This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1916 Factory Manager, I'm Really Your Fan

Chapter 1916 Factory Manager, I'm Really Your Fan
Wang Duoduo: "In this way, G2's crazy counterattack failed to turn the situation around in the end. KT completely ended the suspense of the game by relying on a wave of 4v5 perfect teamfights."

"Congratulations to KT! Won the first match win."

Wan Wan also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "In fact, it was very difficult to win this game. It seemed that G2 had no rhythm in the first 15 minutes, and the laning also exploded, but they started their momentum through the mid-term grouping. Turned the tables."

"Won!Almost scared to death"

"Ha ha!The tone of the night is a little happy"

"Wan Wan: Luckily I won, otherwise there will be another locust plague on Weibo (dog head)"

"Orange Miscellaneous Sit-Ups!"When did KT learn to torture fans like T1? "

"Obviously I learned this from Brother Taobo, the advantage is wavering, and AD takes the lead to send it away"

"I'm here to say, if you still play KT like this when you meet RNG, you will definitely be punished"

Taking off the earphones and listening to the cheers of the audience, Lin Cheng and his teammates breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't expect so many twists and turns.

The huge advantage in the early stage was almost overturned by G2.

The main reason is that the team battle ability of the G2 lineup is really strong. Manual control + Poppy splitting the battlefield + the outbreak of Haoyue and Yasuo, it is a bit scary to fight without thinking.

When G2 reacted and began to form a group of five, the KT lineup seemed relatively weak in front.

KT needs cards + Camille to lead the line to push the rhythm and pull. Double C is not a role of all in. Even if the economy is much ahead in frontal big team battles, it is still difficult to fight.

It is also thanks to Cuzz who grabbed the key dragon, and all G2 members were knocked out by the dragon, which gave KT a chance to face 4 against 5.

"Good job, my friends."

Lin Cheng turned around and gave Brother Cuzz a high five.

The performance of this grapefruit thief is really top-notch. After 15 minutes, not only did he not suffer from a serious illness, but Fiego also played a very good harvest in the team battle.

Brother Cuzz smiled subtly, but he didn't have the rebelliousness he had just threatened not to help Lin Cheng gank on the court.

After all, the game is over, it's time to calm down.

Keep a low profile, lest Lin Cheng remember to settle accounts after autumn.

Although he is a little skinny now and then, Brother Cuzz is still very knowledgeable about current affairs.

Taking the lead to bump fists with the G2 players, Lin Cheng specifically asked Xiao Yang, "How is it? Can you still have dinner? I'll treat you to beef noodles."

The lamb had a sad face, "I might be more suitable for eating hamburgers."

"Ha ha!"

Lin Cheng, including the G2 players, laughed. For a while, the audience didn't know why they were laughing.

Didn't G2 lose?
Why are you smiling so happily?
After the fist bump, all members of KT went to the stage to thank the audience.

The fans at the scene were very enthusiastic, shouting various slogans to celebrate KT's victory.

On the contrary, Caps' father was still firmly waving the scarf with the G2 logo in the front row, cheering for his son.

Everyone packed up their equipment and returned to the lounge. Mr. Kang was already waiting at the door ahead of time.

"Fortunately, it's a shame! Is the coach very nervous in the background?"

Mr. Kang patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder encouragingly, without further words.

Although Lin Cheng said that he wanted to see Mr. Kang's face after losing the game, his performance on the court was definitely iron-protected and healthy.

Not like some guys.

Kang Dongxun still hasn't figured out what it meant when Deft was killed by Dalong. He had already crossed his legs in the lounge after seeing the early advantage. After that wave, he started to experience sit-ups.

Seeing his teammates coming in, Rascal greeted: "Sister Shengxi bought a lot of snacks, eat some when you are hungry."

Immediately, a group of fools gathered around the table.

"Wow! There are cheese sticks, thank you, Sister Shengxi."

"Who wants fried kelp?"

Even if it's just some snacks, it's enough to make the fools happy.

There will be a game against PSG in the evening. Generally speaking, in order to avoid distraction from eating too much, it is enough to eat some snacks before the game.

Lin Cheng didn't have so many scruples. He usually ate whatever he wanted, but the seniors in the team were a little more strict.

After all, it is easy to get sleepy when they are old, and they really have no confidence in their state when they are full and playing games.

The opening game is already a bit of a gift, so if you get full and confused later, is it still worth it?

Not wanting to eat snacks, Lin Cheng took a lollipop and sat on the sofa next to Chi Shengxi to play with his mobile phone.

"Can you keep quiet?"

Chi Shengxi turned to look at Lin Cheng.

This guy licks and sucks a lollipop, making a weird sound.

It reminded her of some strange pictures.


Lin Cheng glanced at Chi Shengxi and agreed.

Then he ate harder.


Chi Shengxi reached out and snatched the lollipop from his mouth, "Do you want to die?"

Lin Cheng looked innocent, "I just ate a lollipop."

Chi Shengxi glanced at the fools on the other side who were eating snacks vigorously, bit and warned softly: "Anyway, you are not allowed to make any noise."

After finishing speaking, she stuffed Lin Cheng's mouth with a lollipop.

Lin Cheng finally stopped playing tricks, and looked at Chi Shengxi's side face.

"What is Miss Shengxi looking at?"

"It's nothing."

"What is nothing?"

"You guess."

Originally asked casually, Lin Cheng was really curious now.

He bit a lollipop and leaned over, staring at Chi Shengxi's phone screen openly.

"Has the Vlog been posted yet?"

"Ang! The response is not bad."

The club officially released a Busan Vlog before, but it was mainly to record the daily isolation of members infected with the new crown, and it was done to reassure fans.

The latest Vlog released on Youtube records the daily life of the players during the time they came to Busan, including the players participating in activities, going out to play, and the interesting things during the production of promotional videos.

Among them, the Vlog of Lin Cheng and the grapefruit thief in the high-speed service area almost made fans laugh to death.

Lin Cheng complained that Cuzz's CPU was scrapped in 15 minutes, but he was still paying tribute to the factory manager in the toilet in the service area, and everyone didn't froze.

"Mr. Ming Kai, if you see this Vlog, please remember that I will always be your brother."

The eye-catching 777 in the urinal, Lin Cheng's happy little expression, the picture is almost full.

The pretty boys on the wall are also very engaged.

A large number of mysterious numbers and emoticons occupy the comment area.

muay thai warning jpg
bear stand hand jpg
death stare jpg
The world focuses on you · jpg
Some people asked Lin Cheng to wait, they were going to shake people on Weibo, and let him experience Weibo cremation and Wanzhu Arch Pagoda.

Piggy in the comment area saw Lin Cheng's inexplicable kindness in his speech.

He was actually a little piggy too.

But I don't know why some people always think he is a sunspot.

Lin Cheng felt very wronged.

Is it black to tell the truth?
If it weren't for Piggy, who would still remember the scene of hiring so many famous people in the factory?

Many of the current audience should have forgotten the factory manager, right?
Unlike Lin Cheng, the stalk about the factory manager came out of nowhere.

Like many treasures.

Director, I am really your fan!

(End of this chapter)

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