This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1933 Birthday present?

Chapter 1933 Birthday present?

To be honest, Lin Cheng was also a little surprised to see the news that Brother Holy Gun helped Abin to train him.

Was it really Zhu Kai who contacted him?
He reasonably suspected that Brother Holy Gun was dissatisfied with him because of his good relationship with the girl.

Maybe it was Brother Holy Gun who recommended himself to help Abin with special training?
Lin Cheng was thinking, should he let Xiaojuan and the others support him after reaching the final?
Send it to Brother Holy Gun to get his mentality?
This seems a bit too much!

When they played against each other last year, the captain wasn't the most popular version. Lin Cheng didn't know what the level of the captain of Saint Gun was, and it was hard to predict whether their special training would be effective.

But if Abin's captain can improve, the pressure on RNG to face KT will indeed be greatly reduced.

It doesn't matter how wonderful his matchup performance is, as long as he resists the pressure on the road, RNG will play much easier.

Because the captain's ability to resist pressure is really strong and exaggerated.

In S9, the captain of Gong Zige played the pressure resistance to the extreme. Every time he played against the peak Theshy tower, he developed a supplement attack, but he was always able to resist the collapse, and he always played a very high proportion of damage.

This kind of top laner is a headache for any offensive player. The unique four-pack two system of FPX that year has a lot to do with Gong Zige's pressure resistance on the road.

Once Lin Cheng was dragged down, the other old men in KT couldn't tell when they would start to get confused.

Watching the sand sculptures on the forum, the netizen lined up for a while, and Lin Cheng sent another message to Chi Shengxi.

Sister Shengxi, watch the sunrise together tomorrow morning!
Chi Shengxi still didn't reply.

Forget it, go to sleep!

Lin Cheng put away the phone, closed his eyes and began to sleep hard.

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep... a hundred sheep, can't sleep!

Depend on!I'm getting more energetic.

Change the number of things.

One big steamed bun, two big steamed buns, three big steamed buns... Well!I really want to eat abalone!
Damn Chi Shengxi, why didn't you reply to my message?

The next day, Chi Shengxi didn't come to call Lin Cheng to watch the sunrise, he slept until ten o'clock in the morning.

Filled with resentment, Lin Cheng made a lot of noise on purpose while drinking milk in the training room.

Chi Shengxi was leisurely sitting beside him playing with his mobile phone, and Lin Cheng annoyed all the idiots first.

"Lin Cheng, keep your voice down! Are you annoying?"

"That's right! Drink milk, don't be so disgusting."

Lin Cheng was very arrogant, with a stalk in his neck.

"I like it! If you don't accept it, come and beat me."

Ah!Never heard of such a request.

All the idiots immediately rushed forward and began to surround and beat Lin Cheng.

"Damn! Don't take off my clothes, sister Sheng Xi help me!"

Lin Cheng was pressed to the floor by a group of people, screaming miserably.

Chi Shengxi snickered next to him, and did not defend him this time.

She heard it, it was Lin Cheng who told others to beat him.

After the fighting and noise subsided, the whole team finally started to prepare for the training match.

There are only two days between the competition and the semi-finals, and tomorrow there will be a promotional video, so there is only one day for the serious training game. KT will play six training games today, and the schedule is very full.

5 month 26 day.

There is no training match scheduled today, so the entire KT team went to shoot a promotional video for the semifinals.

In the evening, everyone trained freely in the training room.

Lin Cheng played two ranks, and then opened Youtube to watch videos to pass the time.

Chi Shengxi came back with a midnight snack. A group of people ranked first, Yuanshen Yuanshen, and Chi Shengxi simply distributed fried chicken and rice cakes to their seats one by one.

"You guys obviously don't play games, and you don't want to come over and help your sister."

Complaining, Chi Shengxi still didn't forget Lin Cheng's share in the end, and personally stuffed a piece of fried chicken into Lin Cheng's mouth.

Lin Cheng took down the fried chicken and smiled, "I'm busy watching the video."

Chi Shengxi glanced at it, and there was a support video made for Xiaomin by Sleepy.

"Hey! It's Xiao Minxi's birthday soon?"

"That's right! I just found out after watching the video."

Lin Cheng muttered and complained in a low voice, "Zhiyan didn't tell me in advance, Xiaomin will come to Busan after two days when she gets angry, and I didn't even prepare a gift."

May 5th is Hyomin's birthday, which is the day after the MSI finals.

In a hurry, Lin Cheng began to plan to prepare a birthday present for Xiaomin.

But what should I give?
It doesn't seem appropriate to give jewelry, and it doesn't feel sincere to give cosmetics. Why don't you give wine?

Anyway, this alcoholic sister has a big addiction.

But after all, drinking too much alcohol would hurt his health, and Lin Cheng thought it might be better to give him a golf club membership card.

Anyway, Hyomin seems to be posting a lot on INS at the golf course recently.

But he wasn't sure if the alcoholic sister was just following the trend and punching cards, or if she really liked playing golf.

After much deliberation, Lin Cheng was a little uncertain about paying attention.

"Sister Shengxi, tell me, what should I give to Xiao Minnu?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes, "How do I know? I'm not her."

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "Tell me! If it's what you like? I won't know what to give you until Sister Shengxi's birthday."

