This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1923 He has matured!

Chapter 1923 He has matured!

Seeing KT lock Gwen, the audience burst into laughter.

Naturally, they also watched the pre-match promotional video.

Is this a BP leak?

The audience won't think too much about the fact that Gwen himself is the hero of the version, as long as what they see is worth amused.

In the camera, Lin Cheng showed a slight smile.

It was a confident smile.

The hearts of the emperors in front of the screen suddenly tightened.


This man is laughing!
Lin Cheng smiled, something bad happened.

No opponent wants to see Lin Cheng's smile.

At this time, someone remembered that Lin Cheng's Gwen seemed too fierce.

Unfortunately, the fact has become a given.

Soon, the red side RNG won the card + Viego in the first two hands.

"RNG reacted very quickly! The cards can be locked to restrict Gwen, at least to ensure that Gwen will be under pressure when leading the line on the side."

The opponent Nakano was sure, and KT backhanded the second and third floors to lock Fox+Wei one after another.

Thanks to the strengthening of the fox, Wei also began to receive attention.

You know, this classic Nakano combination was very popular as early as S3 in ancient times. Later, with the disappearance of the ghost fox, this Nakano also disappeared from the audience's sight.

But now that the fox has been strengthened, and Wei's wild area is strong enough, nature has once again entered people's field of vision.

It's RNG's turn to make a third choice.

Ze Yuan: "How do you say? Shall I lock Xia first? It's hard to live with Fox+Wei Qiang Suotou AD."

As soon as the words fell, Jax lit up on the third floor of the red square.

Miller: "Is Jax? This choice is okay, but the second round of Gala may not get a good choice."

Zeyuan: "One thing worth noting! Brother Orange's Gwen doesn't have the habit of carrying ignition, so Jax won't be too afraid of Gwen in the early game, and after the equipment is formed, Gwen can't beat Jax. .”

"So Jax can really..."

Before the words were finished, the third floor of RNG replaced Jax with the captain.

In the camera lens, there is a smile on Abin's chubby face.

Even though his cheeks twitched occasionally, he still looked confident.

"Captain? That's fine too!"

"The last time I was dominated by Captain Chengzi, this time Binge has to prove himself as the captain."

Miller agreed: "At least Abin dares to show his sword! You beat me with the captain for a round, and I will fight back with the captain! Who is not a genius?"

"Also! Do you still remember the earth fire boy back then?"

Miller's voice was full of emotion, "In the first season when Abin played in the LPL, he used the captain to hit the ground fire scene in the world and lost G2 double C comeback in seconds."

"That year he was 18 years old!"

"Now he is 20 years old, which is the age when Brother Cheng Zi made his debut. Now Abin wants to prove himself again in front of Brother Cheng Zi."

"He's matured!"

The barrage exploded.

"Difficult to stretch!he matured

"Uzi: I'm Mature, Too!" "

"Pinch Mom!Can't play tanks when you are mature? "

"One thing to say, except for the ground fire, Captain Abin is really not that good"

"Rice people like to brag, and they are 20 years old compared to Brother Cheng Zi, what should I do if I get blown up later? "

"You thought it was One Piece, but finally found out it was Bucky the Clown"

"Brother Chengzi laughed, and Abin laughed too, some will laugh later"

"Sunspots, please calm down, remember to apologize to the opposite side when Brother Bin violently kills"

Like Gwen, the captain is also a popular version of this MSI.

The hero itself has been hovering between T1 and T2 in the Korean server. Before MSI, the captain’s passive full-level damage was increased by 85 points, and the mana cost of W was reduced by 20 points at all levels, which can be said to be a very large enhancement.

And the hero captain has a very distinctive feature when he goes on the road: unless the opponent counters with a special underworld character, the captain can theoretically wrestle with any hero.

The captain will always look at his own proficiency, and the old captain will not be afraid of any traditional top laner.

So Abin is really confident in locking the captain in his hand.

