This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1924 Captain Lao Tzu's training match is also 1 shot 1

The coaches of both sides left the field after paying tribute to each other, and the audience once again sent support.

In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's Gwen chose the main series Precision: Conqueror, Calmness, Joy, Perseverance, and the sub-categories Resolute: Recovery, Wind of Recovery.

In the game between Gwen and Captain, regardless of the tactics of the two players, under normal circumstances, the captain has an advantage in playing against Gwen before level [-], and after level [-], the situation is reversed when there is a big move.

Lin Cheng's Gwen is used to sprinting with TP+, which also makes it harder for him to beat the captain in the early stage of the lane.

During the loading process of the game, the team members of both sides are still doing the final communication.

Cuzz: "Lin Cheng puts me in blue to cover the lane and push the lane. Don't trade blood in front of you, it's too aggressive."

Lin Cheng: "It's okay, I will develop peacefully with the opponent, and we will find a chance to fight after the sixth level."

Before the start of each match, Lin Cheng will first determine his own line of thinking according to the team's style of play.

The captain and Gwen didn't have the ability to cooperate with their teammates in the early stage. They are typical autistic top laners. It should be impossible for the opposing jungler to take care of the top lane in the early stage of this round. Cuzz also needs to drive blue to cover Verus to push the line.

Therefore, Lin Cheng decided to deal with the pawn line as much as possible in the early stage without ignition to avoid excessive collision with the captain before level [-].

Stagger the time when Gwen is most difficult to fight the captain, and it will be easy to fight later.

Of course, how to stagger is actually a test of skill, after all, it's not that if you don't want to fight the opponent, you won't fight with you.

The two sides started peacefully and directly entered the laning stage.

As soon as they met each other on the road, the captain took out his pistol and gave Gwen a gunfire negotiation.

Abin obviously came with anger.

The last time you beat me with the captain?

Captain Lao Tzu's training match is also one shot at a time!
Seeing that the captain had learned Q at the first level, Lin Cheng immediately decided on how to deal with the laning.

Gwen decisively imitated Q and began to cut soldiers.

Although the captain who learns Q at the first level has a strong consumption ability by virtue of the length of his hands, the captain who has learned Q cannot compete with Gwen.

The fire knife's passive is consumed by replenishing soldiers, and Abin's captain can only keep A soldiers beside him, and wait for the next Q to cool down before consuming them.

Gwen was about to stack up to four layers of sharp knives and cut randomly, and the captain on the flank quickly stood back.

Lin Cheng was not in a hurry to hand in the Q, and forced the captain to continue with the A pawn.

Abin twisted twice behind, and the speed of processing the pawn line seemed to have fallen behind.

Finally, he stepped forward and tried to trick Gwen's Q.

Lin Cheng decisively handed in the Q.

The quick knife scissors cuts the soldiers full of damage.

On the contrary, Abin was very careful, and only got a real injury for a while when he retreated in time, then he turned around and Q Gwen again.

Lin Cheng didn't care about being consumed.

Going out with Doran's Shield + Wind of Resurgence has a strong recovery, and it doesn't matter if you get Q twice by the captain. It doesn't matter if the minion's HP is lowered, and at the same time rubbing against the captain Lin Cheng has achieved the goal.

The game between the two sides on the road is very frequent, and their respective goals are clear.

As soon as the director's camera came up, he aimed at the bottom lane first, and when the camera turned to the top lane, Lin Cheng's Gwen had been consumed to nearly half health.

And the captain was almost full of blood.

Miller: "Abin's matchup is good! The blood volume advantage is obvious, it's really good!"

Zeyuan: "Is this the captain that Brother Bin has trained so hard recently? It looks like something is wrong. The people who were beaten up by the director in the previous broadcast are all opposite Brother Chengzi."

As soon as the words fell, the captain asked Gwen to force a basic attack.

The captain hit the fire knife damage, turned and retreated.

But Gwen was more skilled, stuck in the position and chased two steps ahead, followed by a basic attack.

The fast knives cut and piled up, and the scissors in Gwen's hand frantically strangled.

A series of white numbers jumped out, and the captain's blood volume was immediately suppressed to about [-]%.

Abin turned his head, and another round of gunfire was fired and the negotiations were not extinguished.

Gwen's blood volume is only about one-third.

Miller: "Another indestructible one! Bingo's consumption is not bad in this wave."

