This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1932 1 To the outside world?Holy gun brother helps Abin special training

Chapter 1932 Consistent with the outside world?Holy gun brother helps Abin special training
In the bathroom, the sound of water dripping.

The water line under the shower is constantly washing.

Chi Shengxi's thin knee-length skirt became transparent, and the white corset supported the towering beauty quietly and independently, and the flat belly line was clear and attractive.

The water flows from top to bottom, rushing along the uneven curves, and then slides down the wet flesh-colored stockings on her legs towards the floor.

The stockings darkened and became almost completely transparent, but they didn't seem to lose their hazy beauty.

A word suddenly flashed in Lin Cheng's mind.

Wet body temptation!

It's just too astringent.

He hugged Sister Sheng Xi tightly.

Because Lin Cheng was restless, Chi Shengxi tried to stand on tiptoe with his delicate feet wrapped in stockings, his legs stretched tightly and he stood in a slightly inward figure.

Just quietly feeling the beautiful curves of Sister Sheng Xi, Lin Cheng was already about to explode.

Chi Shengxi blushed and lowered his head not to look at him.

Being hugged tightly by Lin Cheng, feeling his breath, coupled with the softness of the water flowing over his skin, Chi Shengxi couldn't describe how he felt at this moment.

In this way, it seems to be nothing, right?

But, it's not right either!
A little tangled, Chi Shengxi felt that he had violated workplace etiquette.

But she was not very resistant to Lin Cheng's intimacy.

What is this?immoral...
Not right either!How could it have reached that point?Even if something happened between her and Lin Cheng, it wouldn't have anything to do with that word.

It's called a violation of the employee code.

Inexplicably, Chi Shengxi's thoughts diverged a little.

Lin Cheng also obeyed the rules and did not try to do anything more excessive.

But God is sorry, such a looming scene is already exciting enough.

His arms are very strong.

Just the comfort of skin-to-skin contact, Lin Cheng's mind seemed to surge out of dopamine crazily.

Heavy breathing.

He felt that sister Sheng Xi's breathing was also a little short.

The arms wrapped around her waist were lowered, and the two petals were quietly grasped with both hands.

It feels explosive.

Lin Cheng was very hard, as if he wanted to press her into his soul.

They all seemed to be trembling just through the tight rubbing of their pantyhose.

after a long time.

Chi Shengxi tensed up again.

Lin Cheng felt it.

She was twitching slightly, one after another.

The feeling is so clear that even Lin Xiaocheng is jumping for joy.

"Sister Shengxi!"

Chi Shengxi raised his head subconsciously.

Her face was flushed, and there was a mist in her eyes.

Lin Cheng lowered his head and covered her lips.

This was the first time he kissed Sister Sheng Xi in a real sense. At the moment when the dopamine exploded, the taste was already indescribable.


Almost at the same moment, she trembled even more.

It was a blast.

Lin Cheng also trembled.

The water flowed gently across the skin, mixed with an indescribable taste, and Chi Shengxi was a little confused.

But she still bit her lip hard to prevent Lin Cheng from intruding.

Unlike Jung Si Yeon.

Zheng Shiyan didn't cooperate with Lin Cheng just because of his cold personality, while Ji Shengxi was more because of external reasons.

She can't take the initiative to cooperate with Lin Cheng to do something rude.

Lin Cheng finally let go of Chi Shengxi.

Her eyes were very seductive, she raised her eyes to meet Lin Cheng's gaze, immediately pursed her lips and turned her head away.

"Just this time, don't dare to be so impolite..."

"My sister will beat me up, right?"

Lin Cheng had learned to answer quickly, and Chi Shengxi was so angry that he raised his knee and gave him a smile.

Lin Cheng easily grabbed her leg.

The feeling of wet stockings is another kind of beauty. Originally, her skirt became transparent because of being soaked, but now Lin Cheng's thigh was copied in his hands, and her posture was extremely shameful.

"Ah! Let go."

"No! Is my sister tired? I'll help you lie down."

