This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1934 Xiaomin is here

After supper, Lin Cheng felt nothing interesting when Sheng Xi left. He was bored watching Beryl hit Yuanshen for a while and then went back to his room.

Shrunk to the bed, he sent a message to his sisters in the group.

Tomorrow is the semi-final, when will you come to Busan? (expect)

Ji Yeon quickly replied: Smelly brother!Do you miss your sister? (happy)
Lin Cheng: A little bit.

Jiyeon: Only a little bit? (Pouting)
Lin Cheng: Now there are a little more.

Jiyeon: (opens mouth and laughs)
Enjing: Ah!You two are enough!Don't get bored in front of your sisters! ! !

Hyomin: (sneering)

Juli: (diving)

Seeing the sisters come out to express their dissatisfaction in an instant, Zhiyan sent a series of laughing emojis.

Lin Cheng: Speaking of business, when will you come?I'll book a hotel for you.

Jiyeon: (touching her head) My sister will be recording a radio show one day later, but Hyomin Unnie will be here tomorrow!You have to take good care of her.

Lin Cheng: Where are Ju Li and En Jing?
Enjing: (angry) You have to call me sister!Don't call her by name directly, it's just as impolite as Ji Yeon.

Juli: (laughing)

Seeing the expression on his sister-in-law, Lin Cheng curled his lips.

stop laughing?
Someone almost cried and called me last time... Hehehe!
While coquettishly thinking about the indescribable scene with Ju Li, Lin Cheng quickly replied with his fingers.

Lin Cheng: Alright!When will the two sisters arrive?

Eunjung: Hyomin starts first, we will go with Jiyeon.

Lin Cheng: (OK) Then I will treat Xiaomin Nuna well.

Hyomin: I am from Busan, who will entertain whom? (dead fisheye)
Lin Cheng: It's all the same... Zhiyan and you are only one day late, so I'll book the hotel first?
Jiyeon: OK!My sister wants to live in a sea view room.

Lin Cheng: Leave it to me!Sisters, do you have any other requests?
Ju Li: The room should have a balcony!
Hyomin: There must be a big bathtub.

Enjing: I still want a servant, okay? (grimace)
Lin Cheng:······

Curie: Are the servants on call? (funny)
Hyomin: It's the kind of bullshit in front of you!

Enjing: The best surname is Lin (insidious)

Zhiyan: The name should be called Lin Cheng, right? (laughing out loud)
Lin Cheng: I'm ignoring you (circle with your back)
A few sisters were chatting and frolicking in the group, and Lin Cheng checked the hotel on his phone.

First of all, the sisters' requirements for the room should be taken into consideration...except for that weird request from Brother Jing.

Secondly, Lin Cheng prefers suites with swimming pools.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to see the sisters' swimsuit show! (cross out this paragraph)
This will help the sisters maintain a healthy body. After all, swimming is the most scientific and comprehensive fat loss exercise.

May 5, the first match day of the semi-finals.

After not exercising for a long time, Lin Cheng got up at [-] o'clock in the morning and went to the hotel's gym to sweat.

At 11:30 in the morning, he reconciled with Xiaomin.

Xiao Min came to Busan by car, she opened the car window to reveal her face wearing sunglasses, which stunned Lin Cheng for a moment.

"Hiaomin is angry? You came here by car?"

"Ang! I set off from Seoul at six o'clock today."

"Really! Why do you suffer this crime?"

Lin Cheng muttered, went around to the co-pilot, opened the door and sat in.

"what happened?"

Seeing Lin Cheng staring at her, Xiao Min lowered his head and pulled off his sunglasses.

"It's nothing, today is beautiful."

Xiao Min looked very happy, brushed her long hair and put on her sunglasses again, "Let's go! Send me the address of the hotel."


Lin Cheng is not being polite, Xiao Min is wearing a light gray short-sleeved high-waisted T-shirt today, and the T-shirt tightly wraps around the bust, which undoubtedly highlights the size of her breasts.