Chi Shengxi smiled, noncommittal.

Lin Cheng looked around treacherously, then lowered his voice and said, "How about... I'll give you a set of cosplay costumes for the headmistress in black silk?"

Chi Shengxi rolled his eyes at him, "Fuck you, don't make fun of my sister."

Lin Cheng pouted.

As expected, she came here from a big KT company, and her psychological quality is very good. She seems to have completely forgotten the shameful scene of being lifted up by Lin Cheng in a jiojio the night before yesterday, wearing a soaked skirt and stockings.

While eating fried chicken, Lin Cheng opened KT's Youtube homepage.

In fact, he doesn't watch many videos released by the club. Recently, he watched some daily Vlogs of his team and found them to be quite interesting, and he also received a lot of likes from fans.

Of course, the KT team's daily offensives and intrigues often occur.

In one clip, Lin Cheng was spending time with Mr. Dai, his brother, and Chi Shengxi in a coffee shop.

There were two very cute red pandas in the coffee shop. Lin Cheng fed them with carrots, and the brown-patterned red panda ate the carrots with great relish.

Then Lin Cheng handed it another piece of bread.

The little panda accepted all the orders, ate the bread attentively, and let Lin Cheng stroke its back.

Mr. Dai was so cute that he even wanted to touch the little panda.

But the little guy was not happy anymore, he stood up on his hind legs, and opened his paws to prevent Mr. Dai from touching him.

Mr. Dai took an apple to coax it.

The little panda didn't eat the apple either, and ran away with the bread that Lin Cheng gave it.

"Wow! It's too much, the store manager clearly said that it likes to eat apples."

Old Dai complained sadly.

Lin Cheng gloated, "It seems that our e-sports succubus Kim Hek-kyu also has times when he is not popular."

Rascal: "After all, animals can't talk, and if they can't communicate, there's nothing they can do."

Chi Shengxi also chimed in outside the camera: "That's right! He Gui is a very nice person. If animals can understand the words, they will definitely like him."

Seeing that Sister Sheng Xi was also helping Lao Dai, Lin Cheng felt a little sour, and pointed to the little panda who ran to the side to eat bread.

"Facts have proved that Brother Cheng is the charmer of KT, and even small animals like me."

Mr. Dai said: "Although most people like pork belly, there are always people who like pigs in the water, and small animals are the same."

"Wow! Kim Hyuk Kyu, you are too much, who is the pig?"

"Where is it too much? I'm just making an analogy."

"You're obviously acting weird."

"No! You think too much."

"You have it."

Lin Cheng began to attack: "The unpopular Gaoyang peaches are not even interested in passing civet cats!"

"Shut up! You big sweet potato!"

Lin Cheng had a rare quarrel with Mr. Dai.

The adjectives of the two are very interesting, and various interesting attributives are added to the complaints.

Then, Lin Cheng was suddenly muted in the rear camera.

Only Mr. Dai's complaints remained.

"Lin Cheng, you rotten carrot, watermelon and banana!"

"A lazy dog ​​who sleeps until the sun basks in his butt every day, Sister Sheng Xi also said that you snatched milk powder from the councilor and Ju Ya."

On the screen, Lin Cheng opened and closed his mouth, but there was no sound.

And Mr. Dai's crazy output.

screen everything.

Mr. Dai secretly found Chi Shengxi, "Sister Shengxi, find a chance to help me cut the scene of the quarrel just now, so that I can win the quarrel, okay?"

"But it's a bit embarrassing for my sister."

Outside the camera, Chi Shengxi's voice hesitated.

Mr. Dai raised his index finger and begged, "Just once! I just want to win once! Let me win once, please!"

"Got it! My sister will help you."

The barrage couldn't hold back anymore.

"Hahaha!A good fight is worse than a good cut, Deft knows who is the key"

"He acted like a baby to Sister Shengxi"

"Brother Orange Miscalculated!Forgot to establish a good relationship with the operating lady in advance"

"Chief: Didn't expect that?"Listen to me in post-editing"

"A Group of Childish Ghosts, 233333"

"Brother Cheng is such a bully!I quarreled with Brother Yuanshen before, and I will quarrel with the pilot"

"His position in the team is won by quarrels (dog head)"

"Can Korean Cafes Raise Red Pandas?Isn't this protecting animals? "

"In China, animals are protected, but in Korea, it seems that you can raise them with a license? "

"Wow!!! Sister Sheng Xi, you are too much."

Finding himself quarreling in the video and being muted, Lin Cheng turned his head to look at Chi Shengxi full of resentment.

Chi Shengxi suppressed a smile, and slowly spread mustard on the fried chicken in his hand.

"It's rare for He Gui to beg me once! You guys quarrel with your teammates every day, and you should lose once."

Lin Cheng stood up and gave Mr. Dai a sharp dead eye on the other side.

It's a pity that Mr. Dai was playing games seriously with his headphones on, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Lin Cheng, who originally wanted to criticize, shrugged helplessly. He couldn't find a place to vent his anger, so he sat down and grabbed the fried chicken from Chi Shengxi's hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

As soon as he took a bite, his expression froze.

The features on his face were crowded together.

“Fried chicken is poisonous!”

(End of this chapter)

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