This foreign aid is ridiculously strong

Chapter 1939 This is the captain beating Gwen

Lin Cheng's gesture attracted KT fans to imitate it, and the scene was a bit spectacular.

Viewers online recognized the gesture.

"Isn't this a gesture representing the crown?" TARA GO! "

"Did the boy come to watch the game live?"Why didn't the director give the camera? "

"Brother Chengzi really likes his sisters! "

"I never forget to support my sisters in every international competition, he really makes me cry to death"

"For the sake of brother Cheng's hard work, I forgive him for taking Zhiyan away, as long as the wife leaves it to me"

"is it possible?The wife and other sisters were also taken away together (dog head)"

"rest assured!The four Juicing Ji Chengzi's body is too much for them, even the iron can't bear it"

I don't know how bad the netizen's barrage is. Seeing the face of the fans at the scene, Lin Cheng smiled and waved to the front row.

The game had been loaded, and he became serious in a second, turning his head and staring at his computer screen seriously.

The factory manager picks up the headphones · jpg
In terms of runes, Lin Cheng's captain chose the main line of Resolute: Grasp of Immortality, Explosion, Skeleton Plating, Overgrowth, and the secondary line of Enlightenment: Biscuit Delivery, Time Distortion Tonic.

Gwen and the captain didn't have the ability to cooperate with their teammates in the early stage, and the opposing jungler was still a nightmare who couldn't do anything in the early stage. Lin Cheng simply brought out the blast to press hard against the lane.

Both sides did not design routines at the first level, and entered the laning period peacefully.

Lin Cheng went online ahead of time and went around to the front of the road. Seeing Gwen leading the line of soldiers walking together, the captain went out before the soldiers arrived and just fired a gun to negotiate.

Oki's Gwen obviously had a different way of thinking from Lin Cheng's Gwen against the captain. When he saw the captain's Q, he wanted to run away.

Lin Cheng immediately went up to hit the fire knife, then turned around and pulled.

The big wooden pressure position followed up.

Gwen's attack distance is 25 yards further than the length of the boat, and Lin Cheng will definitely be chased out of Ping A before he pulls away.

Lin Cheng resolutely chose to take the first sip of the corruption potion, turned around and exchanged basic attacks with Gwen before the bone effect disappeared, and then pulled away.

Although when the two sides pulled apart, Gwen used the length of his hands to make an extra A, but the captain waited until the Q skill CD turned around and negotiated with an inextinguishable gun.

Everyone was brittle at the first level, and Gwen lost a lot of blood.

Lin Cheng made a gesture to go up to make up for the soldiers, but Gwen stepped forward to press.

Just in time, the captain turned around early with a feint shot.

Gwen A is less than human.

Got pulled!

Lin Cheng is too proficient in Gwen, he knows how Gwen, who has learned E at the first level, plays.

Gwen, who learned Q at the first level, plays the pawn line, and Gwen, who learns E, is more simple and rough, and he is a strong fighter who fights to the end.

Although Gwen's blood volume is only a little over half now, the advantage of the captain as a hero has never been to fight hand-to-hand with the opponent. If Lin Cheng is Gwen, he will definitely find a chance to use the E skill to continue to live in the conqueror.

So Lin Cheng deliberately took a step forward, just in time to trick Gwen's E skill.

Gwen paid E but didn't touch anyone, and the conqueror broke.

Damu retreated to replenish his troops.

The captain took advantage of the situation and pressed the A soldier to stay alive, and waited until the Q skill CD was fired again.

Gwen is on drugs.

Lin Cheng moved forward and continued to put pressure on the A soldier, and the captain was about to cool down with the passive fire knife.

Because the two sides had previously attracted the hatred of the minions and stretched the line of soldiers, Gwen made up for the top minions and was forced to stand back under pressure.

The line of soldiers was too long, seeing that the opponent didn't give him a chance to shoot with a fire knife, Lin Cheng chose to turn around to make up for the soldiers behind.

Taking advantage of the passive consumption of the captain's last knife, Gwen turned to E and took the opportunity to fill up the third melee soldier with residual blood.

Lin Cheng pressed the position and shot again with the indestructible Q skill.

Gwen still didn't touch anyone.

At this time, the recovery effect of the potion on Gwen's body has disappeared, and Damu's blood volume is about two-thirds.