The hem of the T-shirt just covered the belly button, revealing a shallow and slender waist. The white belly and delicate belly button were particularly eye-catching.

The lower body is a pair of skinny jeans, the waistband hides the slender waist, and the well-proportioned long legs are tightly wrapped by the jeans, which looks neat and eye-catching.

She is in really good shape.

Of course, these sisters from idols are all in good shape.

Lin Chengding's hotel has been carefully selected. It is located on the edge of Swallow Island, with Haidong Longgong Temple to the south and a golf course to the north. The natural environment is very beautiful.

"Wow! The room is so big?"

Entering the room, Hyomin was a little surprised.

The decoration style of the living room is simple and bright, and the area is large. In addition to two bedrooms that can see the sea view through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the balcony outside the living room is a sizable sky swimming pool.

"How is it? Isn't it nice here? Zhiyan and the others will definitely like it."

Xiao Min walked around the room and patted Lin Cheng on the shoulder with a smile, "How much did it cost? My sister will reimburse you."

"Why are you being polite to me? Not much."

"Let's talk! Don't worry about my sister's financial situation. Living in this kind of hotel occasionally is not too stressful for my sister."

Lin Cheng curled his lips, "All right, all right! I know my sisters are all rich about you take me into custody?"

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Min laughed until her eyes were fascinated, "Is your body able to handle it? Four sisters! Be careful to squeeze you dry."

Lin Cheng smiled without saying a word.

joke!Sometimes more people really don't mean an advantage.

For example, he can easily deal with Zhiyan's stupidity, and his sister-in-law is also sensitive to the system where Lin Cheng surrenders as soon as he charges.

That's it?

When Lin Cheng bullied his two older sisters, he felt an invincible loneliness.

"What's your expression?"

Xiao Min raised her hand to poke his chest, and gave him a charming look, "Tonight, I will go to bed first, and when my sister is satisfied, I will give you more maintenance money."

"Okay! Sister, don't beg for mercy..."

Halfway through the joke, Lin Cheng felt something was wrong.

He rolled his eyes on the spot, "What do you mean by giving you think it's prostitution?"

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Min has a very good personality, compared to the old aunt who was indifferent to answers, she has always been closer to Lin Cheng.

Except for occasional convulsions, generally speaking, Yujie is full of style.

The two had lunch at the hotel, Lin Cheng bid farewell to Xiaomin and prepared to meet up with his teammates.

"Are you really going to watch the game this afternoon? Shouldn't you be visiting relatives and friends when you go back to Busan?"

Busan is Xiaomin's hometown, and Lin Cheng thought that she came to Busan earlier because she had a lot of personal affairs to deal with.

Xiaomin smiled indifferently, "Why do you think I'm going back to Busan to see relatives and friends? There are only two or three elders who need to visit, and it won't take long."

"Okay! I'll ask Sister Shengxi to greet you this afternoon. Do you know Sister Shengxi? It's the sister who greeted you when I went to watch my game last time."

"of course I know."

Xiao Min was a little unhappy, "Do you really think my sisters are old people? Don't you have any memory? I'm not Guileoni."

"Hmph! If you speak ill of Juli Nuna, I will sue her."

"Go and sue, what kind of secret is this, and you want to threaten me?"

"Isn't that a secret?"

Lin Cheng squeezed his eyes, "Tell me, sister has any secrets that I can blackmail."


Xiao Min glanced at him, but didn't speak.

"Really? Tell me?"

"you guess!"

"Who is it related to? Juli Nuna?"

"With you!"

"With me?"

Lin Cheng was shocked, "Did you also use my toothbrush to clean the washstand?"

"Guess again."

"I can't guess."

"Guess again!"

Xiao Min smiled a little strangely, "If you guess correctly, you can threaten my sister."

"You... don't you just use my toothbrush to clean the toilet?"

"Guess again."

"I can't guess."

Seeing Lin Cheng's frowning expression, Xiao Min smiled smugly.

"Sister won't tell, you'll never guess." (End of this chapter)

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