Zeyuan: "But it hurts a bit to be cut by Gwen with a four-layer Q, and Abin is almost out of mana, and I have already taken a sip of the corruption potion."

Miller: "I still want to suppress people too much. If the captain wants to suppress at the first level, he must keep Q and use mana to suppress the opponent's state."

Lin Cheng also drank the blood bottle.

It wasn't that he was afraid of being killed by the captain alone, but that his blood volume was too low to attract Foyego's attention.

Although the captain is not good at cooperating with the jungler in the early stage, it doesn't make sense for him to dangle around with residual blood on the line.

After taking the medicine, Lin Cheng still didn't retreat a single step.

The second wave of soldiers has arrived, negotiating against the captain's another gunfire and Gwen continues to grab the line.

Abin's style of play was very greedy, and he refused to retreat when he saw Lin Cheng took the second place.

Gwen stacked four layers of Q in advance, and the direct QE was almost full of real injuries.

The captain's Q skill is invincible with a backhand, so retreat quickly.

After these two waves of blood changes, Lin Cheng's Gwen state has formed a counterpressure.

The captain is only one level.

Abin quickly took another sip of the corruption potion.

But there is no doubt that in this matchup, Gwen began to take the initiative.

Miller: "Ouch! I felt like I still had an advantage just now, but Gwen's two Qs immediately reversed!"

Zeyuan: "The key to Gwen is that Dolan Dun goes out. He should have ordered the wind of recovery in his secondary department. Binge still has a sip of medicine, which is actually a bit too much to use up."

Miller: "The key is that there are too many replacements in this way, and the time for the captain to return home in the first wave will be difficult to grasp, and Abin has already started to miss the knife."

After rushing to beat the captain back, Lin Cheng quickly pushed the line into the tower, and took advantage of the situation to set an eye on the river.

You don't need to put it too far, just put it at the river mouth under the triangle grass on the opposite side, as long as it is guaranteed that Foyego can't go around from behind, he can't be in danger.

In the first two waves, Lin Cheng established the advantage of pushing the line, and the situation in the middle and lower lanes was similar.

Rookie Fox in the middle is pushing Xiaohu's line.

Bottom road Verus is pushing Kai'Sa's line.

Serena's Fiego can't have too many ideas, and can only bury his head in the wild to seek development.

After suffering losses in the first two levels, Abin no longer tried to consume frequently, and was continuously pushed into the tower by Gwen and focused on making up the knife.

And this is what Lin Cheng is happy to see.

At about 3 minutes and 20 seconds, Lin Cheng retreated back to the city immediately after dealing with the fourth wave of soldiers.

At this point in time, the river crab had just been refreshed, and there was a high probability that Foyego would be nearby, so Lin Cheng didn't continue to hang around in front of the opposite tower with half blood on his face.

Going back to the city to replenish the Dolan Ring + Green Bottle and True Eye, just in time to see Foyego showing up in the middle to help the card deal with the pawn line, Lin Cheng decisively TPed back to the line.

Lin Cheng grabbed a wave of time to return to the city just now, and Abin's captain couldn't return to the city immediately after the tower was offline.

Because the money is not enough to shine!
Captain players all know how uncomfortable it is to go home if you can't buy Yaoguang in the first wave.

Abin can only continue to come out to deal with the fifth wave of troops.

But when Lin Cheng handed over the T, he didn't give the opponent a chance to deal with the pawn line at all, and went up to drive the captain away.

Abin had to retreat under the tower and return to the city.

Fortunately, after eating three more melee soldiers, the money is almost enough to shine.

But still a little.

Abin stood in the blood spring and waited for the money.

Zeyuan: "It should be that the money is almost enough to shine. This is so uncomfortable! The pawn line was not handled well just now, and the captain will have to lose experience when he goes back."

Miller: "It's okay if the first wave can shine! It can only be said that Brother Orange handled the first two levels very well. After Dolan Shield + Wind of Recovery resisted the captain's consumption, in turn, it turned Brother Bin's return journey The time jam is unbearable."

"I was fined to stop in Bengbu within 4 minutes of the game!" "

"What penalty stand?This is called waiting for wages (dog head)"

"Isn't the captain playing Gwen's early advantage?Why are you sweating profusely? "

"Don't be embarrassing!Wait for the light to come out and beat Gwen"

"Captain Yaoguang hits Gwen casually during this time, Brother Bin is going to be under pressure" (end of this chapter)

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