The second round of BAN people.

The red side RNG disabled the female tank + EZ.

Obviously, RNG has studied KT's habits. Lin Cheng likes to let Mr. Dai choose EZ to hang up when he chooses a big core like Gwen in the top lane.

The blue party KT pressed Tam + Xia to ensure that his lock was not restrained.

Start picking.

The red square locked Kai'Sa first on the fourth floor, and still got the best hero for Gala.

KT did not hesitate in the last two moves, and locked Verus + Titan.

Titan is replacing BAN with grabbing, and he doesn't want to get this hero for Xiaoming.

After all, Titan's strong initiative is too easy to create opportunities for Foyego to pick up souls, and it is also abnormal for KT to get double locks.

Zeyuan: "Oh! I think it's debatable that RNG doesn't play Titans first on the fourth floor. It's hard to get KT to steal Titans. How will Gala survive with Titans + Wei's double locks?"

Miller: "They still want to make sure that Gala gets Kai'Sa. If they take Titan Kai'Sa first and get robbed, it will be very stiff. At least Kai'Sa is not particularly afraid of locks compared to ordinary ADs."

"After all, KT's two lock skills have very slow projectiles. Kai'Sa's E skill allows Kai'Sa to adjust her position immediately after being locked. Teammates covering in time may instead make Wei who follows in dangerous."

RNG didn't struggle too much with the last choice, and chose another auxiliary bull head who is suitable for Kai'Sa.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Top Road: Cheng (Lingluo Doll, Gwen)

Jungler: Cuzz (Picheng law enforcement officer, Wei)
Mid lane: Rookie (nine-tailed demon fox, Ahri)

Bot Lane: Deft (Retribution Arrow, Varus)
Support: Beryl (Deep Titan, Nautilus)

Red party RNG:

Hit the Road: Bin (Ocean's Plague, Plank)
Jungler: Wei (Rundown King, Fiego)

Mid lane: Xiaohu (Card Master, Drizzt)
Bottom lane: Gala (Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa)

Support: Ming (Tau Chief, Alistar)

After selecting the lineup, Mr. Kang already smiled.

Ready to go.

He patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder.

"I've already won the BP, it's up to you next."

"Is this a win?"

Lin Cheng turned his head and looked at the coach strangely, and let go of the keyboard and mouse with both hands.

bear stand hand jpg
"How about coaching your Kakao to transfer me [-]? This is for you to have a good time?"

Mr. Kang looked over sharply.

You're looking for faults, kid, aren't you?

The teammates were all laughing and laughing.

With Lin Cheng, the KT team is always full of laughter.

After chatting and laughing for a while, Mr. Kang went to the stage to greet the opposing coach with his head held high.

The game is about to enter loading.

Zeyuan: "Come on! RNG's revenge battle, although I personally think KT's lineup is better, but RNG's lineup is actually very reasonable."

"Don't worry about the captain on the top lane. Both the card and the captain's big moves can keep the development of the bottom lane and the wild area. Trust Gala! This one must be played in the bottom half!"

Miller: "That's right! Believe in Gala! Believe in Binge too! Last time we were able to touch KT's front teeth, this time we can break KT's main castle!"

"come on! RNG! "

"It's time for the All-China class to win the championship, otherwise I really can't hold on"

"Facts have proved that the all-Chinese class has no way out, and is violently killed by KT every year"

"Is it possible: LPL can't beat KT, but can't beat Brother Chengzi? "

"Bring Brother Cheng Zi back next year will be the strongest all-China class"

"I hope that next year RNG will sign Cheng Zige, and by the way, I will get stuck with his contract"

"fart!Brother Chengzi has Chinese nationality?If you have no nationality, you are a Maohuazi! "

"It's not a big problem, I will return his nationality to him when he returns to LPL next year (dog head)"

 Write a few hundred more words every day, the waste is already working hard

  Dong dong dong

  Give you three more

(End of this chapter)

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