This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1938 Pre-Match Interlude

The blue side KT decided to lock the captain, and the fans cheered again.

That's home field advantage.

Last time after Lin Cheng beat RNG, he personally said that the captain was not particularly good at beating Gwen, but this time he faced Gwen with the captain in the back, obviously really confident.

On the third floor of the blue square, Xia is locked with the captain. Facing the impact of Nightmare + Gwen, Mr. Dai needs sufficient self-protection ability.

The hero Xia's unique skill mechanism is destined to be suitable for the arena environment. Even if the armor-piercing Xia has been cut to the point where she cannot play, there is still the traditional crit Xia.

The third floor of the red square EG sacrificed Galio.

"Galio! Jojo also wants to invite God, right?"

Zeyuan's tone was inexplicable, "Cold knowledge: Someone has never lost an MSI Galio."

Wanwan answered: "But it's just that RNG didn't have a chance to pick Galio in the face of KT. I think it's not easy to win even if Xiaohu got Galio in the last situation. Abin was completely beaten by Brother Chengzi... ·”

Ze Yuan suddenly said: "Hold grudges, right? I didn't mention RNG either?"


Wanwan was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you talking about Xiaohu? This time Xiaohu won even Galio in MSI."

Ze Yuan suppressed a smile, "We seem to have different understandings of asking God. I'm talking about Faker. Faker has never lost to Galio in the MSI competitions that Faker has participated in throughout his career."

"Oh...but it's about the same!"

Wanwan changed the subject: "No matter who Jojo invites God to invite, I don't think it's useless to invite Faker's Galio himself."

The barrage exploded.

"The Colonel's heart can be punished, so he just fished hard, right? "

"Grudges, right? 23333》

"I can see that the two commentators on stage are against the RNG faction"

"Faker didn't use Galio in MSI, did he?too astringent

"I haven't used it, so I haven't lost (funny)"

"Definitely!A straight hook for fishing, and a large-scale AOE when it comes up"

"Huangza teamed up with Tanza on the road: Who is Wanwan?" "

"But what she said is the truth, Faker Galio has been crushed several times by Brother Orange"

The second round of BAN people.

The red side pressed Fyego + monkey, blocking the jungler.

The blue side KT is to disable Kai'Sa+EZ.

At the beginning of the selection process, Aphelios is the first to go out from the red side on the fourth floor.

Obviously, EG felt that relying on Gwen's big core alone was not enough, so he got Aphelios for the genius AD as insurance.

Although there are not too many opportunities for big-core ADs in the bottom lane to play, they can also be used when the lineup needs them. Except for Zeli who can't be played for a round because of being weakened in all directions, Aphelios and Jinx are not unusable.

The blue square KT locked Renata+Wei with a backhand.

"Renata! This move is very beautiful! It not only means to replace the ban by grabbing, but also perfectly counters the opponent's charge."

Renata was banned for a period of time after it went online, and the ban was not lifted until the end of the Spring Split. This is the first time that KT has played Renata from the playoffs to MSI.

Because this hero is good at playing backhands, KT rarely puts himself in a defensive position.

In this situation, facing the entry of Nightmare + Galio + Gwen, Renata was naturally remembered.

Although they are not commonly used, it does not mean that they will not be used.

On the fifth floor of the red side, a female tank was added, and the team continued to be strengthened.

Both teams are confirmed.

Blue square KT:

Hit the road: Cheng (Ocean's Plague, Plank)
Jungler: Cuzz (Picheng law enforcement officer, Wei)
Mid Lane: Rookie (Cardmaster, Drizzt)
Bottom lane: Deft (Ni Yu, Xia)

Support: Beryl (Alchemy Baron, Renata)
Red square EG:

Top Road: Impact (Linglo Doll, Gwen)

Jungle: Inspired (Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne)

Mid lane: Jojoyun (Colossus of Justice, Galio)
Bottom lane: Danny (Su of the Crescent Moon, Aphelios)

Support: Vulcan (Dawn Goddess, Leona)
After finishing the BP, Mr. Kang did not forget to tell the team members to concentrate.

Although I was very salty in the waiting room just now, I will be tense when I go on the field.

Beryl: "Play hard! After this hand, my Renata career win rate will break through to 0."

At the end of the spring regular season, I replaced Lin Cheng as the starter. At that time, Beryl used Renata once, but unfortunately lost the game.

Mr. Dai comforted: "It's okay! Lin Cheng's Yasuo has never won at all."

Lin Cheng was upset: "It's none of my business, I never used Yasuo in the game."

Mr. Dai: "Then how about I give you Yasuo in the next round?"

Cuzz: "I choose Bright Moon!"

Rookie: "All four of us choose heroes who can knock into the air."

"Really? Don't you want to lie?"

Lin Cheng immediately leaned forward, turned his head and looked at his teammates on the right, "You guys said that! If you lose, don't blame me."

"Ha ha!"

The teammates suddenly burst into laughter.

"Are you laughing? I, Yasuo, am very strong!"

Teammates did not respond positively.

Knowing that he seemed to be being tricked, Lin Cheng glanced at the coach with a little resentment.

Mr. Kang stood beside him with his hands behind his back. Although he didn't laugh out loud, his face was full of joy.

"Coach, what are you laughing at?"

"I remember happy things."

"Your wife is pregnant?"


Taking a sharp look at Lin Cheng, and not caring about continuing to talk to this guy, Mr. Kang took off his earphones and prepared to greet the opposing coach and leave the field.

The game is about to load, and the camera finally scans slowly over the player seats.

On the big screen, Lin Cheng smiled and nodded towards the camera.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something.

The camera position was about to move away, Lin Cheng beckoned.

"Come here! Come here!"

The picture is a bit nonsensical, but the camera is really obedient and re-focused on him.

Lin Cheng raised his hands towards the camera.

The palms face the front, the ring finger and middle finger are hooked together, the thumb, index finger, and little finger are stretched out, and the thumbs and index fingers are hooked together to form the shape of a crown.

This is a gesture representing sisters.

"Tara go!"

Lin Cheng recently researched the variety shows of his sisters when they debuted. Seeing their youthful looks, he happened to remember the gesture they made on the show.

"Wow! Does he know all this?"

Seeing Lin Cheng's actions on the stage, Xiao Min couldn't help laughing.

In fact, they also compared this gesture when they debuted, and they forgot about it for a while, and Zhiyan even made complaints about it.

Of course, the older sisters would occasionally make this gesture, but they didn't specifically emphasize the meaning to the fans.

The live radio was poor, and the audience couldn't hear what Lin Cheng said clearly. They could only see his cheerful smile and hand gestures on the big screen.

Some spectators followed suit and made similar gestures.

"Cheng! Come on!"

"Director Cheng, rush for me!!!"

"We KT are invincible."

Chi Shengxi also stretched out his hands curiously.

"not like this."

Xiaomin stretched out his hand and demonstrated the standard movements for her.

Chi Shengxi quickly learned the essence of movements, and the gestures he made were even a little more standard than Lin Cheng's.

"Come on, come on! Lin Cheng, come on!"

Seeing Chi Shengxi's happy smile, Xiaomin also gestured to cheer for Lin Cheng.

In fact, this gesture also means I love you.

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