He seemed to be in good health, but compared to Lin Cheng's captain, who was almost full of blood and had more than half of his mana.

Zeyuan: "Brother Chengzi's blood exchange was very successful! Gwen's blood bottle will start to feel uncomfortable after being knocked off, and the captain only drank a bottle of corruption potion."

Wan Wan: "This is the correct way for the captain to attack Gwen! It is also Doran's Shield + Gwen of Recovery Wind, the effect we saw before the captain leveled off the blue is barely similar, Orange Brother not only suppressed the blood volume, but also did not lose the line right."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Damu's style of play, but Lin Cheng got stuck in the details from the beginning to the end of this wave of blood changes.

Gwen didn't wear the bone coating. In the first wave of confrontation, Lin Cheng deliberately got stuck in the duration of his skeleton and exchanged one more basic attack, and the early drug use also maximized the passive burning effect of the corrupt potion.

It seems that it is a waste to drink medicine when he is in a good state, but in fact Lin Cheng has been keeping up with his opponent, and his Q skill has never been interrupted, so there is no situation of overflowing recovery.

And the more critical thing about this wave is that Damu's second E was tricked out by Lin Cheng, which caused the conqueror not to continue, otherwise Gwen would be eligible to forcibly stand on the line if he continued to conquer the conqueror.

Otherwise, there would be no scene where Damu's third exchange of E was just to make up for the remaining blood soldiers.

Lin Cheng's style of play is actually very intuitive. If you stay immortal and have Q, you can shoot. It doesn't matter if you have the potion in your hand and exchange one or two basic attacks with Gwen, as long as you don't keep A with Gwen.

Because Damu doesn't talk about martial arts, this summoner skill is TP+ignite, and Lin Cheng plays very rigorously.

Probably because of the confidence brought by the ignition, even if the first-level details are slightly flawed, Damu is still fierce in grabbing the line.

Gwen knocked out the potion early, but didn't want to give up the line right.

Anyway, Captain QQ couldn't kill anyone, so Da Mu went crazy with the bullets.

Relying on the hard top of Dolan's Shield + Wind of Recovery, Gwen still grabbed the second level when the second wave of troops arrived.

Generally speaking, if the blood volume is obviously suppressed, even if you grab the second, you shouldn't be fierce.

But in this round, Gwen has the advantage of igniting.

Damu stood up decisively and pressed forward.

Lin Cheng didn't want to retreat directly.

Gwen stacked three layers of Q, and saw that the captain still couldn't kill the Q consumption, so he decisively cut it with QE.

With Gwen's sharp knife cutting and dragging for two steps, Lin Cheng's A Bing wanted to be promoted to second.

Gwen backhanded two cuts and the captain's blood volume was less than half.

In fact, many of Lin Cheng's blood volume were beaten by soldiers when he was a Q player. Dolan Dungewen was indeed resistant to beating, and his blood volume was still about one-third after the consumption was upgraded to two.

Guessing that Captain QQ doesn't have the ability to kill, Gwen, who is grabbing second, is a bit arrogant.

Even wait for the next set of skills, and then you can fight to kill.

But immediately after, the captain was promoted to second class.

Lin Cheng immediately put the bucket in front of him.

Da Mu backhanded to replenish the soldiers first, hesitated for a while, and did not choose to grab the barrel from the captain.

Lin Cheng's general attack lowered the health of the barrel under his feet, and put the second barrel forward to restrict Gwen's movement.

Gwen's position was pressed forward just now. Seeing that the retreat seemed to be unable to get out of the range of the barrels, Damu chose to pull along the tangent of the two barrels to the side of the river.

At this time, the captain pushed forward and put out the third barrel, then turned around and took out his pistol to bombard the barrel behind him.

At the same time as the Q was released, Lin Cheng's captain flashed in front of Gwen and slashed out.

Gwen reacted and hung the ignition with his backhand, wanting to desperately.

Ignition Gwen's stand-up ability is much stronger than the captain's. Immediately, Gwen's E is even better. Ignition + AEA can cut off half of the captain's blood almost instantly.

However, don't think that Captain QQ really didn't break out.

Lin Cheng's Q flash detonated three consecutive barrels to brush out the double fire knives. The first knives that flashed gave Gwen a burning effect, and the second fire knives on the backhand directly calmed the opponent down.

"First Blood!"

Feel sorry!Today is hot and toothache, people are going to collapse

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