This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1925 The Imperial Army leads the way!Dislocation of father-son relationship

Generally speaking, at the stage before the captain has Yaoguang to level six, the pressure on Gwen is the greatest.

If Gwen brought the captain of the ignition, it might not be easy to suppress, but it is really difficult for Gwen without ignition to find the captain to exchange blood during this period.

Once Lin Cheng is overwhelmed by the opponent's experience at this point, let Abin find a chance to stock up on the line and enter the tower, maybe the card in the middle lane will rise to six in advance and the first big move will support the road.

Theoretically it is.

The commentator obviously also knows that it is an advantage for the captain to play Gwen when he shines, so Miller will feel that it is okay to go on the road and match up.

However, Lin Cheng's laning preparation in the early stage of this round has perfectly resolved this problem.

Under normal laning conditions, the solo lane hero will be upgraded to level [-] at the sixth wave of pawns.

Abin returned to the city and waited a few seconds for his salary to make up for Yaoguang. The sixth wave of artillerymen on the road had arrived.

Although the captain just dealt with half of the fifth wave of pawns to form a pushback line for the blue side, Lin Cheng's choice was not to intentionally control the line to let the opponent lose more experience.

He chose to quickly deal with the fifth wave of pawns, and then slowly push the tail knife.

The result of this is that just after Abin TP returned to the line, he leaned over and took a look and found that Gwen was already level five.

The line card of the cannon cart is in the middle, and Lin Cheng deliberately held the four-layer Q to press forward to prevent the opponent from taking the line.

The pushback line can't fight for blood!

What's more, the captain is only level [-], and Abin didn't even dare to come up and Q to consume it.

In this way, in theory, Captain Bu Yaoguang's first wave of strong Abin did not dare to fight.

You know, the cannon car line can be stuck for a long time.

The seventh wave of minions meet again in the middle of the top lane.

At this time, Lin Cheng chose to quickly deal with the pawns, and then sent the pawn line into the tower.

Taking advantage of the huge wave of soldiers under the captain's tower, Lin Cheng retreated to the back and returned to the city again.

Without TP, it is impossible for the captain to find a chance to return to the city.

Lin Cheng used his handling of the pawn line 5 minutes ago to gain an extra advantage of going home.

Abin dealt with the large wave of soldiers under the tower, and the eighth wave of small soldiers came again.

But it is obviously impossible for him to push the pawn line back to the KT tower before Gwen returns to the line.

The captain can only try to control the line and push slowly.

Under normal circumstances, the single-player line will be upgraded to level [-] in the ninth wave of artillery.

Lin Cheng made up a booster book and just followed the ninth wave of soldiers back to the line.

At this time, the line of soldiers on the road just pushed back.

That is to say, if Lin Cheng is willing, he only needs to take the safety line of pushing back to be able to smoothly upgrade to level six.

And during the period from the captain's shining light to level six, he didn't even need to collide with his opponent at all.

It can be said that Lin Cheng's handling of the pawn line in the early stage of this round was almost perfect.

However, in this wave of slow pushes, the number of red side soldiers is not large, and Lin Cheng is not afraid of exchanging blood with the opponent, so he directly goes up to clear the line.

At this time, Abin can't retreat, and must deal with the line under the opponent's tower.

Both sides exchanged some blood volume.

However, because of the experience of losing several soldiers in the wave of Abin and Yaoguang, Gwen happened to be promoted to level [-] when the captain was promoted to level [-].

The line of soldiers was closer to the blue side, Lin Cheng glanced at the map.

At this time, I don't know the location of Foyego, but Lin Cheng no longer intends to hold back.

"Old Song, take a look at Drizzt!"

The captain gave the body position, Lin Cheng explained to Rookie, Gwen directly shot the needles, and at the same time, the full layer of QE was cut up.

Abin put a defensive barrel behind him in advance.

Seeing that Gwen was coming up, the captain hurriedly slowed down Gwen with barrels and ate oranges to undo his own deceleration, turned around and wanted to run.

But Lin Cheng had already refreshed the second R with a close-up basic attack, and hit the face again with the pin shower in the second.

Originally, the two sides had exchanged blood just now, and after Gwen's two big moves, the captain has only less than one-third of his blood volume.

The captain flashed backwards, and immediately turned around to slow down Gwen.

Lin Cheng turned his head and gave the little soldier a new big move, turning his body and pressing forward against the artillery fire.

Abin moved wildly, trying to twist the last five needles in Gwen's hand.

However, Lin Cheng didn't give him a chance.

Sprinting Gwen's clinginess is too strong.

This version of Gwen's E skill can return 60% of the CD for the first attack after the basic attack, but it will be better after two steps of intermittent sprinting.

The captain was still moving in snakeskin, Gwen chased outside the tower with the E skill to get close, A twice and directly cut with the Q skill.

The white numbers jumped wildly.

The captain died instantly.

"First Blood!"

Miss Gwen celebrated her victory with three big moves.

The azure skirt fluttered, and the graceful figure swayed in the wind.

"Single kill! Huh? It's too sudden!"

Zeyuan tried his best to make his voice appear sad: "Abin, Flash is slow in making friends! Flash did not avoid Gwen's second-stage R, and Gwen's sprint position can no longer be opened."

Miller: "Ouch~~~ This is Gwen! This wave of level six is ​​too strong!"

Zeyuan: "Actually, it's mainly because Brother Orange handled the pawn line too well in the early stage. In the early stage, Gwen has always been pushing the line to take the initiative."

"In this way, Brother Cheng went home one more time, and the wave of troops that allowed both sides to upgrade to level [-] happened to be close to KT's defense tower. This position is too dangerous for the captain."

Miller: "It's a bit uncomfortable! Originally, I thought the first wave of rhythm would break out in the second half. It would have been an advantage for us to have an extra captain's big move support."

"As a result, the captain was single-killed, and he turned in a flash of death and used his ultimate move, so he won't be able to support the second half later."

The barrage is lively.

"Fuck!Bin!Can this be killed alone? "

"I can't hold back anymore!This is the Earthfire boy? "

"What about the one who just said that the captain will be under pressure when he shines?"come out! "

"Even his last big move was used to celebrate!The effect of the program is full"

"This one-shot kill is too easy, once you sprint, throw all the skills and kill immediately"

"Gwen Dog is like this, it's just heroic strength"

"If you have the ability, play Gwen for Bingo next time!" "

"A group of cloud dogs, brother Chengzi, Gwen's thinking is top-notch, it's not a matter of operation at all"

At the scene, KT fans burst into cheers.

Although it was just a game that had nothing to do with the situation, Lin Chengyi's performance had reason to make fans continue to look forward to the next knockout round.

This time in Busan KT, the whole team really encountered a lot of difficulties. In the previous games, they stumbled and won many games. In fact, the fans are also worried.

Especially Lin Cheng also made many mistakes.

The last time they faced RNG, they almost lost. Amidst all kinds of threatening remarks, KT seemed to be unable to defeat the adjusted RNG.

Inexplicably, there have been a lot of people who have full confidence in RNG recently on the Korean Internet forum.

Tanza turned into the imperial army leading the way, and each of them became a ten-year-old fan of RNG.

That's right!Things are so magical.

No one expected that RNG, the son of SKT, would one day be placed with high hopes.

It belongs to the misalignment of the father-son relationship! (end of this chapter)

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