couldn't touch Qinggang Ying.

He didn't even get out of the immortality he had saved up.

Lin Cheng made a small profit in this exchange of blood.

The indestructible + W recovery combined with Dolan's shield made Qinggangying almost full of blood after the shield disappeared, and Poppy's blood volume actually dropped by nearly two bars.

Wan Wan: "Bobby doesn't seem to be very proficient, and he didn't get an A after being dragged like this."

Wang Duoduo: "Level [-] Bobby still doesn't have an advantage against Qinggangying. Brother Cheng also grasped this point very well and actively exchanged blood. He doesn't seem to want to play more safely because of his inferior hero attributes."

The two sides on the road were obsessed with the game of pulling and pulling. Just as Lin Cheng seized every opportunity to destroy all three of Bobby's corruption potions, a system prompt suddenly sounded.

"First Blood!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Cheng's heart tightened.

According to the urine behavior of his teammates in the group stage, he thought someone gave it away again.

Every delivery is faster than once, you guys are racing, right?
After a closer look, it turned out that Mr. Dai took the first blood.

"Yo! Old Dai, have you stood up?"

"Hmph! What does it mean to stand up? I've never knelt down before!"

Mr. Dai has been ridiculed by Lin Cheng since he was killed in the opening match of the group stage, and now he is finally proud.

"Never had such a fantastic start!"

(End of this chapter)

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