Chi Shengxi leaned against the bathtub, a beautiful foot in stockings was lifted by Lin Cheng, the drenched clothes were faintly visible, and the tender red soles of the feet under the transparent stockings were extremely attractive.

Lin Cheng hugged her again.

"Aren't you tired? How come..."

"Don't blame me! Who told you to be so sexy?"

"Oh! Don't use too much force! Don't push the stockings in."

It's one o'clock in the morning.

Lin Cheng walked in the corridor of the hotel with his whole body wet, step by step, like a ghost.

Fortunately, no one else bumped into him. I'm afraid that if they saw Lin Cheng, they would really think that something supernatural happened in the hotel.

"Really! Don't let me dry off before coming out."

As Lin Cheng went back to his room, he couldn't stop complaining.

But he couldn't hide the smugness on the corner of his mouth.

Recalling how Sister Sheng Xi drove him away in shame and anger, Lin Cheng almost laughed out loud.

The wet stockings and the knee-length skirt were stained with a slightly muddy color, reflecting the white belly under the translucent skirt of Sheng Xi, as well as the towering curves and the muddy color between the ravines above.

That scene was just too astringent.

The lady with glasses is usually very dignified and elegant, but the astringent feeling brought by the contrast always makes Lin Cheng unable to control himself.

Returning to the room with pride, Lin Cheng took another shower, put on pajamas and got under the covers.

I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep at all, so I took out my phone and prepared to play again.

He sent a message to Chi Shengxi first, but unfortunately he didn't get a reply.

The glasses girl probably didn't want to talk to him.

With KT's selection of opponents, the schedule for the next knockout round has been announced, and there are not a few people discussing the game on the forum.

The two matches in the semi-finals are quite topical.

EG vs KT
In the matchup between SKT top laner Da Mu and Lin Cheng, except for those who retired and ran fast in the middle, Lin Cheng beat T1's top laner from ancient times to modern times.

Now Oki is the hot panties at the end of the stall!
Although it is a bit unrealistic, they can only pray to the Hall of Valor, and pray for the response of the true god of T1's previous top laners.

Of course, KT fans just laughed at this.


Even if Tanza digs out the top laners of all T1 generations from their graves, Lin Cheng will have to beat them up one by one!
G2 vs RNG
The last time G2 met RNG in an international BO5 was still S8. In the era of Huang Za's rule, G2 sent RNG away in an upset and made waves in Boda, which directly defeated the mighty Huang Za.

It's really unimaginable, if RNG won the S game that year, what kind of arrogance Huang Za would have reached.

They have already lost the championship and surpassed the triple championship. If RNG really wants to reach the top, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Of course, the odds of Europe and the United States winning the two major regions in the semi-finals are very small. Nine out of ten netizens predicted that this MSI final will still be a match between RNG and KT.

But after the previous games, everyone knew that there was a problem with RNG's top laner.

If they do meet in the finals, the probability of being single-pointed by Lin Cheng is not small.

Especially after watching today's game, Abin's captain is really too green.

Not to mention the exquisite fire knife and barrel operation, the camera is beaten every time it is passed, which is too different from the painting style of Lin Cheng's selection of the captain last time.

You must know that the most important feature of the hero captain is that he can attack and defend. In the hands of the old captain, his ability to resist pressure is stronger than that of ordinary tank top laners.

But Abin insisted on playing as a self-destructing top laner, and he couldn't see the ability to resist pressure at all.

In this version, besides Gwen, the captain has the highest priority on the road. Abin only has one Gwen, which will make RNG's BP extremely difficult to do.

But the latest news, Abin returned to the hotel after the match today and started training immediately. It is said that Zhu Kai contacted Holy Gun in advance to help Abin train the captain.

LPL fans are lamenting that the friendship between brother clubs is reliable, although RNG and EDG seem to have no friendship before.

But during the MSI period, it was unanimous to the outside world.

Some people also said it was difficult to stretch.

Brother Holy Gun has to be pumped by Brother Chengzi as a spinning top, is he going to help Abin with special training to make sure it will be effective?

(End of this chapter)

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