This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1917 Set up, right?

Chapter 1917 Set up, right?

After staying in the lounge for a while, Lin Cheng had no interview task and discussed with Chi Shengxi about going out for something to eat.

The key player in the opening match of the match was awarded to Cuzz, and this is one of the few games where Lin Cheng played his signature hero but failed to win the MVP.

No way, brother Cuzz is too eye-catching today.

Although Lin Cheng's performance is also flawless, after all, it is easier for Fyego, who is the harvester, to excel in team battles.

"Sister Shengxi and I are going out for dinner, which one of you will go? Brother?"

Rascal: "I won't go, I was eating snacks during the game just now."

Mr. Dai: "Go ahead, I don't want to eat."

Rookie: "Lin Cheng, don't eat too much, we old people will need you C later."

"Ha! You guys take it for granted, don't you?"

Lin Chenggong couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "When will you let me grow old with peace of mind?"

The fools are all snickering.

Cuzz went to be interviewed, the youngest here is two years older than Lin Cheng.

Eating old?
Go dream!

You can provide us with peace of mind!

Since Lin Cheng's debut, the age structure of KT's members is not young every year.

But every year Lin Cheng is the absolute leader of the team.

When the old guys joined the team, they desperately wanted to share Lin Cheng's carry pressure. Later, they found that Lin Chenggong was in Tai Neng C, so they all lay down with peace of mind.

Last year's Peanuts were especially noticeable.

Before, he was a ferocious carnivorous jungler, the absolute core of the team, and the wild core also played well. Later, in KT, he began to choose tools to be Lin Cheng's dog.

The leopard girl came out of the crucible, and the men and horses made the oath of the knight. Is this what a normal jungler can do?
He almost wrote Lin Cheng's pendant on his face.

What's even more outrageous is that Peanut shamelessly said in the interview: What's wrong with being Lin Cheng's dog?
The truth is confused.

Come to KT Pension and still win the championship!Which powerful old man would not yearn for it?

But to be honest, Lin Cheng also wants to gnaw at the old man!

It's been a long time, and he also wants to lie down and win a few games.

Lin Cheng also angrily scolded these old guys for not thinking about making progress. Chi Shengxi smiled and waved his hands, "Forget it! Go quickly! Ren Jiayi also performed very well when he entered the field, and you are not the only one in C."


Lin Cheng clenched his fists at the idiots to cheer them up, "We're all stunned... let's go first."

When the two of them went out, the idiots in the lounge suddenly burst into laughter.

"Haha! This guy still wants to gnaw on the old man? Isn't this funny?"

"I'm used to lying down! Why do I have to stand up?"

"Coming to KT is equivalent to buying pension insurance, and Lin Cheng is responsible for supporting us!
It's all jokes, but the atmosphere is really a bit abstract.

And Mr. Kang and Brother A were also whispering in the corner.

Are you as good as the two of us?

Lin Cheng has been raising us for three years!

He had suffered a lot from Lin Cheng on weekdays, but now Mr. Kang suddenly regained his balance.

After all, Lin Cheng has worked hard for their jobs.

Because of the excellent performance in leading the team, the salary has increased a lot.

The Busan Convention and Exhibition Center is very large, and the venue hosting the MSI competition is only one of the exhibition halls. The two walked along the internal passage for a long time before coming out from the side door.

"Wow! The entrance is very lively."

When I came to the venue before, there were too many people and no time to appreciate it. There were various interesting models at the entrance of the exhibition center, and there were also many cosplayers in different costumes.

This will coincide with the innings of the game, and some spectators are strolling outside.

The fans at the scene seemed to have a tendency towards M. When Lin Cheng saw several people who asked to take pictures, he made Coser kill him.

The Jess actor raised his hammer and threw it at the tourists, the barbarian king was holding a knife to kill people, and Ashe next to him also raised his bow and arrow and aimed at the tourists who took a photo together.

Lin Cheng rolled his eyes and became interested immediately.

"Sister Shengxi, take a photo for me too."

Just when Ai Xi's group photo was over, Lin Cheng excitedly ran over and said a few words to the young lady who played Ai Xi.

The young lady is also very generous, leaning on Lin Cheng's shoulder for a photo intimately.

Next to him, the barbarian king was cutting people with a knife.

"Sister Shengxi, hurry up!"

Lin Cheng smiled wickedly.

Chi Shengxi was speechless.

If she remembers correctly, Ashe is the wife of Tryndamere, right?
What does this guy mean by posing for a photo like this on purpose?
Since he deliberately changed into a T-shirt and wore a mask when he came out, no one around recognized Lin Cheng quickly.

Of course, being recognized doesn't matter.

Although Korean fan culture is strong, fans generally only take photos with their idols at autograph sessions or on the way home from get off work. Usually, even big Korean stars don’t attract much attention when they walk on the street.

But this is the MSI venue, so if Lin Cheng is recognized, there will obviously be a little trouble.

Chi Shengxi just wanted to leave quickly.

But Lin Cheng became interested and wanted to take a photo with the young lady next to him who Cos owns the sword skin.

What about the long-legged knife girl in black silk.

This young lady is also in good shape, but Lin Cheng feels that she is still a bit inferior to Sister Shuyan. After all, Sister Shuyan's long black silk legs are too perfect.

It's a pity that the Cos promised by the eldest wife has not been fulfilled, and Lin Cheng is really looking forward to it.

Lin Cheng ran to take a photo with the cosplayers of Fengnv and Leopard.

The organizers invited all professional models, and these young ladies have very good figures in such a turbulent Korean fitness industry.

At most, there is a difference in the size of the headlights.

Then, Lin Cheng discovered Jian Ji's black silk female principal Coser, and continued to let Chi Shengxi act as a tool for taking pictures.

Chi Shengxi became impatient, and Lin Cheng finally gave up the group photo plan with some regrets.

The two found a restaurant and sat down.

Lin Cheng flipped through the photos just now, feeling a little regretful.

"Hey! I haven't had a photo with Ari yet."

"You guys don't go too far."

Chi Shengxi stretched out his hand and flicked Lin Cheng's forehead, "My sister didn't specially take pictures for you, and what's so good about them?"

"Of course it looks good."

Lin Cheng turned on the screen and squeezed his eyes on purpose, "Isn't Miss Sheng Xi jealous? That Fiona has big breasts."

"Tch! Stop telling jokes."

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "It's obviously not very big, okay? It's all squeezed out, can't you see it? She deliberately wore underwear with a push-up effect."


"Forget it if you don't believe me, I can too..."

Chi Shengxi stopped talking, and gave Lin Cheng an angry look.

Lin Cheng smiled wickedly, "Sister Sheng Xi, you can also wear it for me to see, right? It's agreed!"

"Stop dreaming, let your little pupil wear it for you to see."

Lin Cheng was angry: "You clearly know that Xiaotong's conditions are limited, did you do it on purpose?"

Chi Shengxi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Lin Cheng was very upset and made a serious face.

"Chi Shengxi."

"Why? You are not allowed to call your sister by her name."

"Anyway, it's already agreed, don't change it."

"What hasn't changed?"

"Sister Shengxi cosplays with the headmistress in black silk, let me see it, it's agreed!"


When did you agree?

It's a trick, right?

(End of this chapter)

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